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Full trailer for Rob B Hood online. Opinions please...

Guest luckystars

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Guest jmungus

didnt like the action too much, but there were a few bright moments in the trailer (action wise).

are they saving all the GREAT action for later ?? (hmmm :x )

regarding story and all elements drama, i tend to think it will have kind of a nice "retro" approach but will ultimately suffer heavily from annoying parts and various inconsistencies (of course thats pure speculation and gut feeling).

judging from 2 teasers and that youtube trailer, i would imagine rob-b-hood will get s/t between a 4 and a 6.5 of 10 once the credits roll.

"can wait to see" ;)

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Guest theportlykicker

I thought the action looked great in that trailer! That rollercoaster stunt also looked impressive, despite the fact it was probably done with cgi.

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Guest sevenhooks

Well at least there seems to be SOME action in this after all.

I'll reserve judgement until I actually see it, though my hopes are not high.

I'm more interested in seeing Yuen Biao back in action than anything else.

I only hope that Jackie doesn't get greedy and hog all the action from him - which is highly possible.

Also, why is it that the music in nearly every HK flick made in the last 10+ years suck ass?

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Has anyone seen this yet that could give me their opinion, is this worth a buy or is it a silly mess to be avoided? Yesasia is releasing the extended version Nov. 22 and was thinking about picking it up.

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Guest Egocentrik1

I saw it and Yuen biao has one fight scene thats mentionable..dont think yuen biao has a big role.,.its a bigger cameo..tzhe movie is ok too watch better than the myth ..the comedy is good..its a comedy with a few action scene..and then theres a bit of overacting nps style..to add some drama (?)

well my version has fukked up subtitles so I wait for the proper release to give my final opinion

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Thanks, think I'm gonna pick this one up just to see Yuen Biao who I haven't seen in quite a while. I'm sure him and Jackie will make this somewhat entertaining at the very least. ;)

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Guest limubai2000

I saw the same messed up sub version as Ego and I liked it alot more than Myth. It's a fun film, the fights certainly aren't anything awe-inspiring but they are well done and fit in the story well. It ain't nothing like NPS, this is clearly more "safe" Jackie, but fun none-the-less.

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Guest jmungus
It ain't nothing like NPS

true. NPS is mediocre, RBH blows.

but fun none-the-less.

maybe jackie isnt the only one gettin old !?! :P

sorry, im trying hard to find something positive to say about this movie as a whole, but its suckage, so what am i to do ?!? :\

what did i learn from RBH.....

babies are cute, so is gao yuan yuan.

watching ku feng on the screen is boss, watching RBH isnt.

the only major fight in the movie aside (which imo was nothing special but above average, also thx to the nice sound fx, adding to the experience), RBH had a handful of good moments that add up to 1-3 mins of fun in total.

so my rating is..... 98% crap inside equals 2.5/10

u dont miss a thing if u dont watch it, seriously. together with the sucktucular ridiculous cheesecake that is tuxedo, it marks the lowlight of JC in the new millenium.

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Wow! I can't believe I'm saying it about my hero, but I am. Jackie made probably his the worst movie in the last two decades. It's not bad, it's HORRIBLE!!!! Absolutely and totally horrible!

First of all, it's not funny. I laughed twice and the movie is 135 min long! Second of all, it's not even silly, it's plain stupid. And finally, it barely has any action at all. I remember watching the action-packed trailer, and it looked so exiting. The thing is, it showed almost all of the action, plus, it was better edited than the actual footage in the movie.

The best action sequence was the car chase. At least, it was innovative. The rest it was mostly rehashing Jackie's old moves and ideas...

I feel REALLY sad... :( Looks like Jackie's action days are really over... Even NPS and The MYTH look like decent movies now...

It may sound unbelievable, but it's true - just watch the trailer( the action one) and skip the movie. ..

I'm surprised it did good at the box-office.I think, it's because of the girls in the movie. They are VERY cute! I'd say, their presence was the best thing in this mess...

Sorry, Jackie...

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Guest Yakuza954

I thought it was better than the Myth, and actually funny too. Not the best Jackie movie ever, but one of the better films he's done in the past few years, and it didn't have to resort to cheap CGI for half the movie like the Myth. It's indeed light on the action content, but Jackie still does some of his trademark stuff and Yuen Biao has a couple decent fights. Comedy first though.

A few notable positives I found about the film:

Loved how Jackie was such a loser in this film.. Big change from his usual underdog roles--for most of this movie he's a degenerate gambler, bad family man, and thief all in one. Of course its mostly done for laughs.

Louis Koo isn't a martial artist, and they didn't really try to force anything with him. Jackie does most of the fighting, and what action Koo does end up doing is fairly standard stuff. He had good chemistry with Jackie too. "He's a born womanizer!"

My favorite fight was with the two bodyguards in white. Found it better done than the fight with those four bodyguards in white at the end of City of Violence (which isn't saying much, but just putting things into perspective..)

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Guest limubai2000

I think one's opinion on this film will depend on what you watch Jackie movies for, at least the opinions so far bare that out quite obviously.

Those that like Jackie for his fights...

And those that like to see Jackie films...

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Guest jmungus
I think one's opinion on this film will depend on what you watch Jackie movies for, at least the opinions so far bare that out quite obviously......

hmmm... i really dont think so. imo it rather depends on whether u can forgive the tired premise, the HORRIBLE screenplay, the bad character writing, the uninspired direction and unimpressive acting, the dragging, genuinely unfunny and repetitive plot (devices) and, if one`s really completely focused on the action after all, if they can deal with the fact every time a "fight" erupts, they cut away from it rather quickly, which i found to be really poor and annoying. if u tease, u gotta deliver.

so for everyone expecting trademark JC quirky humour and wicked kf/stunt action:

the man himself isnt in top shape, theres hardly any jokes and most of em are plain old, the baby is cute, yet 'a waste of talent' (couldnt believe they didnt come up with anything more outrageously funny or super-duper-heartwarmingly sweet for the little rugrat) and as for the action- theres 4 main action sequences only; the intro (chan and koo on an acrobatic chase on foot in a hospital; so so), a -rather brief- car scene (good), the ferris wheel stunt (could have been good, but its not quite) and the one "real" kungfulicious clash of jackie and his adversaries mid-through the 3rd/final act of the movie (very decent, with a little help of wires and undercranking, but not too extensively).

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Guest jmungus

he has two relevant scenes.

he plays jackie`s dad. jackie comes to visit his fam`s appartment bringing some gifts along. the whole family has gathered in the living room.

apparently there has been a fallout between the two (daddy doesnt like jackie`s career choices n all :P ), theres a negative vibe in the room and the scene ends up with another quarrel that makes jackie 'flee' the scene.

its approx. 4 mins long in total (but not exclusively about kf and jc).

2nd scene they meet again in the staircase to the family`s appartment. jackie learns some troubling news about his dad`s health condition. its a rather brief scene with a (imo) forced melodramatic touch to it; very symbolic and actually manages to bring the intended message across.

1-2 mins only. thats about it; tho i fail to remember if he was around in one of the scenes at the end of the flick.

in any way, if that was the case, then we re talking a matter of seconds really.


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Guest Riceboy2000

Haha, I thought this was a really good movie, I didn't watch it as an action movie though, but rather a comedy. I had a lot of good laughs. Watched it with a few family members who all enjoyed it and thought it deserved future viewings.

Fightwise, most of them involve the use of props, Jackie style. When they do go hand to hand, toe to toe, its very short so your not likely to get that satisfactory feeling from the fights. I liked the action in the apartment though, I want that apartment!

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I just watched the DVD (I ordered from DDDHouse) and I actually enjoyed this film. I looked at it as a JC Comedy w/action as someone else mentioned. I enjoyed most if not all the action and felt the two stars had a great chemistry. It was also nice seeing Yuen Biao and Ku Feng. Typical feel good JC movie, nothing ground breaking. I liked it more than The Myth. It gave me the same feeling I had after first watching Twin Dragons. Funny and good, but not great, something missing, but worth my time.

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Guest David G Rees

Good, fun film.

Dont go in expecting all out action, otherwise you will be dissapointed.

When the action does happen its good, well choreographed in the usual Jackie style...

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