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The 88 Films Blu-Ray Thread

Chemical Lemon

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Frank has always been neutral when it comes to feuds surrounding between whoever is involved. @Irongod2112 not even surprised he isn't against Bey that he's willing to work with him unlike the others who want nothing to do with Bey.  I get it but still i have no doubt you're right about them removing things that Bey was involved in. But still it's ashame it's come to this kind of drama with the fans paying for it the most since they were some happy that Bey was returning, some on the other on the hand not so much happy that the same crowd made threats to boycott  88 Flims if they choose to use Bey fulltime again.  


I wasn't too happy that Mike and Arne, even Brandon Bentley chose to distance themselves away with Bey involved.  I do wonder still if things are going to still get release and not everything has to do with Bey?

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Could be talking complete rubbish but if they don’t return I imagine it’s not just Bey like you say. He could have been the catalyst but other things were brewing in the background. Money issues?? Hopefully not though and they’ll return as they all brought us fantastic releases and it would be a real shame to not see it continue.

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2 hours ago, TigerCage1990 said:

But still it's ashame it's come to this kind of drama with the fans paying for it the most since they were some happy that Bey was returning, some on the other on the hand not so much happy that the same crowd made threats to boycott  88 Flims if they choose to use Bey fulltime again.  


I wasn't too happy that Mike and Arne, even Brandon Bentley chose to distance themselves away with Bey involved.  I do wonder still if things are going to still get release and not everything has to do with Bey?

You had 10-20 people raging about the addition of Bey Logan, then you had the old HKL army really excited for it. Probably 99% of 88's customers didnt care though. 

Its their choice and I respect that. But yes, its the fans that loses in all of this. It sucks that the new interviews for DF and PS3 will now never get released to the public. It seems things are still getting released.


21 minutes ago, Ramji said:

Could be talking complete rubbish but if they don’t return I imagine it’s not just Bey like you say. He could have been the catalyst but other things were brewing in the background. Money issues?? Hopefully not though and they’ll return as they all brought us fantastic releases and it would be a real shame to not see it continue.

Yeah, definately possible and I kinda got that impression from some of the people that left. 

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34 minutes ago, JCLegend86 said:

You had 10-20 people raging about the addition of Bey Logan, then you had the old HKL army really excited for it. Probably 99% of 88's customers didnt care though. 

Its their choice and I respect that. But yes, its the fans that loses in all of this. It sucks that the new interviews for DF and PS3 will now never get released to the public. It seems things are still getting released.


Yeah, definately possible and I kinda got that impression from some of the people that left. 

I don't disagree at all, I looked at the social media pages, even there was voting ballot with 99 /130 % fans being happy that Bey Logan was coming back where 98/110% weren't happy that he was returning at that time.    I'm saying Bey is a saint or anything, us fans were the ones suffering with 88 having to post pone releases whatever reason they had why besides Bey.   I love listening to Mike and Arne's stuff along side alot of Frank Djeng's stuff too.   Ill admit Bey had some interesting commentaries in alot of the HKL releases back in the day that i enjoyed listening.

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12 minutes ago, actionfan93 said:

this is making me nervous about how far pushed back the In the line of Duty box set will get pushed back Amazon has not changed their date yet November 29, 2022



The masters and art were sent off weeks ago but there has to be a shipping out window which I why the date has been put back I guess. Stock is being delivered to us and the shipper to MVD approx 22/11.

We just totally underestimated how much longer UHD’s take to produce compared to blu’s despite everyone telling us so… we were just too optimistic with our release dates, sorry guys.

Honestly though, when you finally get it the quality of the AV is just fabulous.

Judging from this post by 88 Films themselves on another forum, I think there's still a chance we're getting this in December.

Edited by panzer
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14 minutes ago, actionfan93 said:

this is making me nervous about how far pushed back the In the line of Duty box set will get pushed back Amazon has not changed their date yet November 29, 2022

You're nervous? Relax if anyone should be nervous is me.  You can wait abit longer if i can wanting to see Donnie Yen in Line of Duty IV

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4 minutes ago, panzer said:


Judging from this post by 88 Films themselves on another forum, I think there's still a chance we're getting this in December.

thank you for that I hope we see the in line of duty boxset in early 2023 I do wonder what else they have waiting in the wings I assume that boxset will not be 88's only release from that genre I would be shocked if Angel or the 3 angel movies aren't coming due to them being held by Tai Seng if they still own them and 88 and Eureka have already done business with them

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It's interesting really, at one point people were complaining that 88/Eureka etc was releasing 2 Much 2 Frequently: (Hong Kong Drift), but now that has sort of shifted for some to " when is stuff getting released, I am concerned" which to be fair is completely fair.

Me (a person who's wallet went through the financial equivalent of Conan Lee's fall in Tiger on Beat 2 due to Bluray spending) have still not financially recovered from one single specific fancier purchase from another label in the last week, so I personally like that we get some air to breathe before new stuff is dropped. Though there is of course a difference between something being indefinitely put on hold and something being released with more time in between knowingly.

I find that overly  frequent releases make your backlog of stuff you want swamped, give you "what should I prioritize" anxiety, and that, coupled with collector's edition FOMO, is altogether a whole host of new feeling my previously DVD and VHS buying self was not ready for when the HK cinema exclusive Bluray renaissance kicked off..

I hope everyone is able to get all the Blurays they want, in the editions they want in a timely manner, but I secretly also want them to slow down a bit, with no ill will meant towards the company or consumers or artists of course :)

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1 minute ago, legendarycurry said:

It's interesting really, at one point people were complaining that 88/Eureka etc was releasing 2 Much 2 Frequently: (Hong Kong Drift), but now that has sort of shifted for some to " when is stuff getting released, I am concerned" which to be fair is completely fair.

Me (a person who's wallet went through the financial equivalent of Conan Lee's fall in Tiger on Beat 2 due to Bluray spending) have still not financially recovered from one single specific fancier purchase from another label in the last week, so I personally like that we get some air to breathe before new stuff is dropped. Though there is of course a difference between something being indefinitely put on hold and something being released with more time in between knowingly.

I find that overly  frequent releases make your backlog of stuff you want swamped, give you "what should I prioritize" anxiety, and that, coupled with collector's edition FOMO, is altogether a whole host of new feeling my previously DVD and VHS buying self was not ready for when the HK cinema exclusive Bluray renaissance kicked off..

I hope everyone is able to get all the Blurays they want, in the editions they want in a timely manner, but I secretly also want them to slow down a bit, with no ill will meant towards the company or consumers or artists of course :)

interesting point its different for all of us I've only got very few on my hong kong action films to upgrade left some have been announced or are coming those being In the Line of Duty 1-4 and Dragons Forever the remaining are Angel/Iron Angels I do think it will come in the nearby future,First Strike and Rumble in the bronx I think we will see those 2 eventually and the 2 in rights purgatory Hard Boiled and The Killer will they get releases in the future don't know but I will hold out some hope they do as they are the last of my hong kong action movie to upgrade list 

I stuck with mostly Hong Kong Action with dubs since thats how i was introduced to it if more of that genre had the dubs my wish list would get somewhat bigger but its probably not the same for some of my fellow members who have lots they want to buy but releases coming out all at once ties up their funds so they risk missing out on some vs me who only has a small number so I don't have to worry about that as much

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28 minutes ago, legendarycurry said:

It's interesting really, at one point people were complaining that 88/Eureka etc was releasing 2 Much 2 Frequently: (Hong Kong Drift), but now that has sort of shifted for some to " when is stuff getting released, I am concerned" which to be fair is completely fair.

Me (a person who's wallet went through the financial equivalent of Conan Lee's fall in Tiger on Beat 2 due to Bluray spending) have still not financially recovered from one single specific fancier purchase from another label in the last week, so I personally like that we get some air to breathe before new stuff is dropped. Though there is of course a difference between something being indefinitely put on hold and something being released with more time in between knowingly.

I find that overly  frequent releases make your backlog of stuff you want swamped, give you "what should I prioritize" anxiety, and that, coupled with collector's edition FOMO, is altogether a whole host of new feeling my previously DVD and VHS buying self was not ready for when the HK cinema exclusive Bluray renaissance kicked off..

I hope everyone is able to get all the Blurays they want, in the editions they want in a timely manner, but I secretly also want them to slow down a bit, with no ill will meant towards the company or consumers or artists of course :)

I couldn't agree more. My wallet is still recovering and i want Shawscope volume 2

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As for now the only thing on my list is the box set of In The Line Of Duty. I skipped over The Dead And The Deadly as that’s not really an essential Sammo flick in my opinion and I’m gonna wait to see what’s on Eurekas version of Magnificent Warriors.  Gorgeous isn’t one of Jackie’s best flicks so don’t think that’s worthy of a purchase .

Btw , I received Righting Wrongs yesterday and man that alternate “ Ladies Man” ending is so fucked up 😂

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21 minutes ago, HeavenSword said:

As for now the only thing on my list is the box set of In The Line Of Duty. I skipped over The Dead And The Deadly as that’s not really an essential Sammo flick in my opinion and I’m gonna wait to see what’s on Eurekas version of Magnificent Warriors.  Gorgeous isn’t one of Jackie’s best flicks so don’t think that’s worthy of a purchase .

Btw , I received Righting Wrongs yesterday and man that alternate “ Ladies Man” ending is so fucked up 😂

I have so much I want, and it is gonna cost me so much in the long run :( I only recently made the jump to bluray, right around the time these releases were going into overdrive I'd say. Only reason I made the jump is because a buddy gave me his old PS4 which has a Bluray player (Not region free sadly, looked to region b.) if not for that I would still be in exclusively the DVD age (Still buy DVDs though at times)

Read about that ending, seems nicely darkly comedic and bleak :)

Speaking of:
I actually sort of kind of made my own Righting Wrongs ending once and put it on youtube back in my "Uploading movies and content from my collection to youtube" days many years ago, a fun but also morally dubious time ( I felt bad in hindsight despite not making a single dime off of it and doing it for fans like myself).

So my custom ending was:

I just took the "Yuen Biao wakes up in the hospital from his dream" ending from Zu time warriors (Us version of warriors from the mountain) and pasted it at the end of Biao floating around so as to make it seem he either:  A. Woke up from a dream. or B. survived the fall (Don't remember what the dialogue said).

After Biao hugs his love interest in Time warriors (Moon Lee I think) I cut to the Righting Wrongs credits and Jacky Cheung theme song. Not my finest work (That will always be the Sammo interview with the "you know" counter)but it was fun to make and got some laughs.  Almost as many as the unintentional laughs a video I made wherein I took the Melrose place song and made a tv show intro with Righting Wrongs' cast (In my defense, this was during a time when I was not doing great and shit like that cheered me up)

Excuse the off topic BS. I would send you said videos bu;t A. Both my HK cinema related accounts were shutdown years ago and B, I have no backups (Though someone on the forums has saved the Sammo interview thing on their computer years ago and shared it in a thread a while back)

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2 minutes ago, Yggdrasil said:

Just when I thought about pre-ordering Ebola Syndrome, I noticed this price. A tad to much don't you think?

88 have been doing this forever. It's a little weird, it's their way of putting the product up in the shop while saying "it's not ready for preordering just yet". The price will be adjusted soon.

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2 hours ago, Kevin Chan said:

88 have been doing this forever. It's a little weird, it's their way of putting the product up in the shop while saying "it's not ready for preordering just yet". The price will be adjusted soon.

I for one think 888 GBP is a fair price for getting to own a product in which Anthony Wong yellls YEEEBOOOHLAAAH while spitting on people. It's a bargain even :D

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I'm reminded of how Wong Jing's 2011 autobiography cost $88, albeit in HK currency. It cost that much because the Chinese regard 8 as a lucky number.

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Niklaus Vogel

Mike Leeder posted on his Facebook page that he and Arne had just done the commentary for ROYAL WARRIORS for Eureka.  The way he specifically mentioned Eureka makes me to believe that they probably aren't going back to doing commentary for 88 Films now, even though 88 has cut ties with Bey.

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Maybe 88 are moving away from the Asian stuff now. I know there's re-releases of a couple of Jackie's coming, Iceman Cometh,Ebola and God Of Gamblers but there's no sign of another Shaw deal for example.

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20 hours ago, legendarycurry said:

I for one think 888 GBP is a fair price for getting to own a product in which Anthony Wong yellls YEEEBOOOHLAAAH while spitting on people. It's a bargain even :D

£888 maybe a fair price but having to paid £0.88 on top of that is where I draw the line.

Edited by Omni Dragon
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1 hour ago, saltysam said:

Maybe 88 are moving away from the Asian stuff now. I know there's re-releases of a couple of Jackie's coming, Iceman Cometh,Ebola and God Of Gamblers but there's no sign of another Shaw deal for example.

I don't think they are done with those yet with the In the line of duty boxset coming in 2023 and maybe a few more girls with guns and other hong kong films but I do think after those unless they've secured a lot more rights we will start to see fewer as they and Eureka have covered pretty much the bulk of Jackie Chan's best films and some of the Sammo's and Biao's but due to other companies holding the rights on other potential releases they could do I think it will come down to what they can secure going forward

while 88 and Eureka and others will probably try to continue their output on asian releases it will probably dwindle down due tor rights costs and rights of specific titles not being available to them I see 88 and Eureka going for only what they think will be great sellers for future releases and less likely to take chances on lesser known titles or less likely to sell titles

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Niklaus Vogel

I don't think they're moving away from HK releases either.  I remember them hinting at future titles from Ronny Yu, Cynthia Rothrock and Stephen Chow on an Instagram post back in September when Frank Djeng visited them in Burlingham.

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