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Wang Chung ( R.I.P. )


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Oh no...

I always felt Wang Chung was very underrated. He had some striking and intense performances, my favorites being THE DELINQUENT, POLICE FORCE, THE BIG HOLDUP, THE SAVAGE FIVE, and ALL MEN ARE BROTHERS.

RIP Wang Chung

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thanks for information, Wang Chung was a very good actor and had participated in several Hong Kong dramas, unforgettable movies like "Blooded treasury fight", "Eight escort", "Beauty escort" and "herores". RIP WANG Chung

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2 hours ago, khuu_2000 said:

thanks for information, Wang Chung was a very good actor and had participated in several Hong Kong dramas, unforgettable movies like "Blooded treasury fight", "Eight escort", "Beauty escort" and "herores". RIP WANG Chung

Yes, he was great in Blooede Treasury Fight and Heroes. I need to rewatch the other two.

When I think that someone on hkcinemagic wrote a review on Blooded Treasury Fight, saying that it was a totally failed movie !!

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Oh this sucks.  Wong Chung could hold his own as he proved in The Delinquent.  I also like him in The Taxi Driver, Four Riders, and The Savage Five. 


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Chu Liu Hsiang

FOUR RIDERS was the first movie where I really noticed him, as prior to that I had only seen him in minor baddie roles. Appreciated him ever since. May the earth rest lightly on you, 王鍾.




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