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Star Wars: The Acolyte and It's Wuxia Influences


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Drunken Monk
17 minutes ago, laagi said:

It's saying A LOT if even moderate critics can't take this shit anymore...


This is the guy that just questioned whether any of the Bad Boys movies are actually good so, to me, he's utterly clueless and his opinion doesn't warrant any respect.

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I love how the entire internet can come together to hate somehting. Keep doing the good work lol.

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:bs_shutup: I wish I can be as oppressed as her with her wealthy Danish dad and all. Remember she wanted to make "all white people" cry? Does that include her dad? @laagi you do know anyone that criticizes this show is racist right? so all ya'll critics better check yo' self. :rofl


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7 hours ago, Yihetuan said:

:bs_shutup: I wish I can be as oppressed as her with her wealthy Danish dad and all. Remember she wanted to make "all white people" cry? Does that include her dad? @laagi you do know anyone that criticizes this show is racist right? so all ya'll critics better check yo' self. :rofl



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On 6/21/2024 at 2:29 AM, Yihetuan said:

:bs_shutup: I wish I can be as oppressed as her with her wealthy Danish dad and all. Remember she wanted to make "all white people" cry? Does that include her dad? @laagi you do know anyone that criticizes this show is racist right? so all ya'll critics better check yo' self. :rofl


Privilige my a$$. What's with the hatred towards white people!? And as you mentioned her dad is f@#king danish! I bet he must be very proud now.

It's amazing how they manage to weaponize the Star Wars property to push a political agenda! AND the cherry on top of it they STILL get away with it. Fuck Off Disney! Rant over.

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Drunken Monk

The most recent episode was an absolute joy from start to finish. It’s basically thirty minutes of lightsaber action sprinkled with some pretty decent plotting. Definitely the best episode so far (in my eyes).

The big bad was predictable from the get go but that really hasn’t bothered me all that much. I see people upset that…


Dafne Keen’s padawannwas murdered.

But it adds a great fuel to the fire. I hope they utilize this dramatic element moving forward.

Back to the action. Chris Cowan delivered the best Star Wars action since The Phantom Menace, I think.

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Posted (edited)

Looks like Hong Kong choreography the end of a long cultural telephone game. As in, mixed with a bunch of Matrix stuff and bad anime tropes. (Wow! She's standing there with her back completely exposed to the jedi she's fighting for like 5 seconds! Why would she do that? Because it's cool!)

Sure, clickbait "anti-woke" stuff on yt is a stale grift. But are we seriously pretending the show isn't intentionally feeding into it? The showrunners went around bragging about the show's didactic sociopolitical messaging in interviews. They openly and intentionally made it about race in that Trevor Noah interview. We shouldn't believe our lying eyes and ears, I guess?

Maybe there's more to the show than the political messaging? Sure. The public reaction was understandable, nonetheless. It's like a painter going to the press and telling the world he's going to paint the best painting of a firetruck ever, and then he paints it and it's a somewhat abstract painting red rectangle. And then people call you crazy for saying it's a firetruck. I'm tired of the culture war stuff US media jams down our throats in fiction, and I'm tired of people trying to gaslight us into thinking anyone who objects is acting like an obsessed culture warrior. It's a "I don't like hitting you, you MADE me hit you" sort of dynamic.

With that said anyone who enjoys it is free to enjoy it. Personally though I'm so sad about what happened to Star Wars in general.

Edited by SDJ
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The latest episode was just one long duel with some of the best lightsaber action there’s been,this episode has kept me more invested than the ones prior so I hope it goes from strength to strength.

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Posted (edited)

I almost laugh out loud at this show. Mainly because of the blatant story tropes. Twin sisters. Check. One good, one bad. Check. One wants to save the other who blames the former for all her problems. Check. The bad one switches places with the good one. Check. 

Man, they don't miss a trick.

Edited by ShaOW!linDude
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They pulled parent trap out of there closet, i guess. None of these shows feel like starwars, atleast to me. The movies weren't to bad that way, but the shows definitely don't.

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Drunken Monk
16 hours ago, slinky#1 said:

They pulled parent trap out of there closet, i guess. None of these shows feel like starwars, atleast to me. The movies weren't to bad that way, but the shows definitely don't.

I don't really understand this argument all that much. Drunken Master 2 doesn't feel like Drunken Master but it's still superb. Prey doesn't feel like Predator but it's still an excellent interpretation. I'm not sure why people are so stuck in the past when it coms to Star Wars. Things are allowed to evolve; to stay the same franchise but deliver new tones and stories. Star Wars fans (and maybe Ghostbusters) fans seem to be the only ones clamoring to get back to the past.

I'll always agree that the original Star Wars trilogy is a masterpiece and epic in scale, but I'm more than happy to have these smaller, less epic "side quests." Not everything can be The Empire Strikes Back and we shouldn't expect it to.

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Drunken Monk

Those expecting more backstory for The Stranger are going to have to wait until season 2. Per The Playlist...




“He wants [the] freedom to be able to be who he is and wield his power the way he wants to,” Headland said about The Stranger and some of the greater mysteries that still remain around the character in a new interview with Entertainment Weekly. “But he also wants freedom on a second level that I think we’ll get more into if we get a season two. But once we knew he was going to kill Jecki and Yord, then it became about: How are you going to execute this in a way that feels satisfying and believable once it does happen?”

Headland hinted at some of those secrets.

“Because it’s Osha’s story, you don’t know much about the Stranger’s background, and you’re not really going to learn much about it. But there are a bunch of things in episode six and episode eight that are really big clues as to why he is the way he is and why his philosophy is the way that it is.”

On her philosophy about first and second seasons, the showrunner suggests the series’ story will nearly demand a second season because the full story won’t yet be revealed.

“You don’t want to leave it so wrapped up that, like ‘Obi-Wan’ or a standalone mini-series, that there’s no reason to watch a second season, but I think there’s enough stuff in the last few episodes that you would want to have answered.”


And then we get to The Playlist's theory. Heavy (possible) spoilers head!


Want to hear our theory, which is a massive spoiler if we’re right? Here’s your chance to turn away.

But here it is: This Sith, isn’t the Sith Lord, he’s the Sith apprentice and the freedom he seeks is the freedom from his Sith Lord master. The Sith always comes in twos, the Master and the Apprentice, and it’s always a tradition that the Apprentice wants to usurp his Master and eventually take over.

In fact, Headland spelled it all out already in this “Star Wars Conversations” video with Dave Filoni (see below), and no one seems to have noticed.

“What I was interested in was The Sith,” she explained. “[In] the Master/apprentice dynamic, if the Apprentice is craving his Master’s power, then at some point, he must recruit his own Apprentice to overthrow the Master. And that is the Acolyte.”

I.e., The Stranger/Qimir is the Apprentice, Osha is his recruit, and the Master is likely a Sith we won’t see until season two. Spoiler? Hey, she said it. Three more episodes of “The Acolyte” remain, and by the sounds of it, the series really won’t work without a season two, so that’s almost undoubtedly coming no matter what. Watch the clip below.


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I think at this point it's almost cynical to beat a dead horse... I'm aware to some it's not which is totally fine. 

One thing that bothers me is how Disney seemingly handles their talent. Gina Carano was famously let go after sharing her "political views" which I'll be honest I thought were displaced to say the least.

At the same time you got this young actress of a certain ethnicity dumping a steaming pile of shit on the entire fanbase and we're just suppose to be OK with this!? 

I don't get it? Talk about double standards. I refuse to support such a company let alone actress who clearly thinks she's better than every fan of this beloved franchise while constantly playing the victim card.

I'm super happy for those who get to enjoy the show but this kind of shit pisses me off big time. Sorry for the rant. 

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I finished the show and, much to my surprise, I liked it?  It was flawed, and there were many creative decisions I disagreed with.  But in the end, I liked more than I disliked.  Two episodes in particular featured some absolutely phenomenal live action lightsaber fights, perhaps the best since Revenge of the Sith.  But there was some emotional meat and some food for thought when it comes to its portrayal of both Jedi and Sith.  It's no Andor - heck, it's no Book of Boba Fett!  But I'd still place this show above both Obi-Wan and Resistance (both of which I also enjoy, but acknowledge their serious shortcomings). 


Some thoughts:



Things I like:

Kick-ass lightsaber fights with some Wire Fu for good measure.

That Visions inspired shot of the saber changing colors is beautiful - Star Wars is often at its best when it goes for visual storytelling.  I wish that had always been a thing, retroactively.  Imagine Anakin's saber doing that when he went to take out the younglings.

The Jedi Order are depicted as huge hypocritical jerks, even the best of them (Sol).  Ever since Phantom Menace, the organization has just not been at all what Obi-Wan described in the original trilogy, and they deserve to be taken down a peg.

I like the more affable Sith as well.  "Yes, we murder and betray and all that.  But hey - we can hold hands and have families and stuff.

The witches - ambiguously Night Sisters - reinforce that the Force goes way beyond Jedi/Sith dogma.  Who knows what other orders exist out there, what their unique abilities and ethos?

Those gold robes are cool - it's nice that the Jedi uniform wasn't always "humble hermit". 

Yellow lightsabers all over the place.  I guess Jedi Sentinels just went out of fashion before the Clone Wars.  Or maybe those crystals became rare?

The twins "switch places" but not in the cliche way as first presented - they effectively swap lives by the end.

This misdirect of Qimr's identity - how he can use his alter ego to hear what his apprentice is too afraid to say to his mask.  Reminds me of Liam Neeson's character in Batman Begins.

Carrie Ann Moss is always great, and seeing her do Jedi kung fu (with a Matrix green lightsaber) is a dream come true.

Fanservice like Selkath and a mention of Nar Shadaa are harmless fun.

Space elephant shrews! 


Things I disliked:

Choral lyrics for musical cues?  No, thanks.  Glad that was done sparingly.

A pop song over the end credits?! That'd make John Williams turn over in his grave - while he's still alive, no less!

Some clunky dialogue - not as bad as George's but it needed work in places.

The lead actress just doesn't do a great job as either of the twins.  She's hardly the worst actress in the franchise or anything, but I think they should have cast someone who could better differentiate the nuances of both twins.  Also, I swear, there were multiple instances of her rolling her eyes at the end of her lines.

Jedi Trinity... dead in five minutes, excluding later flashbacks.  I hate this so much.  I'm not opposed to bait and switch, but the switch was less interesting than the bait!  I blame the marketing for making it look like she was one of the main characters.

Lightsaber whip shows up for mere seconds, and was spoiled by advertising.  Why bother?

That badger man felt like a Guardians of the Galaxy reject.

Mysterious man in the cave is Darth Plageuis, Palpatine's master.  Which I couldn't possibly know, because we've never seen him before and nobody said his name.  That's not good storytelling.  It's the same problem as (spoiler character) in The Eternals being identified by the director after the fact.


Star Wars draws from many sources, both artistic and historical.  For the later, it's usually World War II but there's plenty of other epochs and incidents that have worked their way into the galaxy.  The Waco Stand-Off was not on my Star Wars bingo card.  Such a specific reference, and it somehow wound up being the crux of the entire story.


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