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Bruce Lee is back in the upcoming 'Game of Death Redux' (version 2.0)!


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3 hours ago, Cognoscente said:

What did Rick Baker do exactly? Offer Bruce's bamboo as an olive branch?

If two people working on GOD fall out and make up again, it should be because a special collector presented the missing log footage so as to broker peace.

Have you seen The Godfather II? Do you remember the scene where Frankie Pentangeli's brother makes an appearance in court? Well, that's what Ricky Baker did. ;)

Edited by mpm74
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2 hours ago, saltysam said:

unless any new footage merges, the artport version will do me, hopefully redone in HD one day.

I attended the Urban Action Showcase screening of Game of Death Redux in October. If you want to see the footage in HD, look no further than this. It was incredible. You could barely tell between the upscaling and actual HD clips from  Game 78.  The color grading was top notch, with the tracksuit reflecting the deep yellow instead of orange that took over for the last twenty years.

Edited by CliveReston
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5 hours ago, mpm74 said:

Have you seen The Godfather II? Do you remember the scene where Frankie Pentangeli's brother makes an appearance in court? Well, that's what Ricky Baker did. ;)

"They kept saying Alan Canvan did this and Alan Canvan did that. So, I said, "Yeah, sure." Why not?"

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20 hours ago, CliveReston said:

I attended the Urban Action Showcase screening of Game of Death Redux in October. If you want to see the footage in HD, look no further than this. It was incredible. You could barely tell between the upscaling and actual HD clips from  Game 78.  The color grading was top notch, with the tracksuit reflecting the deep yellow instead of orange that took over for the last twenty years.

Clive, curious, what did you think of Redux? Especially in comparison to WJ, Artwort and some of the other cuts on YouTube? I had checked it out myself (my thoughts: https://cityonfire.com/game-of-death-redux-2022-review/). 


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8 hours ago, mpm74 said:

Clive, curious, what did you think of Redux? Especially in comparison to WJ, Artwort and some of the other cuts on YouTube? I had checked it out myself (my thoughts: https://cityonfire.com/game-of-death-redux-2022-review/). 


Thats a great review mpm74! 
The only fan edits I've seen are Integral, which combined footage of Game of Death 78, Game of Death 2 and Artport. It was a somewhat interesting idea  but really didn't do much for me in the end. Far better than the other one called Definitive, which is mostly a ripoff of Redux with a few music changes that don't work at all.🙄
As far as the official stuff,  I thought WJ was better edited, but the low-resolution footage was a big disappointment. Artport footage looked good but the bad dubbing and music were abysmal. But the real crime with them  is that they were both just dull.
The thing I loved about the first version of Redux is that it brought back the awesome John Barry music. That and the editing flowed so much better than the other two. The new version of Redux though is on another level and delivers in every single way. I tip my hat off to the Canvan and his entire team.One thing that I haven't read about online is the big change he made with Kareems eyes! That was surprising and, in my view an excellent choice.
There was also a post panel discussion with him , Ric Meyers and Rick Baker that was interesting. One thing I'll say is that his analysis of Game of Death really opened up my eyes to the bigger story, which is more than I can say for the historians and fans that have talked about it for the last 20yrs!
Btw, I did get to meet and speak with him briefly. He was very friendly and signed my Eastern Heroes Redux book. He seemed genuinely humble and very appreciative of the ovation he got from the crowd. 
Here's hoping this gets a release on Blu-Ray sooner than later. Do you know if its scheduled to be on the Arrow release?
Edited by CliveReston
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2 hours ago, CliveReston said:
Here's hoping this gets a release on Blu-Ray sooner than later. Do you know if its scheduled to be on the Arrow release?

Thanks for the kind words about my review!

Very little is known about that 4K Bruce Lee Arrow set. Looking out for the details. If it's anything like the Shawscope sets, then it'll eat the Criterion one up for breakfast for sure.

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On 1/12/2023 at 3:09 PM, tomgray2404 said:

I clocked his personality on the first interview I watched. No humility, full of hot air and self-praise.

100% similar to forger Kevin Martin aka Piece of the Past : never his fault , authenticators are out to get him/slander him & loves to brag about himself "Im court certified expert"......hes certified all right , a certified lunatic conman , no refund from this bozo

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On 1/14/2023 at 10:53 AM, PandaPawPaw said:


I liked your previous work. The rescored soundtrack really bought out the deep love between the two main characters. A love that shall never be. :(

naw , they shouldve used Blue Oyster theme from Police Academys....lmao :P

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12 hours ago, Coliseum1972 said:

100% similar to forger Kevin Martin aka Piece of the Past : never his fault , authenticators are out to get him/slander him & loves to brag about himself "Im court certified expert"......hes certified all right , a certified lunatic conman , no refund from this bozo

Clearly you haven't paid attention. He doesn't consider himself  an "expert", doesn't care who hates him and doesn't  suffer fools easily. Like no name posters who's only intent is to make personal attacks on people. 

Not liking the work is one thing, but like I said before, personal attacks  say more about you than it ever will about him.




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On 1/14/2023 at 2:16 PM, CliveReston said:

I'm sure there are folks that think the same of you. And what? So you know for a fact that he was cheating people? Where's the proof? Because someone ranted about him? How about this: I'll put a FB post up saying you stiffed me and let's just call it fact. Because I said so.

Wake up.

I don't give a flying---- if you change your mind. I'm saying that clearly you have a hard on for this guy. It says a lot about you.

Regarding the "we'd have killed each other" quote. Whats the problem with that? Too honest for ya? 😆



Are you on delay?

Yeah, you putting a FB post up about a stranger would be exactly the same as two guys that are in business. That's great stuff.

And let's be completely honest here, you're the one with a hard-on for Alan Canvan.

The problem with "we'd have killed each other!" Bruce Lee created the entire concept of Game of Death. Bruce Lee choreographed Game of Death. Bruce Lee scripted what there is of Game of Death. Conversely, Canvan ripped a couple of features onto his Mac, switched up some editing, then tossed in a few John Barry tracks that rarely match the content.

Weigh it!

You can think Canvan is Yoda, or the Prince of Beopjusa temple. It's just not for me. With creativity comes critique, and I reckon he's a bog-average editor and a narcissist. Sorry if that offends you, but I don't give a flying---- either.

Edited by tomgray2404
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3 hours ago, tomgray2404 said:

Are you on delay?

Yeah, you putting a FB post up about a stranger would be exactly the same as two guys that are in business. That's great stuff.

My point is YOU weren't in business with either of them, so you don't know what happened. Therefore you shouldn't speak. Or in this case, type.

3 hours ago, tomgray2404 said:

And let's be completely honest here, you're the one with a hard-on for Alan Canvan.

Because I like his work? Or because I call you out on your incessant personal attacks on him? Dislike the work all you want, but that doesn't give you license to personally attack the dude. 

3 hours ago, tomgray2404 said:

The problem with "we'd have killed each other!" Bruce Lee created the entire concept of Game of Death. Bruce Lee choreographed Game of Death. Bruce Lee scripted what there is of Game of Death. Conversely, Canvan ripped a couple of features onto his Mac, switched up some editing, then tossed in a few John Barry tracks that rarely match the content.

You don't have any understanding of how filmmaking works do ya? Moot point. If two creative individuals work together there's always an opportunity for them to be at each other's throat in terms of artistic calls. Ask Thelma Shoemaker about being Scorsese editor, even though Scorsese shot it, wrote it etc.

3 hours ago, tomgray2404 said:

Weigh it!

You can think Canvan is Yoda, or the Prince of Beopjusa temple. It's just not for me. With creativity comes critique, and I reckon he's a bog-average editor and a narcissist. Sorry if that offends you, but I don't give a flying---- either.

If its not for you, why spend so much time bashing it? What you're doing isn't  "critique" Joe. Its an unwarranted personal attack on him.

You cinsider him a narcissist and I say you're one. Cuz only a narcissist would post on a forum bashing someone he doesn't know thinking that anyone would care about their opinion.

Weigh dat!

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4 hours ago, Cognoscente said:

I wonder what Andre Morgan thinks of it.

I can ask him, but I can pretty much guarantee that he won't have seen it.

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11 hours ago, CliveReston said:

My point is YOU weren't in business with either of them, so you don't know what happened. Therefore you shouldn't speak. Or in this case, type.

Because I like his work? Or because I call you out on your incessant personal attacks on him? Dislike the work all you want, but that doesn't give you license to personally attack the dude. 

You don't have any understanding of how filmmaking works do ya? Moot point. If two creative individuals work together there's always an opportunity for them to be at each other's throat in terms of artistic calls. Ask Thelma Shoemaker about being Scorsese editor, even though Scorsese shot it, wrote it etc.

If its not for you, why spend so much time bashing it? What you're doing isn't  "critique" Joe. Its an unwarranted personal attack on him.

You cinsider him a narcissist and I say you're one. Cuz only a narcissist would post on a forum bashing someone he doesn't know thinking that anyone would care about their opinion.

Weigh dat!

I stopped reading when you compared the Bruce Lee/ Alan Canvan "collaboration" to Scorcese/ SCHOONMAKER. 

I know plenty about film, pal, and I know even more about editing,

Let's just leave it. We don't care for each other's opinions, and that's not about to change on either side.

Take care.

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1 hour ago, tomgray2404 said:


I know plenty about film, pal, and I know even more about editing.

Talk is cheap. Let's see some proof of tge "plenty" you know. Here's one for ya:  since you admittedly have so much time on your hands why don't you show us what a Game of Death edit looks like. I'd love to see your "expertise" . 😉

1 hour ago, tomgray2404 said:

Let's just leave it. We don't care for each other's opinions, and that's not about to change on either side.

Take care.

Fine by me...

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I would like to see Sammo do an edit. According to him in Dave Friedman's ETD book, he had an argument with Bruce over the choreography for the opening fight. It would be interesting to see Sammo salvage what was Bruce's least favourite of the GOD fights - the Hapkido floor. There was an interview that Sammo did with Bey Logan for Martial Arts Illustrated (during his Pantyhose Hero days) where he claimed that he was going to play one of the guardians. Presumably, this would have been the Hapkido floor.

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One thing I thought about over the years is that do the guardians just sit/sleep on there respective floors till someone arrives?

Like Dan is sitting on his throne, Ji Han is taking a nap and Kareem is chilling out on his rocking chair. Now say BL and Co decided 'hmmmm lets not go today and go bowling instead'. The guardians would of been waiting all day.

Then say Dan gets tired and needs a poo and a bite to eat and goes to the local cafe and while he's gone BL and Co come back, they go right past Dans floor, steal his tiger rug and go straight to Ji Han and collect $200.

I guess they have to come back down so Dan can still fight whoever is left but say they take a while and Dan needs another poo because of the dodgy sandwich he ate from the cafe and he misses him/them again. Argh!

Just a thought.................

Edited by PandaPawPaw
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52 minutes ago, Cognoscente said:

That reminds me of a thread on the old Temple of the Unknown forum: "Odd things about Game of Death"


Daymn that's almost like I wrote it (I didn't) but it's exactly the type of stup...........ahem questions I'd be asking! Man I hope Kareem didn't have IBS.

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Just now, PandaPawPaw said:

One thing I thought about over the years is that do the guardians just sit/sleep on there respective floors till someone arrives?


The brief snippets of exterior footage shows they were not just locked/trapped in the pogoda.


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They're like security guards.

Maybe Bruce could have established a plot point where spearmen and swordsmen take over for the night shift, which would allow the light-sensitive KAJ to retreat to where ever he may slumber. When the sun comes out, they could put a bag over his head...which would work on another level if he has been forced against his will to be a pagoda guardian.

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14 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:


The brief snippets of exterior footage shows they were not just locked/trapped in the pogoda.


But wasn't that just rehearsal footage? That's what I've seen it referred to at least.

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Just now, PandaPawPaw said:

But wasn't that just rehearsal footage? That's what I've seen it referred to at least.


Nope, its was intended for use in the final movie.


Just now, Cognoscente said:

Maybe Bruce could have established a plot point where spearmen and swordsmen take over for the night shift, which would allow the light-sensitive KAJ to retreat to where ever he may slumber. When the sun comes out, they could put a bag over his head...which would work on another level if he has been forced against his will to be a pagoda guardian


I might be wrong my memories hazy but dont the guardians to the floors run inside the tower, when Hai Tien and his team fight outside the pogoda/first enter the temple grounds?.


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