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Korean Martial Arts Movie Info and more...

J.J. Hayden

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J.J. Hayden

Duel To The Death update

At first I was just going to add ID for Kim Soo-cheon, as I'd already added him to Shaolin Drunken Fighter the other day and I had this film on DVD too. It was just to give me a break from a tedious bit of research I'm part way through. But there wasn't much new (beyond names) to add to the film, so I decided to add the info from the Korean side of things.

I also added one new person Lee Dong-hyung, who I believe has only this film as a credit, I suspect the KMDB has mixed him with another actor sharing the same name. I suspect that he played the Japanese lord who sends the ninja, but it's only speculation.

I added the Korean character names that differed and I added the Korean aliases to the actors that they were available for.

Kim Soo-cheon as Hashimoto's master





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Michael Han Sang-gwan


Happy to add  this one, as this guy is highly skilled but pretty much another unknown outside of Korea, I actually ID'd him quite a while ago (long before the KMDB caught up, I think they've been hacking into my research  :P ) but was waiting to translate some info on him in Hangul. But it's been ages and I've not found the time and it looks like I still won't for even longer :P So swamped. So I thought I'd add it now since I had a break.

I did the usual: created him a page; added the basic details I knew; added some pics (and tagged @Gaijin84's  pic of him); and I had enough info to create a mini bio for him, which I will add to when I eventually translate the Hangul info.


Michael Han Sang-gwan mini bio

He was a renowned Korean Cha Ryeok practitioner who did many live performances all over Korea as well as many live demonstrations on TV variety shows. He was the student of Cha Ryeok masters Jang Ho and Choe Dae-il, later would go on to have many Cha Ryeok students of his own. He can be seen in several films demonstrating his kicking, acrobatics and weapons skills, along with his trademark Cha Ryeok fire breathing. He was also the co-star and stunt double for famed Taekwondo practitioner Jhoon Rhee in 1980's The Return Of The Great Fighter.

The Return Of The Great Fighter [1980]


also plays a second role


AND doubling Jhoon Rhee:




The Dragon's Snake Fist [1981] 


Some more pics displaying Cha Ryeok, not only breathing fire but also burning parts of his own body with seemingly not a care in the world :P 





Full Metal Ninja [1988]


Again showing off his Cha Ryeok fire breathing:




Edited by J.J. Hayden
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Well, it's finally here. The OFFICIAL release date (of sorts, as there's no DAY) for the Wang Ho (Casanova Wong) and Won Jin movie Tiger's Trigger will be towards the end of March. It's great to see these two sharing the screen together again since all the way back on Enter The Invincible Hero, but this time they're enemies. Should be good stuff and hopefully it will make it's way West.....eventually :P 


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Kadet Lee Seung-hoon

I've been waiting to do update this one for ages, but at first I was waiting for when I'd finished my Mr. Nice Guy update, but then thought I'd hold off doing the whole page until my Thunderbolt update.....BIG MISTAKE.
I lost pretty much all the data I'd collected and I've had to put off re-doing it again, and again, and again.... :P 
But at last it's pretty much ready, hopefully within the next few days it'll be done.

So I thought first things first, get this page done as he only has the two film credits on here but is a very interesting guy. At some point I'll be able to do a longer bio, but for now there's this mini one I wrote years ago. I hope people find it interesting.


Kadet Lee Seung-hoon mini bio:

He was born in Korea in 1971 and studied Taekwondo and Kung Fu from a young age. He became a stuntman during the late 80s working on many local films and also cross over films with Hong Kong and Taiwan.


But by the mid 90s he was feeling dissatisfied with the Korean martial arts film industry and decided to go to Hong Kong. He auditioned for action legend Sammo Hung Kam-bo, which included sending him footage from the 1994 independent short film The Fight, in which he played the lead villain. Sammo was impressed by Kadet, not only by his high skills in martial arts and acrobatics, but notably, his knowledge and understanding of camerawork; editing; and Hong Kong style action.

Kadet worked on two films as a member of the SHST, Thunderbolt [1995] and Mr. Nice Guy [1997]. Ironically, his main role as part of Sammo's team was as a stunt double for Jackie Chan Kong-sang of all people. He was the first Korean to do so, this being several years before his juniors Park Hyeon-jin and Lee In-seop. It was a well kept secret, especially with the push of the “Jackie does all his own stunts” mythos. So much so, that most people (except those who worked on the films) didn't know his name and many mistook his doubling to be that of fellow SHST member Chin Ka-lok.

Although stunt doubling was his main task during his time with the team, Sammo was keen to put as much of Kadet's various skills to use as possible: so aside from doubling for JC for the majority of the fight sequence on top of the pachinko machines in Thunderbolt and various scenes throughout Mr. Nice Guy; Sammo also involved Kadet in the design of the action scenes of both films and even selected him to be a stunt driver for the chase sequences in Thunderbolt.




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Thunderbolt [1995] - update

Finally it is here!!! My update for Thunderbolt [1995] is ready at last. How long has it been? A year or two? Longer? It sure feels like it. :P

It took ages to put it together in the first place due to the large number of stuntmen involved; coupled with all the doubling; changing of outfits; stand-ins; the editing and continuity doesn't help much either; and generally that lack of shots where you can actually get a decent look at who's who.

Then due to an unknown problem with an external hard-drive it was all lost. Maddening as this all was, perhaps it was a blessing in disguise, as this time I already knew who a lot of the people were, which freed up my frazzled brain a bit to concentrate on those I hadn't managed ID'd yet, and as a result I managed to ID several more people. :D

There's still quite a few background actor's left to ID though, I have ideas on a few and some I'm clueless on. But I've left these for now as I feel I've got enough done already, including all these brand new editions to the cast list: Anthony Chan Yau ; Chan Man-ching; Cho Wing; Christopher Chan Sai-tang; Frankie Chan Fan-kei; Gary Mak Wing-lun; Hon Chun; Jack Wong Wai-leung; Jimmy Hung Tin-cheung; Lai Sing-kwong; Lau Tung-ching; Louis Keung Kwok-wah; Steve Brettingham; Wan Fat; Wong Kim-wai; Yang Sheng; Yuen Miu :D

First things first, I have a question to other members in regards to the credit Wong Chi-wah (2). This person has no other credits or any other details (including character name). I believe it is most likely another from of the Chinese name for Dayo Wong Chi-wah who is already accounted for in this film. Any thoughts?

The other day I did my Koreans Update Project for martial arts actor Kadet Lee Seung-hoon, who acted as one of JC's stuntmen for this film, ONE of them, as I also saw JC being doubled by: Sam Wong Ming-sing; Mars; Cho Wing and even Ngai Sing, who (like Kadet Lee) wasn't credited on the film at all :o

I also saw Cho Wing doubling for Sawada Kenya too. And even though there was doubling going on all over the place, I added those I recognised doubling for other actors: Benny Lai Keung-kuen; Chan Siu-wah; Christopher Chan Sai-tang; Kong Fu-keung; Kong Miu-deng; Nicky Li Chung-chi and finally Kwan Yung (who like Kadet Lee and Ngai Sing didn't get a credit) :o

On a similar note, I added Yang Sheng to stunts too, rather than just stunt driver, as he's credited as “Stuntman & Stunt Driver”.

Now, onto the actor's and ID's:

NOTE: Because of some actors playing multiple roles (and it also helps distinguish characters), I've split the character name “Kong's thug” so that this name is for the men that fight JC at the garage; and “Kong's gunman” for the men with guns that attack the police station. Similarly, I've split “Saw's thug” with “Tattooed thug” the distinction being obvious. Also I've rearranged some of the name order to neaten up the cast list.

The people listed below had already been added to the cast list but didn't yet have a photo ID for that role:

Patrick Hon Jun as John



Joseph Cheung Man-kwong as Traffic Officer Joe



Jacky Cheung Chun-hung as Jackie's mechanic



Willie Wai Kar-hung as Jackie's mechanic [previously no name]



Hung Chi-sing as Policeman



Chan Ging-chi as Saw's thug / Jail guard [previously as Guard/Thug, had photo ID for Guard role]



Fan Chin-hung as Saw's thug / Policeman [previously as Thug]




Unknown 90s Actor (17) as Construction worker [previously as Extra]



Choi Kwok-ping as Kong's thug



Saw's thug:

Anthony Carpio



Chan Siu-wah



Hsiao Ho



Kong Fu-keung



Kong Miu-deng



Lam Hak-ming [now Tattooed thug]



Lam Kwok-kit



Timmy Hung Tin-ming




Finally we have the new ID's. This includes both: previously credited actor's other roles that hadn't been credited ;and brand new actors that obviously won't have been ID'd before:

Anthony Chan Yau as Race team member



Chan Man-ching as Kong's thug / Kong's gunman (role2) / Saw's thug (role3) / Racing team member (role4)






Chan Siu-wah as Jail guard (role2)



Chan Tat-kwong as Saw's thug (role2)



Choi Kwok-ping as Saw's thug (role2)



Cho Wing as Saw's thug



Christopher Chan Sai-tang as Saw's thug




Darryl Stogre as Race team member / Drunkard (role2) [couldn't get any pics]



Frankie Chan Fan-kei as Race team member



Gary Mak Wing-lun as Policeman



Hon Chun as Saw's thug



Jack Wong Wai-leung as Policeman



Jimmy Hung Tin-cheung as Saw's thug



Kong Fu-keung as Tattooed thug (role2)



Kong Miu-deng as Tattooed thug (role2)



Lai Sing-kwong as Saw's thug



Lam Foo-wai as Kong's thug (role2)



Lau Tung-ching as Tattooed thug



Louis Keung Kwok-wah as Policeman



Mak Wai-cheung as Jail guard (role2)



Mars as Race team member (role2)



Nicky Li Chung-chi as Kong's gunman (role2) / Saw's thug (role3)




Rocky Lai Keung-kun as Tattooed thug (role2)



Sam Wong Ming-sing as Kong's gunman (role2) / Jail guard (role3)




Steve Brettingham as Jail guard



Wan Fat as Saw's thug



Wong Kim-wai as Saw's thug / Tattooed thug (role2)




Yang Sheng as Malaysian policeman



Yuen Miu as Saw's thug


Note: Christopher Chan Sai-tang and Kong Foo-keung, they seem to have their own unique outfits, but also share a grey outfit in certain shots. This outfit is also used by a chubby stuntman, who looks familiar but it's just not clicking in my head who he his. But on top of that he is also doubled by Kwan Yung, so at least 4 people wear that outfit!!! What a mess! :o

Well that's that. This was a big one, but at last the nightmare is over :P I can finally put a pin in this one and move on to other things....so many other things :P


Edited by J.J. Hayden
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Well it seems I saved some dosh :P Another year another bunch of awards:









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And some more :o






Phew. Yes I've stopped writing in all the award detail to save time. You can read can't ya :P 


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Well, I've finally decided to do it. I'm going to add a list of the other people known to have been part of the JCST at some point, but are not considered “official members”. What the exact parameters are for becoming an “official member” are unclear and those considered “official members” have also changed over the years. Many of them will be familiar to JC fans, including those that many were shocked didn't make the “official members” list.


Most of these I'd already added “He (or She) worked with the Jackie Chan Stunt Team.” to their bio with a hyperlink to the JCST, which some of you have probably seen. But not done the opposite way around, I will update this.


I was waiting until I had a bit more information on some of the newer members, as I hadn't watched many of the newer JC films and I wanted to be sure. Plus if I'm honest, I was a bit burned out on the subject after doing so much work on it. Funnily enough, it took getting burnt out on something else to move my attention back to adding these names. :P 


Some of them I don't have usable pics for yet. I will eventually get around to trying to spot them either on screen or behind the scenes. So for now the name list will do for the rest.


I'm still not sure how to label them though, “unofficial” “associate” members? I'm not sure if “temporary” fits, because technically they're all temporary and some of these might have actually done more JC films than “official” members :P 


Anyway, here's the list:


Alex Yip Choi-nam



Alfred Hsing



Alicia Woodhouse



Allan Keng



Andy Owen



Brahim Achabbakhe



Cheng Xin



David Torok



Don Thai Theerathada



Du Xiu-bin



Fred Xiao



Huang Hua



Huang Kai-sen



J.J. Park



Jack Wong Wai-leung



Joe Eigo



Jonathan Foo



Kevin Lee



Kwan Yung



Kyle Shapiro



Lin Qiang



Liu Wei-chao



Li Xi-wei



Mak Wai-cheung



Mathieu Jaquet



Paul Philip Clark



Pierre Bourdaud



So Tung



Stanton Chong



Tai Bo



Tomer Oz



Ulrik Bruchholz



Wang Jun-bing



William Duen Wai-lun



Zeng Rui-rui



Zhang Peng



Zhao Xuan-long



Zhou Wei




Note: I've long held a suspicion that Du Xiu-bin and Du Bin are one and the same, put still need a final piece in the puzzle. :wacko:


I will come back and update it some more; add new person pages; add hyperlinks; add pictures if possible; etc.


There are others that might be others to add to this list but I don't have enough to go on, also there could be others I'm unaware of, I'm only human :P 


Edit: I went back as I said I would and added all those bits and pieces. The ones I have left blank are those that already had IDs through the hard work of other editors and I didn't want to cause any confusion.


KKF edit: since this is a different site the hyperlinks wouldn't work the same so I'll fill in the blanks with other pics from HKMDB.


As always, I hope this is useful to people. :D 



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Super Ninja

I'm surprised to see Foo and Brahim are unofficial JCST members.

Great work as usual my friend. 


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J.J. Hayden
9 minutes ago, Super Ninja said:

I'm surprised to see Foo and Brahim are unofficial JCST members.

I think these guys get a bit of a shock when they actually sign a contract for the JCST, thinking they've made it to the big time, and then end up just running back and forth on set grabbing JC pads or bottles of water etc. Then you've got some who appear with JC many times (even in Jackie Chan - My Stunts) but still aren't "official members", it's still a bit of a mystery how it all works. We'll probably never know the whole truth.

I had considered others like Scott Adkins, Dan O'Neill, Marky Lee Campbell etc. but I've never seen them in interviews claiming that they actually joined the team, which you'd think they'd mention when discussing working with JC.

Thanks for the support.

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Two more Won Jin items.

First we have the latest trailer for Tiger's Trigger


And then, we have yet another award for Jump Senior




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Super Ninja
13 hours ago, J.J. Hayden said:

First we have the latest trailer for Tiger's Trigger

They may not be in their prime, but that fight looks promising. Excited for this!

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Aloha Little Vampire Story [1988] – update


This one took longer than expected: for one thing, as each time I kept starting, I found a better print to work with so had to started all over again. It also took some time to find a version with the end credits, and even longer to find the Korean print with some more names. Then trying to find out who was who, as I had the character names from the end credits (a refreshing change) but some of them only get named once, blink and you'll miss it territory. So the whole thing was a bit of a pain, but worth it in the end, I think.

Seven actors had already been ID'd for this film, but there was also three who had been ID'd in other films but not here yet.

But I also managed to get ID's for ten more people, all of which are brand new. Five of them didn't even have pages yet.

I've also added character names in both English and Chinese where possible. Some of the English names needed tweaking due to those dodgy old embedded English subs. I also called the vampire “uncles” as White Vampire and Black Vampire rather than uncle, because only Jeong Tae-woo refers to them as such and in the end credits they're called vampire rather than uncle too.

Both prints had a different cast order, prioritising Taiwanese and Korean actors respectively, but both missing some from each other, mixed up some and some people were not even credited at all. So I've created a cast list that better reflects the importance of the characters and screen-time etc.


1 [Brand New ID] Jeong Tae-woo – as Sheng Hsiu-long 盛小龍



2 [New ID] Chan Yin-yu as Dong-dong 冬冬



3 [Brand New ID] Shi Chin-chin as Hsiu-hsiu 秀秀



4 [Brand New ID] Wang Hsiang-bing as Dumb Bell 傻大個



5 [Brand New ID] Yu Shih-chieh as Baby Egg 寶貝蛋



6 [Brand New ID] Wang Yu-jin as Century Egg 皮蛋



7 [Brand New ID] Li Min-sek as Monkey 猴子



8 Yang Hsiung as Dong-dong's mother 冬冬的娘



9 Ma Hok-man as Dong-dong's father 冬冬的爹



10 Li Hai-hsing as White vampire 白殭屍



11 Lau Cheung-kwok as Black vampire 黑殭屍



12 [Brand New ID] Park Mi-hang as Sheng Yu-chiao 盛玉嬌



13 Chang Shan as Boss Jim 占老板



14 [Brand New ID] Li Yong-wan as Taoist priest Kim 金道長



15 Kwon Seong-yeong as Second brother 二弟



16 Allen Lan Hai-han as Third brother 三弟



17 [Brand New ID] Chang Chong-tian as Ah Fu 阿福



18 [Brand New ID] Jang Wang-bin as Fang-fang 方方



19 [New ID] Chu Kwan-yeung as Jim's thug 占的暴徒



20 [New ID] Yam Pak-wang as Jim's thug 占的暴徒



I am going to fill in the Korean versions of people's names too, but at the moment I've got something also connected to this film that requires my more immediate focus, so I've gotta keep my head in the zone while it lasts :P

Note: At the start of this project I also decided to get some more pics of Chan Yin-yu, unfortunately I was unable to find copies of the two films he hasn't been ID'd in yet, so I've just beefed up the others.


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Yu Shih-chieh + Li Min-sek update


Yu Shih-chieh

While researching Aloha Little Vampire Story, I searched for any info on the child actors but didn't have much luck. The only exception was with Yu Shih-chieh. Not only had he already been credited (though not ID'd) on two other films on the database, but I also found a small amount of info online. So I managed to put together a mini bio for him, I also added his date of birth and ID's him in both Spirit Vs Zombi [1988] and Hell Can't Wait [1989].

mini bio: 

His father was a veteran martial arts instructor in Taiwan, so young Shih-chieh had some training in martial arts, acrobatics and some weapons skills. But he found the wire work he was asked to perform in 1988's Spirit Vs Zombi to be quite scary, as it was much higher than anything he had done before. The wire lifted him above the overpass and the signboard of the New World Theater in Ximending, Taipei, about eight stories into the air.

Before the attempting the stunt, the film's production manager Cheung Chung-leung, assured Shih-chieh of the safety measures taken and even said that he could be doubled, but Shih-chieh bravely volunteered to do it himself. It took five attempts and wasn't filming wasn't finished until past three o'clock in the morning. At which point, an exhausted little Shih-chieh said to his father “I won't fly next time. It's so scary!”

Aloha Little Vampire Story [1988]



Spirit Vs Zombi [1988]



Hell Can't Wait [1989]




Li Min-sek

I also got lucky while looking over Hell Can't Wait, I managed to spot Yu's Aloha Little Vampire Story co-star Li Min-sek plying one of the other kids. Obviously he hadn't been credited or ID'd yet, so I did both.

Aloha Little Vampire Story [1988]



Hell Can't Wait [1989]




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Chen Huan-kun + Chou Pei-yi - update

While researching Spirit Vs Zombi, I came across so info Chen Huan-kun, an interesting case. He wasn't given a credit on the film at all, despite playing one of the main characters, though this kind of thing is more common in Asia. So I had to create him a page, add him to the credits and add some ID's. Similarly to Yu Shih-chieh, I managed to put together a mini bio for him:

In director Yu Chi-wei's 1988 Taiwanese film Spirit Vs Zombi, Chen Huan-kun played the role of a disabled man who dresses in full clown make-up and sells chewing gum to passers by in the street. But he is not so much playing a character, as he is playing himself. He really was disabled and lived in Ximending, a neighbourhood and shopping district in the Wanhua District of Taipei, where the movie was filmed and set. He didn't want to let his disability hold him back, so he maintained his independence while making money by selling chewing gum.

His clown costume wasn't just for show though, as he went the extra mile compared to many other gum seller's in Taiwan, by putting on entertainment for his customers and spreading goodwill to all who came by. His story didn't go unnoticed by the media and he became a bit of a local celebrity.

He also caught the attention of film director Yu Chi-wei, who then invited him to come and be in the movie. Yu was so enamoured with Chen that he was given an important supporting role, despite never having any film experience. He played Uncle Crazy, a kind local street performer who acts as a father to orphaned Wa-wa and takes little vampire Chi-chi under his wing while he searches for his father.

Spirit Vs Zombi [1988]



Chou Pei-yi

I also did ID's for Chou Pei-yi's two films and labelled her as female, obviously. In Spirit Vs Zombi [1988] she's one of the leads, so there was quite a bit to work with (thought the quality of the footage I had still wasn't great), but in Spiritual Princeling [1988] she's only in it for about 1min so I was quite extremely limited with what I had to work with.

Spirit Vs Zombi [1988]


Spiritual Princeling [1988]



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Super Ninja
2 hours ago, J.J. Hayden said:

Chen Huan-kun + Chou Pei-yi - update

While researching Spirit Vs Zombi, I came across so info Chen Huan-kun, an interesting case. He wasn't given a credit on the film at all, despite playing one of the main characters, though this kind of thing is more common in Asia. So I had to create him a page, add him to the credits and add some ID's. Similarly to Yu Shih-chieh, I managed to put together a mini bio for him:

In director Yu Chi-wei's 1988 Taiwanese film Spirit Vs Zombi, Chen Huan-kun played the role of a disabled man who dresses in full clown make-up and sells chewing gum to passers by in the street. But he is not so much playing a character, as he is playing himself. He really was disabled and lived in Ximending, a neighbourhood and shopping district in the Wanhua District of Taipei, where the movie was filmed and set. He didn't want to let his disability hold him back, so he maintained his independence while making money by selling chewing gum.

His clown costume wasn't just for show though, as he went the extra mile compared to many other gum seller's in Taiwan, by putting on entertainment for his customers and spreading goodwill to all who came by. His story didn't go unnoticed by the media and he became a bit of a local celebrity.

He also caught the attention of film director Yu Chi-wei, who then invited him to come and be in the movie. Yu was so enamoured with Chen that he was given an important supporting role, despite never having any film experience. He played Uncle Crazy, a kind local street performer who acts as a father to orphaned Wa-wa and takes little vampire Chi-chi under his wing while he searches for his father.

Spirit Vs Zombi [1988]



Chou Pei-yi

I also did ID's for Chou Pei-yi's two films and labelled her as female, obviously. In Spirit Vs Zombi [1988] she's one of the leads, so there was quite a bit to work with (thought the quality of the footage I had still wasn't great), but in Spiritual Princeling [1988] she's only in it for about 1min so I was quite extremely limited with what I had to work with.

Spirit Vs Zombi [1988]


Spiritual Princeling [1988]



Great info on Chen Huan-kun!

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Looks like it's really happening, Tiger's Trigger is actually going to see release. Things are looking exciting at the press conference with Won Jin showing off some moves and plenty of Korean martial arts cinema royalty showing up to give their support.




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Just one of the several guys I already did the big update for but still managed to spot them again, either in other roles from films I've already ID'd them in, but also several new IDs and some new credits. Always keep your eyes peeled, you never know when people will pop up again to surprise you. :P


Many were ones I'd noted before but wasn't confident with at the time, so I actually uploaded a few but got distracted so didn't complete my editing. The initial distraction was that I re-discovered some of the films I thought I'd lost (I've mentioned this before), so I got a bunch more from those too, I was almost ready to start updating again over a month (or two?!) ago but other things (including even more IDs for the same people :P) took priority.


I've still got more organising to do for most of them so they'll be coming soon, but here's one that only had two updates to do, in fact I added the credit and pics a little while back now but didn't post the update due to the distraction. The Blazing Ninja [1980] was one that I'd noted but wasn't sure on for a while because he's not credited; he's only in it for about a minute; and the footage is not only poor quality, but also cuts the edges of the screen off, so it was a right pain. The 3rd role in The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma [1978] another tricky one, also due to footage quality, but mainly be confident that I'd not mixed him up with others playing Bronzemen.


Kim Yong-ho's 3rd role in The Divine Martial Arts Of Dharma [1978]



Kim Yong-ho in The Blazing Ninja [1980]





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Koreans Update Project - Yoo Seong


I've had this one nearly ready for a long time, but various things held me back, especially getting decent pics from my Dreadnaught Rivals DVD, it doesn't work properly on MPG and the VLC is a bit of a nightmare :P But here we go at last. As usual I've updated all his basic info on his main page and have added the following credits and IDs:


Other editors had already added his credit to the following films:


Special Mission [1976]



Enter The Game Of Death [1978]



Shaolin Drunken Monkey [1981]



10 Shaolin Disciples [1981]




Deadly Shaolin Longfist [1982]



Invincible Obsessed Fighter [1982]




Dreadnaught Rivals [1982]



Adorable Treasure Hunt [1983]





So we've got 6 new ones to add (though TNK is just cut&paste footage):


Bruce And Shaolin Kung Fu 2 [1977]



Four Iron Men [1977]



Dragon From Shaolin [1978]









and as a stand-in too!!!!



Monkey War [1982]



Ling Tong Qian Nu [1989] / Thunder Kids 3: Hunt For Devil Boxer [1991]



As for ID's, he'd already ID'd on one pic by Michael Kistner for Enter The Game Of Death and by myself on a pic (also by Michael) for Adorable Treasure Hunt a little while back when I was looking into that film, but I couldn't find a copy of the film so couldn't add any new ones. But apart from those two, the rest are all new IDs.


Note that he plays double roles in both 10 Shaolin Disciples and Invincible Obsessed Fight. But they got their money's worth out of him on Dragon From Shaolin where not only did he play multiple roles, he even acted as a stand-in for another actor in an early scene :P though some of the roles in the black outfit might be down to poor editing, as he dies two or three times :P


He's quite an interesting guy, not only because he worked on several Taiwan films, but he's one of the few Korean martial arts actors that managed to get some decent roles as a regular actor and kept working throughout the 90s. I will complete a bio for him at some point too.


Note: I also added ID's to Gaijin's pic on Deadly Shaolin Longfist too.


For even more pics please go to his HKMDB page:




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Well, I said I'd get round to doing this.....eventually :P And here it is. I've went back over my Won Jin collection and got the best images I possibly could. Some of these are the same shots that I'd uploaded earlier, but the quality is improved, sometimes it's so slight you won't notice, but it's there (believe me, it's there), every little bit counts.



As I'd said back then, some of the earlier pics were just place holders while I got things organised, so these are much better. Some earlier pics were already good, but some needed cropping and/or brightening a bit and I was more selective with which would be tagged as portraits. I also hadn't taken one for each outfit in the films, a practice I've been doing for a while, not only because it's useful, but also means there's even more pics to enjoy.




Note: While working on Operation Scorpio [1991] I also changed Kwon Seong-yeong's credit from [Thug] to [Mr. Sandakan / Wang's bodyguard] and added portraits for both roles too. :D




I also took some more screenshots too, catching some action or some shots that I just thought looked good.




Finally I also added a production still from The 18 Amazones [1979], I thought I had already, but I'd used a cropped version as a portrait. So here's the full image.




I hope people like the new pics, but that's not all. I also have a few extra credits to add to the filmography too. No new films unfortunately, but some extra roles:


#1 Legend Of Peach Blossom [1980]: I'd mentioned before that there were a few more possible Won Jin roles to add to the already large number here. Well I was finally able to confirm one of them. As suspected, he is one of the guards in the dungeon fight scene.



These next two were new discoveries while looking over these films for other actors, they're literally blink and you'll miss them roles, once again proving the need to keep your eyes peeled at all times.


#2 The 18 Amazones [1979]: There's a few seconds scene where the heroes are in a market area near a sign board, Won Jin walks past wearing a fake tash. As if playing an amazon and doubling for the rest of them wasn't enough, they got their money's worth out of him here.



#3 Duel Of Ultimate Weapons [1983]: Yet another blink and you'll miss him situation. Though this film featured one of Won Jin's more significant early roles, he actually also plays a waiter in one of the early scenes.




And now, I've finally found a good time to take a break from my research. I've been burnt out for a while, I was actually intending to take a break about two months ago, but I wound up doing more and more :P . Then I set a hard deadline for taking a break....I passed that two weeks ago :P Then I set a harder deadline....I passed that one week ago :P :P :P But finally I've found a good point where I can switch my brain off from it all without losing where I am with things. Don't worry, I'll be back, there's several of my projects that are near completion and always plenty more for me to do. But It'll probably be for about a week or so, I'm going to play it by ear.




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I'm back!!! Just for a moment though as I've still not taken my break properly :P


I did manage to play a few hours of Yakuza 5 but then I decided that while my head was clear form thinking about my latest projects, I should do something that I'd been putting off for a long time.


During my research the past few years, I'd sometimes come across some blogs and other web pages that weren't useful to the task at hand, but did contain potentially useful info or even new leads. But as I was busy at the time I had to leave them temporarily and left as a tab in whichever browser I was using. I ended up with about 20-30 tabs in each browser waiting to be seen to. It was a mess :P


Well, I've spent the last two weeks working through all of those tabs and I'm finally at a point where I think I've gained all the usefulness from them that I can. It's quite a relief and should help me concentrate better on my latest projects.


I'm still going to take a proper break now, where I'm actually relaxing rather than researching. But this again, might put me out of action for a few weeks. So to tide things over, I've decided to move forward the update I was going to use as my triumphant return :P



I can finally say I've done it. I've ID'd the entire “JCST official members” at long last. :D It's been a long road since being a lil kid with a scrap of paper, scribbling down the names of the JCST I heard from the great Bey's HKL audio commentaries. LOL memories. 



As is typical in my life, I had just finished an update on the JCST about two weeks prior, before the JCST go ahead release a short vid for JC's birthday that featured most of the missing faces from the list :o Annoying as the timing was, it did spurn me on to try again to find copies (no matter how crappy) of the films that feature Ma Yong-li, to finally put a face to the name. Fortunately I managed to find all the films this time and was successful in my ID quest.


So here are the final IDs for the “official members” of the JCST:


Du Bin (NEW ID)



Ma Yong-li (NEW ID)

Payback [2013]



Kung Fu Man [2013]



Ride On [2023]



Shan You-yuan (NEW ID)



Ren Jin-kun (NEW ID)



Zhou Yong-qi (NEW ID)



Hu Ya-nan (NEW ID)




Along with the completion of the ID's for the “JCST official members”, I've also been able to make various other updates to: official members; unofficial members; and even some other people too too.


While while researching Ma Yong-li I made the following updates:


Kung Fu Man [2013]:


Tang Guang-wen (NEW ID)



He Jun (ID)



Li Xiang (NEW ID)




Ride On [2023]:


Gang Yin-xuan (ID)



Su Hang (ID)



Li Zhi-yuan (ID)



James Wang Wei-tao (ID+credit)



It seems James Wang was not only uncredited as an actor in Ride On, but also his assistant action director credit was attributed to Wang Ke (4), which is understandable, as Wang Ke is one of his aliases. But on further inspection it seems clear that Wang Ke (4)'s credits for Metallic Attraction: Kungfu Cyborg [2009] and Firestorm [2013] belong to James Wang too. The only one I was unsure of was Wings Over Everest [2019], as I didn't notice a connection to the JCST, so I've left the credit for Wang Ke (4) and not merged that credit.


I also merged two people from the stunts section: Yi Mengrui with Yi Manrui and Shan Youyuan with Shan Youyan (also stunts for Knock Knock [2021]). I've made their names from Ride On their primary name, as they're the most recent versions I've seen.


I also spotted the stunt credit in Kung Fu Yoga [2017] for Yao Xueli needed to be merged with Johnny Yao Xueli. Also the stunt credit for The Liquidator [2017] and the actor credit for Bodyguards And Assassins [2009] too. I moved all the aliases over.


I'd miss-ID'd Ma Teng-fei in one of my photos of him thanks to an ambiguous name placement. I had been a bit suspicious of it, but just thought the beard was hiding his features :P So I've removed it (as Harlock had already provided a good pic of this other man in a film) and put up true pics Ma Teng-fei from The White Storm 3: Heaven or Hell [2023]. 



I also added better pics for:


Zhang Yi-bo



and Yi Meng-rui.




I'm quite happy to be doing these next additions, as several were on my candidates list for the "unofficial members" of the JCST, but didn't make the cut. But now, despite thinking it'd never happen, I finally have confirmation.

More "unofficial members":


Wu Wei-tong (NEW ID)



Zhu Xue-liang (NEW ID)



Zhang Jin (NEW ID)



Li Shao-hong (NEW ID)



John Le (NEW ID)



You Jing-da


I also added John Cheung Ng-long and Tang Chiu-yau who I'd forgot to upload for some reason on my last JCST update :P


DONE!!! It feels so good to have finally completed the list and now I can take a PROPER break :P As always, I hope people find my research interesting and that it can be of use.



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Just throwing in another quick one while I was looking into an unrelated matter. I created a new person page for Jeon Yeong-rok and added his data, I had started on a mini bio for him a while ago, so I thought I might as well add it as it was and can come back to update it at a latter date, I think War City: Die To Win [1988] is likely to be the only film of his to appear on the HKMDB anyway, so no rush. I also did an update and mini bio for his father Hwang Hae while I was at it, plus updated the info about War City and the director of the original Korean footage from The Great Ambition [1987].


Born on the 26th of March 1954 in Seoul, South Korea. Jeon Yeong -rok was an actor and singer who was very popular during the 80s. He was a martial arts student of Hong Moon-tae and starred in several Korean action films. He was born into a family of performers, his father was actor and singer Hwang Hae and his mother was singer Baek Seol-hui. Several of his siblings and children also became performers.




Born Jeon Hong-goo on the 6th of March 1921 in Jangjeon-myeon, Goseong-gun, Gangwon-do, which was under Japanese occupation at that time, it is now part of North Korea. Hwang Hae was an actor and singer, many of his offspring also became performers, notably his second son Jeon Yeong-rok. He was also married to another performer, singer Baek Seol-hui. He died on the 9th of February 2005 in Seoul, South Korea.




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I'm going to stop saying about taking my break because people are no doubt sick of me saying it but not getting round to doing it (I know I am!) :P , though I REALLY am going to do it very soon. The issue is that I decided to do something that took a lot longer than I thought. So long in fact that I kept taking “breaks” from it by looking over some of my other things, but this came as a blessing and curse. Because those diversions ended up being very productive: I managed to find many more ID's including IDing some of my “Mystery men” (people that I've seen a few times but have little evidence [if any at all] of who they actually are), but at the same time it ended up taking much longer than a “break” :P These “breaks” happened a few times :P and on top of that the thing I was doing in the first place didn't work properly, so I'm having to go over it all again, which will take some more time.


So don't worry I WILL take a proper break after that stuff is sorted, but in the meantime I'll try to post some updates, probably just small ones, I do have some big ones ready to go but because uploading them would take up too much time, they can probably wait until I'm done.


So here's an unfortunately small one, Lee Ho-ryong. I say unfortunately because despite his excellent kicking skills, it seems he only appeared in three films (one of which isn't on HKMDB) and I've not been able to find anything about him aside from his other names. To star in two films showing off some great kicking and then seemingly to disappear is such a shame, perhaps he had TV work, but we'll likely never know.


He had already been credited for Black Dragon [1975] on HKMDB but not ID'd. So I've: added his credit for Special Mission [1976]; added a good number of pics for both films; added his other names; and also added his character name for both films.


Black Dragon [1975]




Special Mission [1976]






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Park Jong-soo

Another small one. Unfortunately only one film credit, despite this kid's martial arts skills, I wish we'd seen more of him. I needed to create a page for him and add him to the credits of Special Mission [1976].







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