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P1H - The Beginning of a New World (K-Pop Cinematic Universe)


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Apparently the music industry is not enough and now K-Pop is also taking a shot at the movie industry with their own cinematic universe. Yep, that's right and not some kind of joke, or is it? I'm still not sure what exactly I've watched over the last 90+ minutes. It' such a cut together mess of ideas and characters it literally gave me a headache. Not to mention the poor CGI and for the most part below average acting. But hey at least we get to see some pretty boys, right... Wait did I just say that!? Anyhow to sum up the story. In 2020 drones are attacking people and injecting them with a virus which turns them into psychotic killers. So it's Mayhem from there. The mastermind behind these attacks is an indivudal who calls himself Sajoseong. And I won't spoil too much but there's a mind blowing connection to the Alcor Virus *sarcasm off*. Now it is up to a chosen few all of which have unique skills (one apparently can talk to a stuffed animal) to save the world. Honestly this whole movie is horse shit. Maybe and that's a big maybe if you're into K-pop or into P1H specifically you might get some kicks out of it. And I'll give it one star for the last 30 minutes which were to my own suprise somewhat entertaining. Here's hoping this was the first and last try at this cinematic universe.


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