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The Adam Project (2022) Netflix - Reynolds, Ruffalo, Garner, Saldana


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Another star-studded production courtesy of your favourite? streaming service Netflix. Originally seeing Tom Cruise at the helm which after watching the movie would've been an odd choice.

Overall The Adam Project does have its heart at the right place. It's more than once a real tearjerker. Unfortunately the entire time travel or SciFi aspect ends up being a mere accessory. One that never scratches below the surface. Ultimately it's just some eye candy and not even the good kind.

This is especially apparent when we hear a lot about the future (2050) but never even get a single glimpse of it.

What the movie does well is deal with emotions and feelings anyone can relate to. Some of which concern family, love, loss, anxiety etc. This is really where The Adam Project shines!

Of course you also get your typical Reynolds one liners but I'm glad to report he's keeping it under control here. So while he's still himself it's not as bad as some of his latest efforts.

Speaking of the cast it is a real shame that most of them just get sidetracked. Especially the two female leads, with Zoe Saldana gives a bad-ass performance but with a human touch to it. I would have loved to see more of her. Even Jennifer Garner as the grieving mother, the potential here just gets wasted. Not as a total surprise as soon as Mark Ruffalo graces the screen the entire thing gets uplifted. He doesn't have much screen time and in the end it's just to initiate some big scale action scenes. But what he does, he does remarkably well.

Last but not least the villain is extremely weak. Also we get some horrendous de-aging effects. As a SciFi time travel flick it's mostly disappointing. Its real life drama or dynamics is what saves it in the end from mediocrity.


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