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BL's Southern Fist,Northern Leg


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Has anyone here read it?

I've been trying to get details on it for a while..  I know the basic premise of the film  but would love to get more details if anyone can shed some light on the script?



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I have included everything not filmed (or lost). These are from Bruce Lee's note and are featured in the Warrior's Journey book (that accompanied the documentary). 





Note: Names are actor names and not names of Characters (i.e. Lee is Bruce Lee, Tien is James Tien)

1. Abroad Kai Tak airplane (Interior-day)

[a] Kid and girl, with kid wanting to sit in the window seat.

The "professional' announcement of trip, mentioning the stop over in Korea en route,

[c] The recognition

2. Plane takes off from Hong Kong (exterior-day)

3. Plane (interior-day)

[a] Kid's initiation of conversation for contrast with marital art nut's nagging-make him a spectator (mention Lee is taking a tour of Southeast Asia with sister and brother); Yu Ming's wonder of Lee's quitting [The championship fight].

Flashback intercut with appropriateness.

[1] wild and primitive (insert with appropriate undercut-my blank look-from now on).

[2]technical stage (Yu Ming's admiration).

[3] nonchalant stage (boy;s aggravation-reproach).

4. Plane landing in Korea

[a] Announcing the one-hour stopover.

kid insisting or I like to see Korea's airport interior.

Yu Ming's friendly handshake, wanting to talk more on way to next stop.

5. Korea airport interior and phone booth

[a]The usual tourist routine at airport, with kid wanting cold drink

Paging Lee.

[c] Sharp and cold conversation with Tien.

6. Korea airport entrance with nice car outside

Time one thing opening door, getting in, starting engine, with Lee's casual line of "Nice weather," with two "wooden" thugs one each side-rigif with only eyeballs moving.

7. Brief car ride in Korea.

8. Boss's house (exterior-day)

[a] When one man comes out to greet Lee, Lee walks away suddenly turns to the two expressionless thugs;


Thank You! (blank expression)

Man! That's a big snake! (the two thugs react normally)

That's more like it-don't be so stiff.

The Lee walks toward camera and blocks lens.

9. Boss's office (interior-day)

[a] First Change: Woth the block out, the door is opened; Lee walks in.

Everybody is here the kid is being entertained, Nora is scared, everyone looks. And we zoom in to Tiren as he tells the rest of he martial artists that:


This is the Lee Guo Hao, 'the Yellow-faced Tiger' as foreigners refer to him.

And we cut to Tien's particular interest.

[c] P.O.V of Tien on Bruce's fancy clothing.

[d] kid coming over innocently with toys. Lee, after brief look at worried Nora.


It's very "kind" of Uncle----

[e] Interrupting introduction/meeting (as a whole line) by saying he would like a cup of tea.

[f] Reaction of Tien and others, showing Bruce's unpopularity.

10. A hallway and two guest rooms -[exterior] or [interior] 

Bruce sends kid away to play or get a drink.

11. "Brief" stay at girl's room

[Lee tells Nora] Not to let kid know.


Stay inside and don't run around!

12. Out of girl's room into the other guest room and closes door

13. Boss's office

[a] Second Change: Lee enters with a hip fashion clothes.

From hanging up on phone to tapping of fingers on table. Boss's deadly warning that lucky Lee did not spend too much time with girl and boy; otherwise they will have to be eliminated for knowing too much.

[c] The introduction of people (handshake introduction)

[1] Huang Chia Da - $2,000 and mother's operation

[2] American - he is practical

[3] Hsie Yuan (Chieh Yuan) - $700; he is strong and loves to show his strength, simple minded) - Chieh Yuan reaction.

[4] Lee Kun - he cost cheap because he is an alcoholic and a cheap petty thief

[5] Tien- so far cost me the most because he is efficient and is the current Asian champ.


By the way, I do not like retired and undefeated champions.

(As Lee starts to walk away, Tien won't let go)


Tien (Con't)

On top of that, for a retired champion, you sure have a bad memory. I've just spoken to you at the airport not too long ago. How can you have forgotten my voice? (Pause for P.O.V)


You know something, you sound tougher than you look (Release handshake)


[d] Boss offers money and cooly gets turned down, but Lee had to do it anyway because boss further warns him of relationship of the boy and girl's lives and his goal.

[e] Briefly mentions mission but will go into details tonight in the projection room. (cut directly too)

14. Projection room (same room as above- [i.e., meeting room])-possibly Nora will be added.

The exterior-the electronics must be taken care of.

[a] From a blurred image of the Temple of the Leopard, and the introduction of each man's skill and each attacker's duty-with Lee and Tien to watch over the whole [operation], particularly "Together to fight the Tower of the Unknown."

Mention the only survivor (Huang) of many previous attackers, but unfortunately Huang is committed at local nuthouse and is no use because he cannot tell much, aside from the comment "Unbelievable agility and power!"

[c] Lee's built up Huang's kicking ability.

[d] Biss mentions tomorrow's meeting at 11:00 A.M. abd asks everyone to rest.

[c] Bruce asks permission to use car to visit Huang.


Of course you can use my car, but I can tell you it's a waste of time.



Thank you for letting just me go



Ha! Ha! That is why I like you. You know you have to come back!

14. Biss's House exterior-morning)

Tien is with chauffeur, shop talking, and suddenly Bruce comes out.

11. With Tien's complaint of car to Boss-(exterior)

[a] Tien bitching to chauffeur.

About clothes.



I sure don't like the way you dress as a Martial Artist.


How does a martial artist normally dress?

(Tien's hesitation)

Lee (Con't)

It's not how he dresses-that's his own personal taste, anyway-but what really counts is what is behind those clothes of the martial artist isn't it? By the way, have you looked at how you dressed lately?

(Tien's look)

12. Sanatorium hallway and padded cell.

13. Boss's office (with Tien beside him)

[a] [Nothing written.]


You have a bad habit of being late.



(Purposely ignoring Tien)

You want your job done, don't you?


Boss assures Lee that boy and girl are fine and know nothing about the project.



You have no choice anyway. You need me, and by the way, don't you or anyone in this house lay even one finger on either of them!

(Tien laughs)


I can assure you that my guards personally will take good care of them. And I might even be generous enough to let you see them anytime you want - but don't even try or think that you can leave this house. My generosity, you see, has a limit.

[c] Establish purpose of meeting, set date of attack.

[d] Ask them to take tomorrow morning easy and conserve your energy for today.


15. Training garden

[a] Everybody training with Bruce. Nora and the kid, and payment.

About Mantis-pull girl away and back with tears in her eyes.

[c] About money.



I want you to remember me.



Why? I see you everyday.

(Nora sobbing)


Add Tien's bossing everybody-especially Chieh Yuan.

Start to walk toward camera. Camera zooms in on boy and girl as they look.

[d] Bruce then walks and hides Lee Kun.

[e] Tien's instigating with Chieh Yuan to fight Bruce; Bruce turns tide

15-a. Shows right before [scene 15-in Nora's room]

[a] Everyone's expression as Bruce walks out to have some air.

American seeing Brice eating, sitting near to American; mentions game of death

[c] Add water turn off, water dripping.

16. Boss's house (exterior)

The small buss (like King and I music).

[a] Everyone equipped out with music-stop- everyone waits.

"Good morning, fells'

17. Bus to temple

18. Preparations to break in.

19. The big fight.

20. The arrest.

21. The airplane.


Dan Inosanto Fight

1. Tien and Chieh jump up [the stairs] and both look

2. Dan sits on chair and hazes coldly. He has a bag alongside of him.

3. From M.S. Two-man shots of Tien and Chieh; we zoom in to two-close-up stare.

4. P.O.V. scanning shot of Dan as we zoom/pan down to his bag close to him.

5.Tracking two-man M.S. as they shift their looks.

Tien: (To Chieh Yuan)

Prepare our weapons

(But Tien has not taken his out. Pause. both are looking)

Tien: (Con't)

You have a longer weapon than his. You go first,

(As the camera moves back, Chieh moves forward)

6. A [tracking~] in shot forward toward Dan as Dan reaches for his two sticks and slowly stands up as he cooly bangs his staff (teasing beat) and never changes his gaze as camera motion stops.

7. A M.S. of Chieh as we zoom into his eyes (close-up).

8. A pan from sticks as we zoom back into his M.S. with Dan banging his sticks and staring (banding with teasing beats).

9. Chieh M.S. as he twirls his staff with screams and shouts.

10. Same M.S. as number 8: Dan in his same teasing beat.

11. Close-up of Chieh turning around to look at Tien.

12. Tien's close up of Chieh as he turns back and looks at Dan. Then he scream towards screen.

13. Close-up of Chieh as he turn back and looks at Dan. Then he screams toward screen.

14. As Dan twirls some fancy moves [with his sticks] toward camera and ends up with a cross [formation with the sticks].

15. Chieh backs up and looks back at Tien.

16. Tien's close-up


Don't Let him psych you out!

17. With [Dan's] crossed sticks in foreground Chieh turns back to look at Dan.

18. Close-up of Dan with sticks crossed in front.

19. A low shot of [the] two men circling.

20. Favoring Dan as Dan knocks [the] hell out of Chieh.

21. Chieh's M.S. of his painful experience as he decides to go at it again.

22. Favoring Dan in another longer combination, again knocking the hell out of Chieh.

23. [nothing written]

24. Down by kenpo and up.

25. #1: Front kick, lunge punch, and the dance of death. Dan looks at Tien

26. #2: Dan looks at Tien.

27. Tien pulls out his short stick.

1. Bruce rushes up [the stairs], stops and looks.



Edited by eledoremassis02
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11 minutes ago, CliveReston said:

Thanks for this, but I was asking about Southern Fist, Northern Leg? 


Dang! My bad, I was browsing this and the GOD thread and got them confused 

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1 hour ago, eledoremassis02 said:

I have included everything not filmed (or lost). These are from Bruce Lee's note and are featured in the Warrior's Journey book (that accompanied the documentary). 


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Note: Names are actor names and not names of Characters (i.e. Lee is Bruce Lee, Tien is James Tien)

1. Abroad Kai Tak airplane (Interior-day)

[a] Kid and girl, with kid wanting to sit in the window seat.

The "professional' announcement of trip, mentioning the stop over in Korea en route,

[c] The recognition

2. Plane takes off from Hong Kong (exterior-day)

3. Plane (interior-day)

[a] Kid's initiation of conversation for contrast with marital art nut's nagging-make him a spectator (mention Lee is taking a tour of Southeast Asia with sister and brother); Yu Ming's wonder of Lee's quitting [The championship fight].

Flashback intercut with appropriateness.

[1] wild and primitive (insert with appropriate undercut-my blank look-from now on).

[2]technical stage (Yu Ming's admiration).

[3] nonchalant stage (boy;s aggravation-reproach).

4. Plane landing in Korea

[a] Announcing the one-hour stopover.

kid insisting or I like to see Korea's airport interior.

Yu Ming's friendly handshake, wanting to talk more on way to next stop.

5. Korea airport interior and phone booth

[a]The usual tourist routine at airport, with kid wanting cold drink

Paging Lee.

[c] Sharp and cold conversation with Tien.

6. Korea airport entrance with nice car outside

Time one thing opening door, getting in, starting engine, with Lee's casual line of "Nice weather," with two "wooden" thugs one each side-rigif with only eyeballs moving.

7. Brief car ride in Korea.

8. Boss's house (exterior-day)

[a] When one man comes out to greet Lee, Lee walks away suddenly turns to the two expressionless thugs;


Thank You! (blank expression)

Man! That's a big snake! (the two thugs react normally)

That's more like it-don't be so stiff.

The Lee walks toward camera and blocks lens.

9. Boss's office (interior-day)

[a] First Change: Woth the block out, the door is opened; Lee walks in.

Everybody is here the kid is being entertained, Nora is scared, everyone looks. And we zoom in to Tiren as he tells the rest of he martial artists that:


This is the Lee Guo Hao, 'the Yellow-faced Tiger' as foreigners refer to him.

And we cut to Tien's particular interest.

[c] P.O.V of Tien on Bruce's fancy clothing.

[d] kid coming over innocently with toys. Lee, after brief look at worried Nora.


It's very "kind" of Uncle----

[e] Interrupting introduction/meeting (as a whole line) by saying he would like a cup of tea.

[f] Reaction of Tien and others, showing Bruce's unpopularity.

10. A hallway and two guest rooms -[exterior] or [interior] 

Bruce sends kid away to play or get a drink.

11. "Brief" stay at girl's room

[Lee tells Nora] Not to let kid know.


Stay inside and don't run around!

12. Out of girl's room into the other guest room and closes door

13. Boss's office

[a] Second Change: Lee enters with a hip fashion clothes.

From hanging up on phone to tapping of fingers on table. Boss's deadly warning that lucky Lee did not spend too much time with girl and boy; otherwise they will have to be eliminated for knowing too much.

[c] The introduction of people (handshake introduction)

[1] Huang Chia Da - $2,000 and mother's operation

[2] American - he is practical

[3] Hsie Yuan (Chieh Yuan) - $700; he is strong and loves to show his strength, simple minded) - Chieh Yuan reaction.

[4] Lee Kun - he cost cheap because he is an alcoholic and a cheap petty thief

[5] Tien- so far cost me the most because he is efficient and is the current Asian champ.


By the way, I do not like retired and undefeated champions.

(As Lee starts to walk away, Tien won't let go)


Tien (Con't)

On top of that, for a retired champion, you sure have a bad memory. I've just spoken to you at the airport not too long ago. How can you have forgotten my voice? (Pause for P.O.V)


You know something, you sound tougher than you look (Release handshake)


[d] Boss offers money and cooly gets turned down, but Lee had to do it anyway because boss further warns him of relationship of the boy and girl's lives and his goal.

[e] Briefly mentions mission but will go into details tonight in the projection room. (cut directly too)

14. Projection room (same room as above- [i.e., meeting room])-possibly Nora will be added.

The exterior-the electronics must be taken care of.

[a] From a blurred image of the Temple of the Leopard, and the introduction of each man's skill and each attacker's duty-with Lee and Tien to watch over the whole [operation], particularly "Together to fight the Tower of the Unknown."

Mention the only survivor (Huang) of many previous attackers, but unfortunately Huang is committed at local nuthouse and is no use because he cannot tell much, aside from the comment "Unbelievable agility and power!"

[c] Lee's built up Huang's kicking ability.

[d] Biss mentions tomorrow's meeting at 11:00 A.M. abd asks everyone to rest.

[c] Bruce asks permission to use car to visit Huang.


Of course you can use my car, but I can tell you it's a waste of time.



Thank you for letting just me go



Ha! Ha! That is why I like you. You know you have to come back!

14. Biss's House exterior-morning)

Tien is with chauffeur, shop talking, and suddenly Bruce comes out.

11. With Tien's complaint of car to Boss-(exterior)

[a] Tien bitching to chauffeur.

About clothes.



I sure don't like the way you dress as a Martial Artist.


How does a martial artist normally dress?

(Tien's hesitation)

Lee (Con't)

It's not how he dresses-that's his own personal taste, anyway-but what really counts is what is behind those clothes of the martial artist isn't it? By the way, have you looked at how you dressed lately?

(Tien's look)

12. Sanatorium hallway and padded cell.

13. Boss's office (with Tien beside him)

[a] [Nothing written.]


You have a bad habit of being late.



(Purposely ignoring Tien)

You want your job done, don't you?


Boss assures Lee that boy and girl are fine and know nothing about the project.



You have no choice anyway. You need me, and by the way, don't you or anyone in this house lay even one finger on either of them!

(Tien laughs)


I can assure you that my guards personally will take good care of them. And I might even be generous enough to let you see them anytime you want - but don't even try or think that you can leave this house. My generosity, you see, has a limit.

[c] Establish purpose of meeting, set date of attack.

[d] Ask them to take tomorrow morning easy and conserve your energy for today.


15. Training garden

[a] Everybody training with Bruce. Nora and the kid, and payment.

About Mantis-pull girl away and back with tears in her eyes.

[c] About money.



I want you to remember me.



Why? I see you everyday.

(Nora sobbing)


Add Tien's bossing everybody-especially Chieh Yuan.

Start to walk toward camera. Camera zooms in on boy and girl as they look.

[d] Bruce then walks and hides Lee Kun.

[e] Tien's instigating with Chieh Yuan to fight Bruce; Bruce turns tide

15-a. Shows right before [scene 15-in Nora's room]

[a] Everyone's expression as Bruce walks out to have some air.

American seeing Brice eating, sitting near to American; mentions game of death

[c] Add water turn off, water dripping.

16. Boss's house (exterior)

The small buss (like King and I music).

[a] Everyone equipped out with music-stop- everyone waits.

"Good morning, fells'

17. Bus to temple

18. Preparations to break in.

19. The big fight.

20. The arrest.

21. The airplane.


Dan Inosanto Fight

1. Tien and Chieh jump up [the stairs] and both look

2. Dan sits on chair and hazes coldly. He has a bag alongside of him.

3. From M.S. Two-man shots of Tien and Chieh; we zoom in to two-close-up stare.

4. P.O.V. scanning shot of Dan as we zoom/pan down to his bag close to him.

5.Tracking two-man M.S. as they shift their looks.

Tien: (To Chieh Yuan)

Prepare our weapons

(But Tien has not taken his out. Pause. both are looking)

Tien: (Con't)

You have a longer weapon than his. You go first,

(As the camera moves back, Chieh moves forward)

6. A [tracking~] in shot forward toward Dan as Dan reaches for his two sticks and slowly stands up as he cooly bangs his staff (teasing beat) and never changes his gaze as camera motion stops.

7. A M.S. of Chieh as we zoom into his eyes (close-up).

8. A pan from sticks as we zoom back into his M.S. with Dan banging his sticks and staring (banding with teasing beats).

9. Chieh M.S. as he twirls his staff with screams and shouts.

10. Same M.S. as number 8: Dan in his same teasing beat.

11. Close-up of Chieh turning around to look at Tien.

12. Tien's close up of Chieh as he turns back and looks at Dan. Then he scream towards screen.

13. Close-up of Chieh as he turn back and looks at Dan. Then he screams toward screen.

14. As Dan twirls some fancy moves [with his sticks] toward camera and ends up with a cross [formation with the sticks].

15. Chieh backs up and looks back at Tien.

16. Tien's close-up


Don't Let him psych you out!

17. With [Dan's] crossed sticks in foreground Chieh turns back to look at Dan.

18. Close-up of Dan with sticks crossed in front.

19. A low shot of [the] two men circling.

20. Favoring Dan as Dan knocks [the] hell out of Chieh.

21. Chieh's M.S. of his painful experience as he decides to go at it again.

22. Favoring Dan in another longer combination, again knocking the hell out of Chieh.

23. [nothing written]

24. Down by kenpo and up.

25. #1: Front kick, lunge punch, and the dance of death. Dan looks at Tien

26. #2: Dan looks at Tien.

27. Tien pulls out his short stick.

1. Bruce rushes up [the stairs], stops and looks.


Wow ! Thanks a lot for sharing this !

So, If I read well, Carter Huang, Nora Miao and Li Kun were supposed to be in Bruce's version of Game of Death ? That's news ! Reading this makes me very sad that we didn't have the luck to see the "real" movie Bruce had planned !


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17 minutes ago, CliveReston said:

Thanks for this, but I was asking about Southern Fist, Northern Leg? 


What is this ? Another movie that Bruce Lee had planned too ?

Is it the one that we know under the title The circle of Iron ?

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4 minutes ago, eledoremassis02 said:

Dang! My bad, I was browsing this and the GOD thread and got them confused 

No prob Dude. This is actually nice to have at a glance so Kudos!

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Just now, ShawAngela said:

What is this ? Another movie that Bruce Lee had planned too ?

Is it the one that we know under the title The circle of Iron ?

Yes it was a script Bruce was working on before Game of Death. The way its been described is somewhat similar to Silent Flute. Matt Polly gives some tidbits in his book, but I'd love to get my hands on tge actual script notes.

Anyone at all read it? 

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1 hour ago, CliveReston said:

Yes it was a script Bruce was working on before Game of Death. The way its been described is somewhat similar to Silent Flute. Matt Polly gives some tidbits in his book, but I'd love to get my hands on tge actual script notes.

Anyone at all read it? 

Was this the one that was going to open with the snowy trees and the oak breaks but the bamboo stays strong?

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19 minutes ago, eledoremassis02 said:

Was this the one that was going to open with the snowy trees and the oak breaks but the bamboo stays strong?

I'm not sure if that was the beginning for SFNL or Game of Death...

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Audio from Bruce Lee the man the legend, but this has been translated 


Edit: I'm working on adding these subs to the clip from the documentary

Edited by eledoremassis02
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21 hours ago, eledoremassis02 said:

Audio from Bruce Lee the man the legend, but this has been translated 


Edit: I'm working on adding these subs to the clip from the documentary

Thanks for this! Do you know anything else about the story?

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2 hours ago, CliveReston said:

Thanks for this! Do you know anything else about the story?

I don't know of anything else unfortunaly. 

Here are (most) of the subtitles added to the video from Bruce Lee the man the legend. I tried cleaning up the subtitles a bit but could not match them all (as I don't speak Cantonese). Just click closed captioning for the subtitles :)


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On 7/24/2021 at 12:00 PM, eledoremassis02 said:

I don't know of anything else unfortunaly. 

Here are (most) of the subtitles added to the video from Bruce Lee the man the legend. I tried cleaning up the subtitles a bit but could not match them all (as I don't speak Cantonese). Just click closed captioning for the subtitles :)


Excellent stuff! Much appreciated!:BL-GoodJob:

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Why Bruce Lee's Northern Leg Southern Fist Movie Was Never Made - By Nicholas Raymond (2021)

: Northern Leg Southern Fist was a passion project for Bruce Lee after he became a star. Here's why he was never able to get it greenlit and produced.

Link- https://screenrant.com/bruce-lee-northern-leg-southern-fist-movie-explained/



Through Northern Leg Southern Fist, Lee would’ve brought his own journey as a martial artist to the big screen. Lee, who learned Wing Chun kung fu in his youth, eventually reinvented his fighting style by creating Jeet Kune Do because of the flaws he had found in traditional Chinese martial arts. He wanted to take the movie’s lead character down the same path by having him reach similar realizations about his kung fu. The experiences he would have gone through in reevaluating his approach to martial arts would have been deeply philosophical – and that’s fundamentally the issue that Golden Harvest had with Lee’s treatment. The studio’s position on it was that it was too intellectual for their audience.


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Read a few interviews, one with the fellow who wrote Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan and the other with Han Ying Jie the Cathay and Golden Harvest fight coordinator. Their opinion was that Kung Fu movies were basically quickie films and that even Huang Fei Films from the 50's and 60's were lowbrow films. They cranked out the scripts and as Han said, 75% or more was spent on the fight scenes, not acting or rehearsing. Before David Chiang met Peter Cushing he had never read the scripts straight through, let alone rehearse. Meanwhile Bruce is working and hanging out with award winning actors and writers in the USA and wants to do something on the level of Spartacus or the Sand Peebles. Chow just didn't see it, and considering there have been very few cerebral martial arts films even in the USA until the last 20 years, I kind of get it. If they wanted to do something artsy there were always dramas like the ones that Ann Hui and Li Han Hsiang had done. How many teenagers would sit through a bunch of scenes with deep conversations? I have to wonder if Secret Rivals/Hot Cool and Vicious were related at all?

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On 1/7/2022 at 11:59 AM, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

Read a few interviews, one with the fellow who wrote Intimate Confessions of a Chinese Courtesan and the other with Han Ying Jie the Cathay and Golden Harvest fight coordinator. Their opinion was that Kung Fu movies were basically quickie films and that even Huang Fei Films from the 50's and 60's were lowbrow films.


I'll get back to you in regards to the above subject.


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On 1/6/2022 at 6:40 PM, DragonClaws said:


Why Bruce Lee's Northern Leg Southern Fist Movie Was Never Made - By Nicholas Raymond (2021)

: Northern Leg Southern Fist was a passion project for Bruce Lee after he became a star. Here's why he was never able to get it greenlit and produced.

Link- https://screenrant.com/bruce-lee-northern-leg-southern-fist-movie-explained/



Great article, some new stuff I haven't heard before. I just wonder how close SFNL ( or is it NLSF?) Was to SF? Does the hero fight opponents like the Rhythm Man, Panther Man etc?

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20 hours ago, CliveReston said:

I just wonder how close SFNL ( or is it NLSF?) Was to SF? Does the hero fight opponents like the Rhythm Man, Panther Man etc?


I'm under the impression there two different stories. Though I havent read the the script for NLSF, just read what's been shared online/magazines/books over the years. In NLSF, he's wanting to combine both the kikcing and empty handed fighting techniques. While Silent Flute, is more of a spiritual journey with Martial Art's being just one of the elements. There's a lot of people out there, who know a lot more about this subject than me.



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6 hours ago, DragonClaws said:


I'm under the impression there two different stories. Though I havent read the the script for NLSF, just read what's been shared online/magazines/books over the years. In NLSF, he's wanting to combine both the kikcing and empty handed fighting techniques. While Silent Flute, is more of a spiritual journey with Martial Art's being just one of the elements. There's a lot of people out there, who know a lot more about this subject than me.



Who? Let's get them on here!

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