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Discotek releases

Guest mike robert

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How did Lucas rip off Jedi? They ripped Lucas off! Are you sure Lucas has watched this movie?

Both MFS and Jedi's endings are extremely similar.

There's also a shot in MFS that's in Empire Strikes Back, as well.

It seems more than mere coincidence in both cases.

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DragonSword- also, Kinji Fukasaku spelled backward... wait for it... that's right, it spells Ukasakuf Ijnik, which is of course the Greedonian way of spelling... George Lucas. Coincidence? I think not!

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I remember this movie came on every summer on WNUV Baltimore Channel 54 when I was a kid. As a fan of Star Wars and martial arts movies, this was fun to watch. I will be getting this...

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Stuntman Jules

The run through the Death Star in Jedi looks almost shot for shot like the "chicken run" through the Gavana's fortress. I would say it's mere coincidence, but I think it's almost certain that George Lucas saw the film. Not only are the two scenes similar, but he is known for being a pretty big fan of Japanese cinema and all.

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Just found out that Discotek finally managed to get the Burning Paradise disc released. Based on this review it sounds like the best available edition. I plan on buying it because A: the movie is awesome and B: this company absolutely deserves our support, if for no other reason than actually giving a damn about the quality of their product - something most of their much bigger competitors can't honestly claim.

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Guest Yi-Long

Damn, too bad it's region-protected. Pretty damn good movie, except that it doesn't really have enough great fights in it. Other than that, it's fantastic.

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Arggh! The eBay link is bad! I think I need this...

And there is a certian irony in the phrase Star Wars rip-off!

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This sounds very sketchy indeed.

I find it hard to believe Toei has ever been informed of this "officially licenced import". With Toei charging huge sums from foreign distributors, this one comes out from nowhere and with no marketing campaign. They call it an import, but the same disc has never been released in any other country (Toei's dvd is different content wise). Discotek's official site has no mention of this "secretly released import"...

I hope this doesn't mean Discotek is slipping with the legal aspects, especially with their recent dvds featuring transfers or extras sourced for French dvds. I hope HK Video knows their Burning Paradise transfer is being distributed in the US, and Studio Canal is aware their exclusive Jailhouse 41 extras are no longer exclusive... Maybe they do. I hope so.

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Discotek's official site has no mention of this "secretly released import

Discotek's site has no mention of a few of their titles or press releases or....

Their site updates tend to be sporadic and haphazard, but they are legit.

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I just recently bought this:

Message From Space(Eastern Star DVD).

I watched most of it, and enjoyed what I saw, but as others have stated in reviews, the English dub track is wanting, as some voices are clear and some are hard to understand. So, I want to watch it all again with the Japanese track and subs.

I also just got, in the mail today,

Sayonara Jupiter(Discotek DVD).

I have not seen this before, yet.

It looks good.

When I bought Message From Space, I also got War In Space.

I bought all these from Discotek's eBay store.

War In Space was pretty good. It had some hokey parts that I think hurt it, like the Chewbacca creature, and the bad guy being green in a Roman uniform.

Overall, the film is played straight, and has some cool effects.

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Arggh! The eBay link is bad! I think I need this...

And there is a certian irony in the phrase Star Wars rip-off!

Well let's say Japanese Star Wars. Saw this in the early 80s dubbed in English. Was fun at the time but don't know if it has dated well.

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Just picked this up, used. I originally had this on VHS back in the day. I have known about this discotek release for several years now but just got around to getting it. It looks pretty decent. The image is just slightly stretched compared to my old vhs print. It was nice watching this again, as I have not seen it many years.

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Drunken Monk

I've always wanted to see this film. I bought the Made in Hong Kong VHS years ago and never got around to watching it. Since I left all my VHS' in the UK when I moved to the US, it remains unwatched to this day.

Now that I've been made aware of the Discotek release, I should have it my grubby clutches within two days (thanks Amazon Prime)!

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The Discotek-release is not anamorphic?

It is anamorphic.

And I always assumed it was the same transfer as HK Video. I've never seen the HK Video disc, but the transfer looks just like a typical HK Video transfer... am I mistaken? Did HK Video do better job than usual?

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