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Crazy Fist (2021)


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Just watched this on Tubi. 

It's...okay, this is like watching a Chinese version of a Bollywood flick that's a throwback to the late 80's/early 90's heyday of the American musclebound action star. (I'm looking at you, Stallone.)

The guys are all buff and walk around with their arms out at their sides like gunfighters. The women are pristinely pretty. The dialogue is lame and contrived. The fights are mainly power punches and tossing dudes around like a miniature version of the Hulk. It was just...I don't know. Kind of weird.

It really drags in the middle and I was zoning out. And maybe I'm just tired from the week, but I almost started getting tickled because the ripped dudes couldn't be in a scene where they didn't emphasize their physique in some pose. Nothing overt, mind you. Just little things. Wearing nothing but tank-tops. Having to brace their hands against the wall while acting all distressed. Constantly reaching up to rub the back of their heads while the camera lingered on their biceps. Stuff like that. I was rolling my eyes so much they got stuck and I dozed off.

The only plus factor was Collin Chou as the villain, and he doesn't bank a lot of screen time till towards the end. He gets a fight scene but it's a little over the top and kind of brief. Oh, and Bruce Leung makes a cameo appearance as a street vendor. So it has that going for it.

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