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The most satisfying finale


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Not sure if there’s a thread on this yet, but thought it’d be cool to see what everyone thinks is the most satisfying end fight . Where the villain has been so evil throughout the movie , pissing you off and wishing you could jump through the screen on them lol and then they finally get what’s coming to them at the end. I watched Iron Fisted Monk for the first time yesterday and I gotta say Sammo and Chen Sing handled their business at the end.  Especially after that rape scene , Fung Hak On got what was comin to him . Kid From Kwangtung and The Savage Five were good ones also. 

Whats yours !? 

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The Victim. Chang Yi really got his just desserts after the attempted rape, multiple murders and suicide that he was responsible for.

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Good topic idea.  So many of my favorites have incredible final fights, but have weak or abrupt endings.  There's countless classics that fit the template of "villain dead, movie over."  Others that have more developed conclusions tend to be on the tragic side.  Which I am not opposed to, but downer endings aren't exactly what I would describe as "satisfying".  Emotionally resonant when appropriate, but not satisfying.


Ip Man comes to mind. 


Things look absolutely dire.  If Ip wins, he will be executed.  If he loses,  he will be compelled to collaborate.  And no matter what, he is faced with the most skilled and brutal opponent yet.  He may never see his family again.  He chooses to win.  For country, honor, or perhaps simply to prove to himself that his dedication to mastery was not for nothing.  And it inspires his countrymen to rise up against the occupying Japanese forces.  He takes a bullet, but because of the impact he has left on family and friends, he is able to escape and survive.

Historically inaccurate - certainly.  Propaganda - pretty much.  But it makes you root for him so much.

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Chu Liu Hsiang

I love the finale of NEW ONE ARMED SWORDSMAN: David Chiang avenging Ti Lung by erasing the whole Tiger Mansion crew, and  defeating Ku Feng on the bridge in that iconic fight, and then we see Li Ching running towards him - end credits over them hugging while cam zooms out. YES!

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Drunken Monk

I hate to be so cliched but Han getting impaled on the spear and then Lee giving Roper the thumbs up in Enter the Dragon is a great way to end things. Zoom out to Han's bear claw hand and...credits. 

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Yeah, too many kung fu movies don't end so much as they just sorta stop. Some films that have a fitting denouement:

Heroes of the Wild (1977) - The last two fights happen in quick succession and are solid, but not great. But the resolution to one of the main conflict is actually rather satisfying.

The Hot, the Cool and the Vicious (1976) - The final two-on-one is quite good. But the film actually has a conclusion wrapping up the romantic tension between one group of characters and character subplots.

Fist of Legend (1994) - After one of the greatest one-on-one fights, we have an ending (according to the original subtitled version and original international dub) in which still-living Chen Zhen decides that he's going into the freedom fighter business. "Where are the Japanese causing trouble? Wuhan? Let's go!"


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Dragon Lord,Jackie Chan wins but not because he’s a great Kung fu fight(which he isn’t) but because he just doesn’t give up and Rebellious Reign ,I’m routing for the good guys and they don’t win,I think that was a first for me and it’s still memorable 👍

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Oh!  How about Iron Monkey?


The titular Robin Hood type character and Wong Kei-Ying, both good men on opposite sides of the law, join forces after initial animosity.  Facing a great foe, they are forced to - quite literally - find and master balance in order to overcome their enemy and avoid a fiery demise.  It works both thematically and as an exciting action sequence.  They defeat the would-be tyrant, reunite with their loved ones, and go their separate ways with no further grievances against each other.  And the music is just terrific.


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A follow-up thought on Fist of Legend:



It's also satisfying because of its nature as a remake.  Chen Zhen's sacrifice in the original is one of the most iconic images in the genre.  When Li's Chen offers his life for the greater good, and we are greeted with gunshots - it is only natural, on the first viewing, to accept his fate.  But lo and behold!  He has cheated his seemingly predestined death, defying the source material.  An appropriate conclusion to a "just different enough" adaptation.

Not... crazy with where they wound up taking things in Legend of the Fist, though. 

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The ending of "Police Story(1985)". It felt so satisfyingly to see Jackie walk up to that crime lord(cannot remember his name) and proceed to beat the unholy hell out of him. It was a perfect conclusion to an awesome final fight.

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In Wong Jing's memoir, he claimed that Jackie wanted him before Chor Yuen for the role of the crime lord but Jing wanted too much money.

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Killer Meteor

All the Bruce Lee films have really good endings. I like how Way ends in the cemetery - Roger Ebert though the grave was for Colt, but I highly doubt it.

All those stupid latter day Shaw Brothers endings really annoy me - several times, we don't even see the final finishing blow.

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Too many really...

Eastern Condors

Young Master

Warriors Two

Shaolin Temple (SB)

The Victim

Heroes of the East has an unusual ending where the Japanese and Chinese martial artist discuss what happened when they compared their martial arts

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2 minutes ago, drees5761 said:

Heroes of the East has an unusual ending where the Japanese and Chinese martial artist discuss what happened when they compared their martial arts

I wish the finale to Game of Death was like this. Bruce's Hai Tien could have crippled Kareem's character and gained some kind of meaning-of-life wisdom from him.

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43 minutes ago, drees5761 said:

Too many really...

Eastern Condors

Young Master

Warriors Two

Shaolin Temple (SB)

The Victim

Heroes of the East has an unusual ending where the Japanese and Chinese martial artist discuss what happened when they compared their martial arts

Love Eastern Condors but was kind of expecting more from that finale. It seems like right when the fight is about to really start, it ends 

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