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Cloudy Mountain (2021) - Chinese Disaster Movie


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At times an exhilarating disaster movie which especially during the first 30 minutes moves at a breakneck pace which unfortunatly is dragged down by a muddled story and cheesy drama.

Also as often is with chinese productions these days the CGI ranges from excellent to absolutely terrible.

The biggest issue for me with this movie was the constant propaganda spread through out the movie. I know nothing new really but here it started to bother me. The constant praising of the party, government, army, soldiers and the (questionable) expansion of the railway roads. It's not always in your face but it feels it's there all the time. This is all topped off by


a heroic sacrifice which sees one of our heroes die while doing an army salute and proudly sacrifcing his life for the greater cause of China.

It just felt ugly and honestly manipulative. I'm aware Hollywood has been doing this for years but here it just for whatever reason gotten to me. So if you can see past all that you might get a somewhat decent disaster movie. However overall I wouldn't recommend it personally.


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