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The Arrow Films Blu-ray Thread

Drunken Monk

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1 hour ago, TibetanWhiteCrane said:

Who did these halfass comms and extras?

Simon Abrams yes,

though it's really the only bad extra on the set.

All the other extras are top notch.

Very curious to find out what the book is like as Simon Abrams seemingly wrote the linear notes for ALL the films in there.


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I did read some critic in nosepage forums most of interviews are not new ones...I disagree on  interviews maybe older better as time may take it`s toll...rather hear his/her opinions of movie made ~after 30 years ago than 50..if both would be of course perfect but if choose one, will go for earlier..

Edited by FightingFool
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My copy has just arrived...

Which is miraculous as Arrow shipped it with no address on it.

My postman just happened to recognise my name at the depot.



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8 minutes ago, Karlos said:

My copy has just arrived...

Which is miraculous as Arrow shipped it with no address on it.

My postman just happened to recognise my name at the depot.



Pardon my French but that’s a pretty big fuck up on Arrow’s behalf. I’m glad it found its way to you.

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Chemical Lemon
2 hours ago, nahnahnah said:


Interesting that arrow chose to release 2 versions of this with different artwork. I got hopeful for a second that the one version would be a 4K release. The original theatrical poster version is exclusive to the US arrow store, so it looks like an attempt to draw traffic to the US webstore, wish there was more to the exclusive version than just a different slipcover. 

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4 hours ago, nahnahnah said:

Here are the upcoming titles that are going to be a part of the Shawscope Vol. 2 set:


Cool, two of my favorite venom films plus a new one ( Magnificent Ruffians ).  I had a fear Two Champions Of Shaolin would be one chosen. 

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On 12/12/2021 at 12:57 PM, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

So people already got their boxset? I just got an email from Zaavi saying it’s being delayed again. In the U.S of course. 

When I read this I was filled with "Oh noooooes".


On 12/12/2021 at 1:47 PM, FightingFool said:

Hmm, int. version of CTK is bit cropped but picture quality looks great enough!Mighty Peking man looks like it can be lots of fun..

We're very lucky to see this version of CHINATOWN KID at all. I wrote the following about the IVL/Celestial DVD release of CHINATOWN KID way back in the early 2000s as a comment on HKFLIX.com (an awesome online store that sadly no longer exists). Please keep in mind that this was long before Blu-rays even existed, and that there ARE spoilers for CHINATOWN KID included in the information below (so please watch the film before reading this):


Just want to share a bit of technical info for viewers of this very enjoyable Shaw Brothers classic. The release of this film by IVL / Celestial is not the "Ultimate Edition" you might expect from them, but it has some interesting differences from the version that many of us are accustomed to seeing.

I have watched the film in its dubbed version many times. In fact, lucky fans may have discovered the version that Steeplechase released on VHS, many years back, in a dubbed widescreen version. The picture was a little dark, but with a running time of approx. 1:54, and with all the carnage intact, it was certainly a great representation of the film. Not only is the new Celestial DVD shorter by nearly a half-hour, but it features some completely different footage and an alternate ending! The print they restored looks stunning, but some of the edits are downright jarring. There are three main gangsters (played by Lo Meng, Kuo Choi, and Wang Lung-Wei) in this version, completely omitting an entire subplot following a fourth gangster. Several great fights are missing, and Fu Sheng's more violent and blatantly criminal acts are edited out, downplaying his immersion into the underworld. But most curious, are the scenes between Fu Sheng and Kuo Choi's characters at the gangster's hideout.

The VHS version shows a super groovy, psychedelic place where Kuo's character acts like the violent scum he is. The DVD version features some of the same dialogue, but in completely different takes on a much less elaborate set. It also presents a more sympathetic version of Kuo's character. In fact, in the DVD version, he seems like he could be a misunderstood hero for most of the film.

The dubbed version ends much more dramatically than the digital one.


In the dubbed one, Fu Sheng kills Kuo Choi and dies from a knife in the gut. While the DVD shows both men being arrested, with Fu gladly accepting his just punishment.

For those who care, there's also the crummy-looking, full-frame, dubbed bootleg DVD out there (orange cover). This version shares more scenes in common with the dubbed tape including the ending (minus a short coda), but only runs 1:29, and has all the violence edited out. So this was most likely sourced from an 'edited for TV' version of the dubbed print.

Since the Steeplechase VHS is long out of print, newer fans will probably only ever see this newest DVD representation, and that's a shame. The fight footage that's missing on the DVD release includes a great gang rumble with prolonged duels between Lo Meng and Kuo Choi, and Wang Lung-Wei and Fu Sheng.

It would be great if Celestial re-released it as a "Special Uncut Edition", with either both versions included, or with the alternate footage available as extras, but I wouldn't hold my breath.

-Kung Fu Bob


In light of our past options, I'm thrilled that Arrow have included their "fix" on CHINATOWN KID and look forward to watching it. Plus, our very own @teako170, author of Alexander Fu Sheng: Biography of the Chinatown Kid, contributed an audio commentary to this release. I've gotta give that a listen! And if you don't already own the book (for shame! :tongue:) you can pick it up here: https://www.amazon.com/Alexander-Fu-Sheng-Biography-Chinatown/dp/1717363679/ref=sr_1_1?crid=3JEZ39TGSMIIY&keywords=Alexander+Fu+Sheng%3A+Biography+of+the+Chinatown+Kid&qid=1639768458&s=books&sprefix=alexander+fu+sheng+biography+of+the+chinatown+kid%2Cstripbooks%2C181&sr=1-1

Also @FightingFool, I'm a big fan of the bonkers MIGHTY PEKING MAN. I hope you enjoy it.


On 12/15/2021 at 1:28 PM, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

Crap, I knew I shouldn't order from Zavvi, lol. I love diabolik, yeah they ship their items pretty fast and sometimes like others have posted here, even before the release date. 

@OpiumKungFuCracker your comment made me nervous. I ordered it from Zavvi because they had it available to order before Diabolik did, and I've ordered from each of them and had great results from both. But still, yesterday I got a shipping notice from Zavvi, so... happy days! Fingers crossed it arrives safely.


On 12/16/2021 at 9:35 AM, AslanBey said:

Is there a reason why they didnt choose a better looking coverart for the big box? 

How do the physical movies look like? Do they have separate packages?

Yeah, I find the cover art... um... surprising.


23 hours ago, Drunken Monk said:

I’ve heard a few people say there are some glaring mistakes in the accompany book as well as on the Five Deadly Venoms commentary. At one point, it’s said that Executioners from Shaolin was released as Master Killer in the States. It also mentions that Lau Kar Leung worked on Shaolin Temple.

This is just what I’ve heard. I haven’t received by set yet.



22 hours ago, LiuYiLong said:

I've not received my set to check the book yet, but can confirm the commentary track is riddled with errors, all the ones you mention are sadly accurate, as well as indicating Wei Pai starred in Disciples of the 36th Chamber, and that that movie also appears on the boxset itself ( nope and nope), that Shaw Bros 'folded' in the early 80's, that Executioners of Shaolin is a Venom Mob movie and on and on.

The track also appears to borrow heavily from the old Senses of Cinema article on Chang Cheh and leans HARD into sexual and gender political and critical studies. I found it a chore at best, borderline disrespectful at worst.

I wish we could have had Tony Rayns, Frank Djeng or Arne and Big Mike Leeder on commentary duties instead.

Hang onto your old Dragon Dynasty DVD's and Bluray's for the commentary track on it, as it's a much better companion to the movie that the one on this set.

It's a shame really, the film deserved way better and the overall quality of the extras on the boxset is extremely high,

The commentary track by forum member @teako170 on the Chinatown Kid is absolutely fantastic.

As are all the video extra provided by Frederic Ambroisine.

The Venoms commentary is the only real let down.

Very curious to see the book.


@LiuYiLong thanks for your thoughts on the set.


6 hours ago, nahnahnah said:


I love that new artwork! The 88 Films' Blu-ray release of this features the original poster art on it (also very cool), so if Arrow's edition includes great extras I will double-dip (Who am I kidding? More likely this would be around the 6th version of this I'll have bought.) I will get the version with this cover art.


5 hours ago, Karlos said:

My copy has just arrived...

Which is miraculous as Arrow shipped it with no address on it.

My postman just happened to recognise my name at the depot.



WHAT?!!! How on earth... ??? :neutral: Wow, I'm shocked (and very happy) that it still made it to you. So everyone in your neck of the woods knows where kung fu film related packages are supposed to go? That makes sense. :wink:

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2 hours ago, saltysam said:

yep, i have them all. disappointing for me.

I had every single title on Volume 1 on DVD, the extras and the transfers made it still very much a worthwhile purchase for me.

Pretty sure that will be the case with Volume 2 as well.

The more attention and the more new fans that a release as high profile as the Arrow set bring in the better.

It all increases the chances of more and more Shaw's movies being released in the future.



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it hurts me financially for now to pick this tomorrow at local store. Arrow seems stole my money and rivers will flow upwards before buy anything released by arrow again. now have to as got rid of many in box,,,


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Killer Meteor

CHINATOWN KID is a revelation, I'd only seen an upload of the UK VHS about 15 years ago and avoided the Celestial DVD for obvious reasons. I wish Chang Cheh had done more modern day actioners with the Venoms in his latter years (well, there is DANCING WARRIOR, but let's pretend that never happened) as this feels quite the large-scale novelty compared to his usual increasingly theatrical-looking offerings. I especially love the funky electronic music that plays whenever Tsai Hung appears (a character totally missing from the edit remastered by Celestial for DVD)!

The UK VHS trailer is interesting, as I get why WB would go for this and THE KILLER, but FIVE SUPERFIGHTERS seems really out of left-field!



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I'm interested to compare the versions of Chinatown Kid on this set. Will be my first time watching both cuts in a short enough time span to remember them both clearly enough when my set arrives next week. I remember watching a VHS rip of Chinatown Kid and enjoying it way more with the fleshed out story than the dvd.

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Those are fuking scammers..again generic message by "stacey"..I know it happens just to few but it did to me...I wasted 170€ to brick and mortar store today. Will watch movies for x-mas as was original plan but did not know this set will cost 285€ and lot stress...

About book...even as adept in Shaw things still something new to discover.David Desser feature is absolute bliss,trivia and film notes so good too...Solid pics about vhs releases and movie posters..as much as disappointed with arrow so called customer service seems guys who worked in this release did stellar job. Get it, you will not regret it.page 41 is best with certain cool blond girl.

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If I'm not mistaken, there should be more than the four Venoms titles mentioned above in the volume 2, right?

Together with Come drink with me ? I love this cover art too !

So, does anyone have the complete list of the titles included in volume 2 ?

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2 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

If I'm not mistaken, there should be more than the four Venoms titles mentioned above in the volume 2, right?

Together with Come drink with me ? I love this cover art too !

So, does anyone have the complete list of the titles included in volume 2 ?

In the Vol. 1 book they revealed that those four "Venom" titles will be included in Vol. 2, but the rest of the titles won't be revealed until it gets an official announcement.

COME DRINK WITH ME will not be a part of Shawscope Vol. 2, instead getting a stand-alone release.

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I received mine today. A thing of beauty! I can’t wait to delve in as I think there are at least three films in this set I haven’t seen.

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