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My rankings of Jimmy Wang Yu martial arts films


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I will only rank movies from the 60s and 70s as that is my fave era, his filmography afterwards is pretty thin anyways. There are still about 9 films I have yet to see. 

nr 46 rage of the master aka the hero 1971

- one of the very early basher films, I was disinterested for the most part, it gets slightly better during the climax but camerawork was not good enough. There is a big knife fight at the end but nothing as cool as the shaw brothers mass knife fights.

nr 45 iron fist adventure 1972

- lots of gunplay, started out fairly interesting but halfway through some annoying stuff came up like the guy with big teeth. There is a cool knife vs knife fight scene in the middle but the end fight is terrible. Wang Yu is blind during the climax though nothing is done with it, the way he finally dispatches the villain is incredibly annoying.

nr 44 a queen’s ransom 1976

- pretty boring for a film with a stellar cast, not nearly enough fight scenes either. Just another excuse to waste a terrific fit looking Bolo in a short part. Angela Mao is in it as well and Dean Shek and they form a romantic pair :-s luckily he isn’t anything like in his Jackie Chan collaborations!

nr 43 the professional killer 1971

- the version I saw looked terrible and was dubbed which is never a good idea. I thought both plot and fights were standard stuff, forgettable, the first wuxia film in my list.

nr 42 the gallant duo  aka the last duel 1971

- another wuxia film, same comments as for the above film basically

nr 41 return of the one armed swordsman 1969

- this will probably surprise you all, it kept nothing of the great atmosphere of the first, just added more fights. It’s been a while since I saw it though but I have seen it twice and it never left a good impression on me. It is often the case with sequels…

nr 40 temple of the red lotus 1965

-  I’m not a big fan of this. It gets better when you watch it back to back with its direct sequel which is surprisingly a lot better. I can’t stand the crying and pleading that is a big part of this film

Nr 39 boxers of loyalty and righteousness 1972

- another fairly standard wuxia. Things got interesting during the second half with a nice escape scene and an entertaining climax, pretty weird killing of the main villain though .

nr 38 the black friday 1973

- modern day drama spicened up with sporadic basher scenes, those scenes are well done but the plot is of no interest and feels rushed. Not a lot of action to enjoy

nr 37 golden swallow 1968

- another classic I don’t really like, fight scenes are boring, plot is weird and as a sequel it is completely awful. At least it has cheng pei pei but she feels wasted here.

nr 36 a man called tiger 1973

- I think there is a decent film out there but my version definitely had vital scenes missing so I was mostly just confused. Luckily there was a lot of bashing and it was pretty well choreographed. Apparently this was a film Lo Wei wanted to do with Bruce Lee.

nr 35 the deadly silver spear 1977

- we have now officially arrived at the good films, from now on I like every film. This is one of those crazy Wang Yu films with odd and peculiar villains trying to outdo master of the flying guillotine (similar weapon, fun villains) though it doesn’t come close. The scene in the haunted house was my favorite as well as the white ninja scene in the snow. Fun film


I will continue probably tomorrow with my list


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Can't say I've ever been a fan of Jimmy Wang Yu, he seemed like all swagger, no skill, with the artistic integrity of a bum begging for change, I wasn't aware he'd even made any good martial arts movies (or good movies, period). Sorry, that came out a tad harsh, I suppose I'm just going by 1st (& 2nd, maybe even 3rd) impressions, which weren't good.

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8 hours ago, Bruce said:

Can't say I've ever been a fan of Jimmy Wang Yu, he seemed like all swagger, no skill, with the artistic integrity of a bum begging for change, I wasn't aware he'd even made any good martial arts movies (or good movies, period). Sorry, that came out a tad harsh, I suppose I'm just going by 1st (& 2nd, maybe even 3rd) impressions, which weren't good.

Perfectly fine, you either love him or hate him I guess. I absolutely love his films, the next posts will be nothing but praise :-P

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Nr 34 the sword and the lute 1967

- this is a follow up to temple of the red lotus and twin swords. The titular lute that had a cameo in the 2nd film is the main plot point of this film as a very deadly weapon. Like the other 2 films Wang Yu isn’t the superstar yet but his part is substantial.

Nr 33 the double double cross 1977

- its been a long time so I don’t remember much of the plot but I do remember the end fight at the beach and on a ship wreck. There is lots of doubling going on during the fight scenes as the choreography probably was too tricky for Jimmy, this means there are more elaborate fight scenes, perhaps people that don’t like Wang Yu will like this better.

Nr 32 trail of the broken blade 1967

- quite the far fetched script but we are treated with nice sets and locations courtesy of the shaw brothers company. The climax feels a bit rushed. Haven’t seen it in a long time so don’t have much to say at this moment.

Nr 31 showdown 1972

- this is a remake of temple of the red lotus. Starts out as a full blown comedy low on fight scenes. The middle part is a bit  annoying as TOTRL ( escaping/pleading to the family) but the final 3rd is great action fun. In the end jimmy takes on 4 guys in a river and on some rocks, he has a hard time beating them but as always prevails.

Nr 30 one armed vs nine killers 1976

- another crazy film trying to capitalize on the success of his one armed boxer film. Overall it feels quite rushed but it has a nice bunch of villains (including a guy with a sword that big it needs to be carried by a bunch of men and a transvestite which Jimmy calls disgusting). It is all very funny. The finale is a good fight with an awesome  twist and then another twist right after it.

Nr 29 the invincible sword 1971

- typical early wuxia. Here Jimmy and a circus act are trying to save a general in an enemy castle. Typical super high body count and eventually at the 3d attempt they succeed barely though as an important squad member thought it was a good moment to take a dump and therefore almost failing the mission. Other than that weird moment the film was a lot of fun. It features hsu feng famous from the King Hu films.

Nr 28 four real friends 1974

- there was a lot of hype,to this film back then as it stars not only Wang Yu but also Chan Sing and Chang Yi. All 3 are basher kings so expectations were high. Great fight scenes throughout the film and an end fight in a big chicken coop, something Jimmy did again in a film 2 years later. Also directed by Wang Yu himself

Nr 27 magnificent chivalry 1971

- another early wuxia, forgot the plot but I remember I liked it especially the muddy end fight

Nr 26 return of the chinese boxer 1977

- not a sequel to his seminal classic chinese boxer film. This is more in the same area as his other crazy films like one armed boxer. Includes zombies and a guy with a very strange looking gun. The end fight is another clever one like when he fight the flying guillotine. Grouping all those films together in a dvd box might be a smart idea in fact.

Nr 25 the magnificent trio 1966

- shaw brothers so lots of famous faces, well plotted film, nice sets and lots of fight scenes. As you might have expected I don’t have much to say as I havent seen it in a long time but it was pretty good!

Nr 24 chow ken 1972

- Jimmy has a substantial role here but I say he is 2nd fiddle to a woman whose name eludes me. She has the end fight here, she moves weird but competently. Lots of huge and long fight scenes including Jimmy taking on dozens with a rifle with bayonet when he tries to raid an ammunition storage. Awesome stuff should be restored one day


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Nr 23 the one armed swordsman 1967

- the breakthrough film for both Wang Yu and Chang Cheh, lots has been said, I have nothing to add.

Nr 22 the killer meteors 1976

- lots of plot twists and a all round fun plot, this is part of his more crazy films. Jackie Chan plays the villain here and has 2 fight scenes with Wang Yu, the first one is fantastic.

Nr 21 the iron man 1973

- modern day basher, it is always a joy to watch Jimmy fight his way through hordes of guys

Nr 20 the gallant boxer 1972

- anthology film with 3 stories, all feature lots and lots of bashing. The cirst story is forgettable but the other 2 are quite good

Nr 19 seaman n° 7 1973

 - i haven’t seen this in over a decade but I loved it, I remember a fight scene in the back of a truck and some big ass dude during the finale, modern day basher.

Nr 18 tiger and crane fist 1976

- Jimmy doing shapes, I love the whole ordeal of finding a way to beat an invincible opponent, it makes the final fight very rewarding. This film has been used for the spoof kung pow which makes this film look bad but it is in fact quite great imo

Nr 17 the fast fists 1972

- a basher featuring lots of comedy which is quite rare for his films, fights are still good and plentiful. I forgot about the plot since Im not preparing these typings, I just write what comes up in my mind.

Nr 16 the invincible 1971

- great wuxia vs the mongol invaders, the main mongol villain is quite nasty, his sister who was saved earlier by Jimmy gets the hots for our hero and eventually makes a great sacrifice. Recommended 

Nr 15 beach of the war gods 1973

- a remake of the Japanese classic seven samurai, luckily not as long and filled with great characters and fight scenes

Nr 14 the screaming tiger 1973

- fun characters and some damn good fights especially the end fight is an all time classic, the main villain is the guy with vampiric teeth in one armed boxer. There is also a fight scene featuring sumo wrestlers.

Nr 13 the one armed swordsmen 1976

- some nice twists and Jimmy shares the spotlights with another classic actor David Chiang, part of his more crazy cycle of films. In this one he has a move where he instantly freezes his opponents. The scenes in the shaolin temple are fantastic and the end fight takes place in a large chicken coop like in four real friends, awesome!

Nr 12 the lion’s heart 1972

- incredible basher with lots of large fight scenes that remind me of old school video games. One is a lenghty fight scene in one shot which looks like a side scroller game beating up everyone that comes in his path. Another fight scene has lots of top down shots. Superb film

Nr 11 the twin swords 1965

- sequel to temple of the red lotus but this time all attention goes to fight scenes in a trap filled temple. Very fun film where Jimmy is not really the centre of attention but it doesn’t spoil the fun one bit.

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Nr 10 Blood of the dragon AKA the desperate chase 1971

- This is a fun one where our hero is badly wounded for most of its runtime but still his opponents are very wary of him, it mostly plays in and around an inn, there is a prominent part for a kid but its nothing obnoxious. It all comes down to a final showdown of endless slashing stabbing and bashing with his spear.

Nr 9 the great hunter 1976

- Lots of famous names here including Hsu Feng and Chang Yi, it features some inventive fight scenes mostly one on one or two vs one which is a nice change of pace for a Wang Yu flick. As often with films I've only seen once or a long time ago I completely forget what it was about. The more I type the more ridiculous I'm starting to feel but I came this far so I'll just continue till nr 1 lol.

Nr 8 The sword of swords 1968

- Heavily influenced by one armed swordsman, his handicap this time is being blind (eventually). One of his most beautiful looking films with probably his all round best fight scenes, there's swords and mostly knives, highlight being the awesome scene in the rain (check out that double "door" kill). Look out for the climax where one of the most shocking evil doings happens I've ever scene. 

Nr 7 The man from Hong Kong 1975

- australian co production, keep an eye out for the bad guy of the original mad max film. Highlights being well everything! But ok I'll give my favorite scene, the kitchen/restaurant brawl!

Nr 6 The Sword 1971

- imo his best performance acting wise, low on action but beautifully filmed with a great score. The ending is beautiful and devastating and sports a great anti war message. Low on action doesn't mean there isn't any action, it is still a wuxia film but more focus on the dramatic part (and the usual Chinese melodrama) If this ever gets a beautiful restoration it might become my favorite film.

Nr 5 The chinese boxer 1970

- the one and only classic that started the kung fu craze, often copied never bettered.

Nr 4 One armed boxer 1972

 - the first of what I call his "crazy" films, there is nothing to be said that hasn't been said before. A true classic.

Nr 3 the brave and the evil 1971

- simple story great execution, the finale is simply awesome, check out those flaming ropes inside the castle ground and the fight then ending up in the castle moat. Jimmy also has to forge his own weapon which he hides around his waist as he infiltrates the enemy stronghold. Restore this please!

Nr 2 The assassin 1967

- like the sword this is a slow moving film with understated acting and relatively few action scenes. This is often a good choice and this makes the climax so much more rewarding as we're not numb yet of all the swords clashing. The music is also phenomenal!

Nr 1 Master of the flying guillotine 1976

- I mean what else? I can't think of another film where Jimmy almost gets overshadowed by the villain. This is the most iconic villain in film history. So many memorable scenes, if you never noticed it before, check out the rotating head during the end fight. Awesome use of music as well and pretty much non stop action and endlessly creative.

So that's that, some might notices some glaring omissions like which I will rank now in terms of anticipation level as I haven't seen those yet

anticipation through the roof!!!

- furious slaughter, Knight errant, the two cavaliers, zatoichi meets the one armed swordsman, tiger boy

anticipation moderate

- one armed chivalry fights one armed chivalry, ma su chen, the tattooed dragon

anticipation low

- the lantern street


For anyone brave enough to have read till the end thank you and I'm sorry I'm not a better writer :-P 

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I didn't even realize he'd been in that many martial arts films. 

I've only seen a handful of these. For some reason I've always loved "Trail of the Broken Blade".

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Chow Ken is the Cantonese name for the real life heroine Qiu Jin, if I'm not mistaken.

Ans still if I'm not mistaken, it's also Qui Jin's story that is told in the movie Kawashima Yoshiko.

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Jesse Smooth

My favorites are: “Beach of the War Gods”, “One Armed Boxer”, “Man From Hong Kong, “Seaman No. 7” (I like the setting and showcase of Japanese martial arts), “Point the Finger of Death”, “Return of the Chinese Boxer” and “Assassin”. I do need to watch “Blood of the Dragon” again. “Clash of the Professionals” get an honorable mention.

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Always enjoyable with a sword in his hand(s), but pretty awful as a martial artist. My favourites of his are the first 2 One-Armed Swordsman films, The Assassin and Beach of the War Gods.

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5 hours ago, Killer Meteor said:

KNIGHT ERRANT is terrific fun.

Yeah I have high expectations of that one. I saw his fight scene vs that kung fu grandma on youtube and I love it. I fully expect that one to crack my top 10

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