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POLL - Best Fight - THE NIGHT COMES FOR US (2018)


What is the Best Fight?  

7 members have voted

  1. 1. What is the Best Fight of THE NIGHT COMES FOR US (2018)?

    • The Meat Locker Fight
    • Joe Taslim fights goons at the old hideout
    • Julie Estelle vs. Lesbian Assassins
    • Joe Taslim vs. Iko Uwais

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One Armed Boxer

This is the toughest one yet @DrNgor!

Has to be the finale for me though. Whang In-sik's entrance is undeniably spectacular (I actually included it in a Top 5 Greatest Action Entrances in Asian Cinema feature I wrote back in 2017), however it is for the most part one sided. In my opinion In-sik vs Jackie Chan is one of the greatest showdowns in kung-fu cinema for many reasons. In-sik himself has never been given a better showcase (Bruce Lee failed miserably at utilizing his talents in 'Way of the Dragon'), with much of the fight being a devastating showcase for Hapkido if looked at purely from a technical standpoint.

From a cinematic standpoint, I think an aspect of Jackie Chan which isn't discussed half as much as it should be is his ability to continue acting while also performing fight choreography, and here his performance has never been better. It's like a perfect synergy between the physical toll the duration of the fight has on the body, matched with his facial expressions were you can literally feel the frustration burning off the screen over the fact that he can't find a way to beat him. In a year where traditional shapes based choreography was still very much in style, the innovation that we get a taster for in In-sik's opening scene comes into full bloom in the finale, creating a fight that was like nothing that had been since before, and arguably up until the finale of 'Drunken Master 2' wasn't seen again after.

A lot of forum members articulated my thoughts on the finale even better than I could myself over in the 'Drunken Master/Snake in the Eagles Shadow vs. Young Master/Dragon Lord' poll thread - 


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Omni Dragon

I voted for 'Whang In-Sik fights constables upon escape'.

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And the results of The Young Master are:

1. Whang In-Sik vs. constables - 52.94%
2. Jackie Chan vs. Whang In Sik - 29.41%
3. Jackie Chan vs. Yuen Biao - 17.65%

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This week we have Ong Bak 2 (2008):

Rite of Passage fights:


Tony Jaa vs. Slavers

Tony Jaa vs. King's assassins


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J.J. Hayden

Not actually a huge fan of this film, I preferred Tony Jaa's more TKD and acrobatic moves, this and Ong Bak 3 I feel use too much of the trad Thai Style and I don't think it works as well on film. The fight with the assassins spices things up a bit, especially with some awesome kicking from Tim Man as the Tiger Claw assassin.

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It's a difficult choice for me all around, but I'm gonna have to go with the finale on this one. (But dadgum! That's some brutal Drunken Style he showcases.) Actually, the reason I love Jaa in this film is that he doesn't rely solely on Muay Thai in this. He pays homage to the "old school" Martial Arts films by incorporating a variety of styles and weapons. It's a freakin' smorgasbord, man!!! I particularly enjoy the segment where he switches back and forth from Muay Thai to Tiger Style while taking on Tim Man and another opponent, relegating one to each foe. It's just superb. I want this Tony Jaa back making films.

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Drunken Monk

I don't think this is a difficult choice at all. Mainly because I believe the finale is one of the greatest modern fight scenes. It has so much built into it: weapons, kung fu, Muay Thai, acrobatic kicks etc. It's fantastic. 
I also prefer the action in this film to all other Tony Jaa films and feel like he should have stayed going down this route. The final fight scene really shows what Jaa was capable of.

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That finale! Oh my lord!! Wonder how things could’ve been after Ong Bak 3 if he didn’t go through his breakdown? Before SPL2 obviously. 

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The results for Ong Bak 2 are:

1. Tony Jaa vs Lord Rajasena's army of assassins - 100%
2. Tony Jaa vs Pha Beek Khrut fighters (rite of passage) - 0%
   Drunken style Tony Jaa vs slavers - 0%

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This week, we have Once Upon a Time in China 2 (1992)

Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen part 1


Jet Li vs. Xiong Xin Xin

Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen (climax)


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Drunken Monk

For me, it’s the final fight. If Jet and Donnie’s first fight was a little longer, I think it would take it, but the finale is lengthier and has a little more going for it what with its various components (Wong Fei Hung with the giant staff, both of them having two short staffs and then the cloth pole).

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Jet vs Donnie 1 - Of all the fights, it's the more grounded one. I have to confess I'm just not that big a fan of the OUATIC franchise. Too much wire-work for me, and a real expression of martial talent is wasted.

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J.J. Hayden

I'd put them in the order of 3,2,1. Although all the fights are good, I think the the think the first two are too brief and the final fight has the bonus of being a double pole fight which is a rare treat. Wish we had got more hand-to-hand (or preferably foot-to-foot) fighting with both Xiong and Yen.

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And the results for OUATIC 2 are:

1. Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen part 2 (climax) - 60%
2. Jet Li vs. Donnie Yen part 1 - 20%
    Jet Li vs. Xiong Xin Xin (White Lotus Chief) - 20%


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This week: The Raid 2.

Prison Bathroom Brawl

Prison Riot

Yayan Ruhian vs. Club

Introduction of Bat Boy and Hammer Girl

Iko Uwais vs. Bat Boy and Hammer Girl

Iko Uwais vs. Cecelia Arif Rahman


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Going with Iko vs Cecep. That fight is so good. I never tire of watching it. There is a brutal intimacy in the choreography. Iko taking on the thugs in the storeroom and then the team of Hammer Girl & Bat Boy just ups the escalation, and it's hard to believe those fights can be topped.

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How much longer is this poll live for?

I am way overdue for a rewatch of this, I may try to watch it and vote before you close the poll.

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4 minutes ago, paimeifist said:

How much longer is this poll live for?

I am way overdue for a rewatch of this, I may try to watch it and vote before you close the poll.

I'll keep it open for another week.

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