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Korean Martial Arts Movie Info and more...

J.J. Hayden

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Kim Yong-Ho doesn't just share a name with Wang Ho (aka Casanova Wong), he also has very impressive kicking skills. Yet he seems to have only done a handful of films within the space of a few years then disappeared. Hopefully he went into doing just TV because he could've been great.

He didn't have a page yet so had to add one and the usual info where available, including the alias Kim Yeong-ho which I saw him credited on in one film.







For more pls check out: https://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml?id=130738&display_set=eng



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Another fellow who should've done a lot more films is Ma Bin, great skills with weapons and kicks, but was also one of the Cha Ryeok practitioners, as you can see him breathing fire in several of his films including in South Shaolin Vs North Shaolin, in which he had been mistaken on the HKMDB for Lee Jae-yeong #1, I have corrected this of course. 


His career spanned mostly the late 70s and early 80s film-wise, with a few films here and there into the 90s. But given his skills, I reckon he probably spent most of his career doing live performance similar to other Cha Ryeok practitioners.





For for pics, please see: https://hkmdb.com/db/people/view.mhtml?id=80880&display_set=eng

Edited by J.J. Hayden
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I do have a couple more WJ updates to do, but I'm bogged down with probably my biggest project yet, but this one couldn't wait.

I'm happy to say that Won Jin's latest film Jump Senior has already won some awards at the FICOCC Five Continents International Film Festival. The film won Best Comedy Short Film and Won Jin himself was awarded a Special Mention Lead Actor Short Film.



I'm happy he's doing so well, hopefully we'll get to see this one.


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Aside from his own short film Jump Senior, Won Jin has still been busy working as an action director on other short films. He has been recruited as action director for two projects by the Space Gold Group: Space One Kidnap; and Space One Rose; with a third short Villain & Bodyguard in the works.






Edit: While getting this together I saw that Won Jin has had more success with Jump Senior, winning Best Director at the Heart Of Europe International Film Festival.



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Some more awards for Jump Senior. It's unstoppable!!!  :D



This might be a good time to upload some of the random pics I'd given the IMDB, as I came across my own bios for some people that I hadn't uploaded there. But I don't mind as they did leave my name on it. :P 


A strange poster of the IFD version of Brave Trio, shabbily slapping Won Jin's picture over the top GOD style :P at least it shoes his great flexibility.



Won Jin's such a little guy, you wouldn't know he was 18 when making this :P 


It may be brief, but at least WJ get to show some of his stuff against the king Hwang Jeong-ri, though I think in this shot Hwang might be doubled by Tino Wong Cheung here.



Moon Lee Choi-fung vs Won Jin, that scene with the white van and the greenery I saw all those years ago and thought I dreamed :P ....god it's been at least 10 years now :o 

might as well add these other shots from the film too:


Lee Diy-yue



Tony Leung Ka-fai + Lung Tin-sang



Yau Gin-gwok + Tang Chiu-yau + Choi Kwok-keung


and a couple from Saviour Of The Soul II


Choi Hin-cheung + Hon Ping



Hon Ping + Lai Chi-lam, although Lam was double in parts by Won Jin, he did some stunts himself, you go kid!!!


Lai Chi-lam, hero pose.


And finally, a couple of kicks from Women On The Run.





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While busy with the big project I thought it might be a good idea to put out some of the ID's for people with few films etc. starting with a rather interesting one, who I may do a bio for at some point.

Song Jae-cheol, who only has one film to his name, 1984's The Warrior, on which he was: star; action director; and a producer.






A very talented martial artist in the practical sense, winning many competitions and awards.



But probably better known for being a Cha Ryeok practitioner who often appeared on TV shows like The Grand Parade doing martial arts "feats" such as: breaking rocks; walking on sharp objects; and pulling planes, trains, and (indeed) automobiles.



Here he is with the most famous of faces.



But here's a cool pic because it features several Korean martial arts actors on the front row, I wonder if anyone else can name any? :P 


Edited by J.J. Hayden
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Forgot to put these here too :P


More awards for Jump Senior :party



And more pics I gave to IMDB, I'd forgotten I'd put them in another folder as they're behind the scenes:


Training Lee Cheong-ah for her role in Sunday Seoul, on which Won Jin was also the action director.


A film more familiar to fans only know his Hong Kong work, Women On The Run. Doing a cool pose for the camera.


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Here's another new ID. Kim Jae-woo, a very mysterious character as I've not been able to find anything about him apart from co-starring with Gordon Liu Chia-hui in The Shaolin Drunken Monk in 1981.

To appear out of nowhere and be starring alongside such a famous martial arts star seems odd, perhaps Kim Jae-woo has done a lot TV work (which is near impossible to research) or perhaps (like Park Woo-yong) he was a talented martial artist whose participation in the film was a prize from a martial arts competition. Sadly, we'll probably never know.






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Another quick one, we have little Kim Koo. A child actor that only seems to have appeared in two films. There wasn't much info for me to add to his page except for his name in Hangul and country of origin. Even though he had 2 credits on HKMDB, one of them needed correcting as he was listed as being in Monstrous Corpse, but this credit actually belongs to Kim Wook, which I've changed for both actors.






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Another quick easy one. Not to be confused with Wang Ho (aka Casanova Wong) who's birth-name is similar, or Kim Yong-ho who not only shares a similar nae, but also the exact same name on some films, just to make things easy :P

This is Kim Yeong-ho the character actor, who has a small role in The Drunken Monk. I created a brand new page for him but there wasn't much to add apart from his country of origin, his gender and his name in Hangul.




I know some of the pics of him look a bit misshapen, but that's how it is on the film print, for seemingly this one scene :P I also added a screenshot of him with lil Kim Koo in The Drunken Monk and while I was on the page I decided to swap out some of my Park Hui-jin pics for ones I thought were better.


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7 hours ago, rdenn said:

anyone know what the title of this one is ?, crazy movie has 2 aliens body popping in it

Another one of Oh Yo-seop's action films for kids that are really silly but have some great action. I don't think there's an official English name, but it roughly translates to Oh Seo-bang And The Lightning Three Musketeers.

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Another easier one. Easier in terms of getting pics and uploading data, as researching him has been a nightmare that after several years has still not ended. That being that I still don't know who this person actually is, as the name So Hwa-ja is just a stage name, it's the Korean name for the legendary drunken master Beggar So, who I'm sure most HK fans are aware of.

There's basically no info whatsoever to go on. I have some theories on who So Hwa-ja really could be but nothing that I'm confident with and I've hit pretty much a dead end with it, for the moment at least.

Hopefully one day I'll find an answer to the mystery, but for now we've at least got a face to go with the stage name.






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They just keep coming, at the Grand Pixel International Film Festival, Won Jin got Special Jury Awards for Best Actor and Best Screenplay, and also won in the category of Best Director.





Hopefully the success of Jump Senior will make the Korean film industry pay attention and give Won Jin some more prominent roles...without cutting his scenes of course :P


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Another quick one as it's just the one film on HKMDB. My big project's at a point where I can take a bit of a break, it's coming along quite well, some eureka moments, some dead ends, so I'm happy with it so far.

Anyway, here we have child actor Jo In-pyo who was the child star alongside Hwang Jeong-ri in Kwangdong Viper, an unusually substantial role for one of the kids and he does a good job. Although it's likely the only film of his to appear on HKMDB he has had quite an interesting career, so I may do a bio for him at some point too.






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At this rate I could start up a thread solely dedicated to Jump Senior's awards collection :P

Won Jin won three awards from the Tamizhagam International Film Festival India for: Best Actor; Best Concept; and Best International Short Film.





But it doesn't stop there, we also have the "Ficitperu" Trujillo Independent Film Festival, Peru, where Jump Senior took the award for Best Short Film Comedy.





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Next  we have Lee Jae-jin, very similar to Jo In-pyo: with only one credit likely to show up on the HKMDB, but actually had a decent career as a child actor in Korea.

In Kwangdong Viper he plays the younger version of Hwang Jeong-ri's character, I wonder if he and Jo In-pyo were rivals for the main child role and Lee lost out. But I'd still be happy to say I played the child version of the King Of The Leg Fighters :P

Unlike Jo In-pyo though, I don't think I'll be doing a mini bio as there's a lot less info on him, it seems he did one or two films later in life, but apart from that seems to have left the industry, unless he's still in TV.






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Choe Byung-joon

A very easy one this time since as far as I can tell this fellow has this one and only credit, Secret Ninja, Roaring Tiger [1982]. It could be that he's in other films as a stunt man or under a different name (as he does look kinda familiar), but nothing that I'm confident on. I had to create him a page. but with very little to enter into the basic info, just his gender, country and his name in Hangul.






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Added a few IDs for the Koreans in SPL 2 and also for Li Xi-wei who has worked with the JCST on several projects, (although not an "official member").


Li Xi-wei



Seo Jeong-joo



Shin Se-yeong



Ki Se-hyung



Han Dae-ryong



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Some more updates that got put on the back-burner, this time from Vampire Warriors [2010], adding a few ID photos for some of the cast, some of which are brand new IDs. I also added Wang Hai-qi to the cast as one of the vampires as there's a strange situation where I think the film-makers who wrote the credits may have had a mix up, as Wang Hai-qi is credited as a member of the stunt team along with Ma Teng-fei, yet he isn't credited as a cast member but Ma Teng-fei is, where I can see Wang Hai-qi as a vampire but not Ma Teng-fei, I wonder if their names got switched? Either way, I've simply added Wang Hai-qi on the end of the cast list with the other vampires.



Jiang Lu-xia


Chrissie Chau Sau-na


Chin Siu-ho



Yuen Wah



Xiong Xin-xin



Forest Zhu Sen-lin [Brand new ID]



Zhao Xuan-long [Brand new ID]



Liu Jian-dong



Li Xi-wei



Wang Hai-qi [Brand new ID]



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And it continues for Won Jin's short film Jump Senior:

Indo French International Film Festival 2023 - winner Best International Short Film



MOKKHO International Film Festival - winner Best Action Short Film

MOKKHO International Film Festival - winner official selection Best Screenplay




Diamond Bell International Film Festival - winner Best Actor

Diamond Bell International Film Festival - special jury award Best International Short Film




I don't know how he has the time, considering all the award ceremonies etc. :P , but he's also working on a historical drama project too. I hope his success continues to go from strength to strength.



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Just catching up with thread, their some great information images here @J.J. Hayden. You have managed to put names to a few faces I wasn't able to I-D, when reviewing Korean old school Martial Art flicks. Hats off, for all the hard work youve put into this.

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1 hour ago, DragonClaws said:

Just catching up with thread, their some great information images here @J.J. Hayden. You have managed to put names to a few faces I wasn't able to I-D, when reviewing Korean old school Martial Art flicks. Hats off, for all the hard work youve put into this.

Thanks mate. Appreciation is always welcome. And don't worry, there's plenty more to come, I've actually been busy with some Korean research over the last week including IDing a guy I've been trying to for years, so I'm quiet happy it's been successful considering it sent me down quite the rabbit hole, now back to the film I was supposed to be working on about 5 days ago :P 

There's a big project I've been working on for the last month or two, so it was good to get back into some Korean stuff for a break.

Again, thanks for the support.


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Got a few more this time, all for Heo Seok-do. Not only did I spot him in Dynamite Shaolin Heroes along with others, but I went back and checked some of my other shots I'd taken from other films but wasn't sure it was him. I've gotten better at IDing people the last few years, the more films I look over the better I get, in the early days it could take me hours to determine if my IDs were correct :P

Anyway, I've added his credit to three new films along with some ID pics (varying levels of quality, but it's all I had to work with), I also ID'd him in one scene in The Shaolin Fighters. It's funny, but the quality of the vid I've got is so poor I couldn't definitively ID him in any scene apart from where he's covered head to toe in black except his eyes :PUnfortunately the quality of Blazing Fists is so poor I couldn't get any screenshots, but his name is now added to the cast.

Bruce And Dragon Fist [1977]



Only Son For Four Generations [1978]



The Shaolin Fighters [1978]



Dynamite Shaolin Heroes [1978]




Edited by J.J. Hayden
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