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I don't care for either of these guys (the Moloney brothers are annoying & always begging for title shots in interviews while Astrolabio is managed by Pac's MP promotions but he's handled by that coked up buffoon, Sean Gibbons stateside) but yeah, I agree that Moloney will probably decision Astrolabio or stop him late.

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@DiP, you called it.


It was a yawner and yeah Moloney won it with his jabs alone but Atrolabio had a terrible game plan. Can't believe one judge had it 114 all. Trying to rob Moloney like E Rod was robbed by Reymart Gaballo.

The main event was a joke.


Butler was on rubber legs from the first punch and it was criminal that the ref let him continue when he couldn't even stand straight.


oh man, there's a reason why the sport of Boxing continues to be suspect in the public's eye.


One of the all time  BS stoppages in the Rolly Romero fight. The old man was taking it to Rolly & was ahead on all 3 scorecards but guess referee Tony Weeks got the 'special' call from above.



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Man, what the hell was that? I knew Astrolabio was gonna lose but like that? Moloney was even more disappointing than I thought. I expected a masterful performance and that was the best he (Moloney) could do?

Boxing is indeed very corrupt. It continues to decline thanks to its' current state.

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17 hours ago, DiP said:
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Man, what the hell was that? I knew Astrolabio was gonna lose but like that? Moloney was even more disappointing than I thought. I expected a masterful performance and that was the best he (Moloney) could do?

Boxing is indeed very corrupt. It continues to decline thanks to its' current state.

Apparently Moloney broke his hand in the 3rd of 4th round so he had to rely on the jab. I had him winning 8 rounds. But that division is wide open with Inoue's brother, Rodriguez and of course, Donaire all being able to claim the title.

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Jason Moloney's brother was fighting Junto Nakatani for the 115 lb WBO belt and it was a lopsided beating and possibly KO of the year candidate. Man, the way he looked stretched out on the canvas, I wouldn't be surprised if it might be career ender...



This other angle of him lying on the canvas while the announcers are asking for immediate medical attention is pretty scary!




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That was one nasty KO shot... Damn! 👊

Moving on to Haney Vs Lomachenko...


My prediction was spot on but that decision was bullshit! Bob Arum and Top Rank is at it again, and pulled a Pacquiao Vs Bradley 1 on Lomachenko. I think Haney did good but was behind four or perhaps five rounds while Lomachenko pulled off a masterful performance, as usual, with the sharper hits and beautiful as well as effective techniques, ring IQ and overall generalship. I say a rematch is needed.


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Yeah, the criteria for scoring a fight is which fighter had the cleaner punches, ring generalship & effective aggression...Loma topped Haney in all 3 categories. Did you hear Haney tell his dad that Loma seems to know everything he's going to do? Shakur who had Haney before the fight even said Loma deserved the win and Haney was supposed to retire Loma after this match but it appeared Haney was the one who had the deer in the headlights look for a number of rounds.

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Looks like Errol Spence Jr Vs Terence Crawford is a deal! The fight is set to July 29 in Las Vegas. Let's hope things don't get in the way that will affect the fight to the point of being cancelled or pushed back to a later date.


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When it comes to Filipino boxing, last weekend saw Melvin Jerusalem defend his title against Oscar Collazo, 


in what was a sensational fight for the latter. Collazo became the fastest Puerto Rican boxer to win a world title, gaining it after just 6 pro fights. Collazo defeated Jerusalem via RTD in round 7 after throwing alot of body shots that eventually neutralized Jerusalem and his overall abilities. With a great team and management, Collazo will have a bright future ahead of him. 

This leaves Marlon Tapales, and Charly Suarez (current IBO, and IBF Intercontinental Super Featherweight champion) as the remaining Filipino boxing champions with world titles.


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Good for Collazo. There has been a dearth of Boricua champions and a once proud boxing nation hasn't had much to cheer about recently. Remember people hyping up "Pitufo" Diaz and Felix Verdejo and they haven't materialized into championship material once they fought stiffer competition and in the case of Verdejo, he threw his life away. Other than Subriel Matias and now Collazo, who else out there is future championship material? I still like Emmanuel Rodriguez at 118 though.

Regarding Charly Suarez, I would like him to fight Joe Cordina. That'll be a real test for him and Suarez's stout chin will get tested.

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sifu iron perm
1 hour ago, Yihetuan said:

Good for Collazo. There has been a dearth of Boricua champions and a once proud boxing nation hasn't had much to cheer about recently. Remember people hyping up "Pitufo" Diaz and Felix Verdejo and they haven't materialized into championship material once they fought stiffer competition and in the case of Verdejo, he threw his life away. Other than Subriel Matias and now Collazo, who else out there is future championship material? I still like Emmanuel Rodriguez at 118 though.

Regarding Charly Suarez, I would like him to fight Joe Cordina. That'll be a real test for him and Suarez's stout chin will get tested.

PR Boxing was a full force in the 80's and 90's respectively! Huge fan of their style and characters! Lets see how Collazo carrys on the tradition!

Verdejo was a huge let donw prior to his crazy heneious act outside of the ring, isnt he on death row ?




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Josh Taylor Vs Teofimo Lopez is on this Saturday. I have only seen Taylor in some highlights but I have heard of his great reputation, with him being the undisputed champion at 140 when he unified the IBF, WBA, WBC, and WBO titles in 2021 defeating José Ramirez. However, Lopez might just be his most challenging opponent thus far, despite one loss, being the challenger. This should be entertaining. I think I'm leaning towards Taylor for now by SD or MD.


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Taylor got an absolute gift his last fight. One of the all time robberies last year to go along with the Rolly Romero robbery this year. Having said that, I can't stand Teofimo's dad but I do respect Teofimo for being one of the only boxers to ever speak out against Anti-Asian hate during the Covid hysteria. People accused him of pandering to the Asian community but he didn't have anything to gain from it. While that POS Taylor admitted to racially abusing an Asian bouncer at a nightclub. So I'm rooting for Teofimo Lopez to win.

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1 hour ago, Yihetuan said:

I can't stand Teofimo's dad but I do respect Teofimo for being one of the only boxers to ever speak out against Anti-Asian hate during the Covid hysteria. People accused him of pandering to the Asian community but he didn't have anything to gain from it. While that POS Taylor admitted to racially abusing an Asian bouncer at a nightclub. So I'm rooting for Teofimo Lopez to win.

Damn, Taylor did that?! Thanks for the info. Now I do want to see Lopez beat the crap out of Josh "The Racist Tornado" Taylor.

I've been following hate crimes on Asians on IG (Asians Wit Attitude/Asians Get Active, Jackpot, Fighting Asian Hate) since Covid started, and sadly it still goes on like it's normalized. Latest incident happened a few days ago in Las Vegas when a Filipino-American man was assaulted by his racist neighbor for being mistaken for a Japanese.

As an Asian myself, it's disappointing that someone like Taylor would condone to such racist behavior. But then again, why am I not surprised... The UK along with the US, and Canada are top 3 countries in the world where Asians are most likely to get exposed to verbal and physical assaults due to Covid (and a long history of Asian hate in general).

Btw, are you Asian?

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You speak the truth, brother! My view is that the global Asian communities or many Asian individuals have been too quiet and passive to take any action against racial prejudice, verbal and physical abuse for so long. We as Asians are seen as "easy targets" and therefore these perpetrators believe they can do anything and get away with it. I also think that this mentality Asians have is due to obsessively good parenting in that Asian parents tell their kids to stay away from trouble by not doing anything back, no matter what. That's part of the reason why racism against Asians is normalized and will continue to happen unless we start saying and fighting back. Much respect to our parents for teaching us great values and principles in life, but sometimes doing nothing is not enough so you gotta do what you gotta do to make people respect you.

I used to take alot of crap from everybody and not doing anything back as a kid and teen due to this but I'm so tired of holding back now. Once people throw racial slurs in front of my face, I'm gonna stare at them, and clap back if situation get worse. On one occasion (this was four months ago), I nearly got into a fight with a half-black/half-white dude due to verbal abuse. Me, my wife, and her family were about to get on a tram from town, and the dude was just getting out and happened to be in our way. Annoyed by this, he stepped aside and angrily (in lowered voice) said "Get outta my way, you fucking Chinese whores" as he went passed us. We responded immediately, and I said "What did you say?! Shut the fuck up!". My wife and her family started to yell at him questioning his problem. The jerk turned around and started babbling some stuff about being a real man to my wife, and my wife wisely said "If you're real man, behave like one". The dude did nothing but stutter (got him real insecure :rofl) and instead turned his attention to me. I was ready to go off once he got close to me so I said "Come on, do something!" All dude did was barking at me saying the same thing and stepping back whenever I got close to him. My wife dragged me back though, and we couldn't miss the tram so the fight never happened. After we got inside the tram, the dude turned around again, acting tough for not taking the bait, and amusingly said that me and him could meet up one day in private to fight each other before the tram door was shut close and went ahead. I bet he's still out there looking for me to finish it, probably got punk-ass friends with him for back-up too like a typical coward.

So yeah, people always go for the elderly, women, and those that look soft while they avoid the ones that go for it without hesitation. Pure cowardice from people nowadays. That Somali dude went to Japan expecting not to receive any heat for his actions. Boy, was he very wrong... Hope that will teach him not to fool around everywhere anymore. I hope that white guy attacking his neighbor will get what he deserves too.

Back to Taylor Vs Lopez... I hope Lopez wins and by KO in any form. 

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Yeah man, that turning the other cheek, keeping your head down shit only works in Asia where they place an emphasis on being harmonious, losing face & not rocking the boat but here in the West that won't play. You'll only come across as soft & an easy mark. You definitely can't count on law enforcement to protect you or your family, they're always a day late & a dollar short when shit goes down plus they just try to gaslight you anyway if you claim you've been hate crimed. So take it upon yourself & be proactive to protect you & your loved ones. If you can't carry where you live, get yourself a blade or the very least some pepper spray and a box cutter.

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Very well said! I don't live in the States but I've been hearing alot of stories of cops responding lazily to hate crimes toward non-whites. I say it's white privilege due to a country run by white people, 'nuff said. Where I live (Scandinavia), cops here won't do crap either unless it's homicide. I'd say law enforcement in Scandinavia are far softer.

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2 hours ago, DiP said:

Very well said! I don't live in the States but I've been hearing alot of stories of cops responding lazily to hate crimes toward non-whites. I say it's white privilege due to a country run by white people, 'nuff said. Where I live (Scandinavia), cops here won't do crap either unless it's homicide. I'd say law enforcement in Scandinavia are far softer.

I didn't know you lived in Scandinavia. That changes the whole dynamic as you're not going to be able to carry at all. yeah, I heard there are "no go zones" over there where the cops don't even show up at all. Since you follow those IG pages, I take it you know who are the doing the majority of hate crimes against Asians here in the States. When I read your story about that racist prick on the tram, it could've easily been Oakland, SF or NYC.

Anyway, have situational awareness in public and keep your head on a swivel. Protect yourself brother the best way you can and if that means using dirty tactics like keys to the orbital socket, wearing brass knucks under gloves then use it because you can deal with the legal implications later (much easier than dealing with life threatening injuries or the cops telling your family that you're not coming home that day).

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sifu iron perm

That was a good battle with Teo dominating seriously, he was too quick and found it easy to tag Josh! 

Teo made a nice statement few hours ago. 

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18 hours ago, Yihetuan said:

I didn't know you lived in Scandinavia. That changes the whole dynamic as you're not going to be able to carry at all. yeah, I heard there are "no go zones" over there where the cops don't even show up at all. Since you follow those IG pages, I take it you know who are the doing the majority of hate crimes against Asians here in the States. When I read your story about that racist prick on the tram, it could've easily been Oakland, SF or NYC.

Anyway, have situational awareness in public and keep your head on a swivel. Protect yourself brother the best way you can and if that means using dirty tactics like keys to the orbital socket, wearing brass knucks under gloves then use it because you can deal with the legal implications later (much easier than dealing with life threatening injuries or the cops telling your family that you're not coming home that day).

Yeah, guns are illegal to carry here but yet they are easily accessible and thereby many shootings every day. I would say that Scandinavia has become like the US in that there's a yearly increase of migrants from the Middle East, East and West Africa, the Balkans, possession of firearms, youth and organized crime gangs, assaults, murders, theft, rape, fraud etc. Well, in comparison, at least it's safer here than the US I'd imagine. But still, racism and prejudice can happen here too, as event in the story I told you. I've been following those IG pages so I know of the usual suspects even though there have been other ethnic groups responsible too, including other Asians (Whitewashed ones).

Nothing but the truth. That's great advice!

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12 hours ago, sifu iron perm said:

That was a good battle with Teo dominating seriously, he was too quick and found it easy to tag Josh! 

Teo made a nice statement few hours ago. 

Saw the highlights. Really enjoyed seeing Lopez give Taylor that work.

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2 hours ago, DiP said:

Yeah, guns are illegal to carry here but yet they are easily accessible and thereby many shootings every day. I would say that Scandinavia has become like the US in that there's a yearly increase of migrants from the Middle East, East and West Africa, the Balkans, possession of firearms, youth and organized crime gangs, assaults, murders, theft, rape, fraud etc. Well, in comparison, at least it's safer here than the US I'd imagine. But still, racism and prejudice can happen here too, as event in the story I told you. I've been following those IG pages so I know of the usual suspects even though there have been other ethnic groups responsible too, including other Asians (Whitewashed ones).

Nothing but the truth. That's great advice!

Unfortunately, I think it's going to get much worse for us here in the West due to the rampant Sinophobia that is coming out of the media everyday. The war drums are beating for a confrontation with China. If that happens, it's going to be what the Arabs went through after 9/11 but amplified 10x worse. I wouldn't be surprised if they bring back internment camps.

Of course, no matter what type of Asian you are, if you look remotely East Asian, you'll be considered Chinese. I've read and heard numerous stories of Japanese, Taiwanese, Korean, Filipino, even Native Americans being attacked by a racist perp calling them "Chinese" & they meekly answer back that they are not Chinese in hopes of stopping the racial harassment or beating and as you can guess, it simply does not work. If you're an able bodied and not elderly or disabled, you have to fight back as trying to reason with these idiots does not work and just puts yourself in even more danger. I hear you about the "boba" libs, Uncle Chans & Aunty Lu's who sell out hoping to gain acceptance and a pat on the head, they are absolute scum.

2 hours ago, DiP said:

Saw the highlights. Really enjoyed seeing Lopez give Taylor that work.

I didn't catch the entire bout but the last couple rounds when Taylor was visibly hurt and staggered was enjoyable. Props to Teo for sticking to his gameplan and using that coutnter right effectively all night long and biding his time instead of going in reckless and trying to brawl.

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