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The 88 Films Blu-Ray Thread

Chemical Lemon

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I watched Shadow Boxing two days ago, and I was disappointed to see that though it's mentioned as having Mandarin language, it was only in Cantonese language... I'll have to keep my IVL dvd, then.

This movie and To kill a Mastermind, that I just finished, are great releases!

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1 hour ago, ShawAngela said:

I watched Shadow Boxing two days ago, and I was disappointed to see that though it's mentioned as having Mandarin language, it was only in Cantonese language... I'll have to keep my IVL dvd, then.

This movie and To kill a Mastermind, that I just finished, are great releases!

Is this the 88 release? I haven't watched it yet. Sitting in a years worth of backlog. Still 88 isn't the type to cock up on the description of the audio track.

Have you thought about emailing them to see if they'll rectify their mistake?

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18 hours ago, Drunksnake said:

Unfortunately the Cantonese Dolby Atmos audio for Project A part 2 cuts out completely half way through the end credits. All other tracks work fine and the atmos is complete on the blu ray. Seeing a few other people discovering this also.


15 hours ago, Drunksnake said:

Other than those last couple of minutes, the release is flawless. The other tracks are great particularly the alt Cantonese mono.


That's a shame. I watched it with the Cantonese Mono tracks (which was excellent).

On a happier note, I wanted to share this with my forum family...

As I've previously mentioned, my son (he's 30) is a cinema nut and, like me, has also amassed a huge collection of physical media. I showed him various Asian cinema over the years, and though he loved some (THE STREET FIGHTER, ENTER THE DRAGON, THE KILLER, HARDBOILED, ONG-BAK, UNLEASHED), he didn't have "the bug" for it like me (us), and didn't connect with the old school shapes stuff or Shaw Brothers films I showed him. But after seeing THE RAID films and getting copies of Blu-rays with my art on them, his interest was piqued and he started getting heavily into Asian cinema. Recently he went on a Jimmy Wang Yu kick and has now watched some of his films that I've never watched. He's a big fan of Jackie Chan, and has seen DRAGONS FOREVER, the POLICE STORY films, FEARLESS HYENA, DRAGON LORD, YOUNG MASTER, MIRACLES, THE PROTECTOR, CRIME STORY, the DRUNKEN MASTER films, SNAKE IN THE EAGLE'S SHADOW (I'm so glad he developed an appreciation for the straight-up fu action), and RUMBLE IN THE BRONX.

That means he still has lots more to see, including some outstanding Chan classics such as WHEELS ON MEALS, and the ARMOUR OF GOD and PROJECT A films. Last night we watched the latter, and it was awesome. We suffered a loss in the family this week so things have been pretty somber. Yesterday was the first time I got to see and hang out with him which was strictly for fun. After dinner and some chatting, I presented him with the PROJECT A set. Even though he hadn't seen the films he was very excited about the packaging, book, posters, and available extras. He's very proud of my work as an artist and was so happy for me getting to work on this set as I've excitedly (and endlessly :wink:) spoken of the film's greatness. He asked if we could watch it and I agreed instantly. Getting to see him experience it for the first time was magic. I'm happy to say that he loved it, laughing out loud (Biao and Jackie in the barroom brawl), and gasping and oohing and ahhing at the action (which still gets me even after seeing it countless times). When Dragon Ma is handcuffed to the flagpole and starts looking for a way to escape my son says "Oh no... is he going to do what I think he's going to do?" I could barely contain my excitement of him seeing it. When Ma slips and grabs the hands of the clock face he gasps "Is he going to pull a SAFETY LAST right now?" referencing Jackie's inspiration for the scene from silent film genius Harold Lloyd's film of that name. Once it ended he talked enthusiastically about it and I fed him some BTS tidbits. Then he said, "Can you stay and watch part 2, or is it too late?" Onward and upwards! :bigsmile:

What an intro he got to these, via 88 Films' outstanding, better-than-we-fans-could've-hoped-for PROJECT A boxed set. I first saw the original film in the late '80s via a 5th or 6th-generation bootleg VHS, and have since then owned and viewed it via VCD, laserdisc, custom DVDs, multiple legit DVDs, and Blu-rays. Man, the 4K of this blows them all out of the water! The details, clarity, and colors are magnificent. Amazing set!

A night of sharing cinema I love with a son I love even more (I know, hard to believe. LOL) is an event I won't ever forget. :nerd:

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