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The Star Wars Thread


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So much new Star Wars content planned. Been wanting to make this thread for a few years. Ever since they announced the last line of planned star wars universe tv and films, and I believe the lineup for planned content has changed a ton since then.

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There was a Rian Johnson trilogy planned that is said to be scrapped now

Plans for sequels to Solo seem to be scrapped

The Game of Thrones tv show writers/creators are still planned to make a trilogy

Then theres all these recent announcements/reaffirmations in the photo below


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Well, I hope going forward, we get more "Rogue One" Levels of quality and less "Sequel Trilogy" levels of garbage. I also still need to see "The Mandalorian". I heard it was pretty good, so I'm hoping for a DVD release soon(But that is looking unlikely).

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Was hoping to summon you to this thread @DarthKato. Was recently talking to a fellow shopper at the dvd store who was only introduced to Donnie Yen through Rogue One. And I would of even considered him a casual martial arts viewer based off his mentions of movies. Must be interesting to be introduced to Donnie Yen through Star Wars. But its also easy to overlook how big of a role he had in that movie, being one of the main characters.

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As I was discussing in another sw related thread. Regarding all these announced releases and some current spinoffs, is there a point where were just getting too many tangental fill ins for events that were already aware of? A bit too many rehashes. I mean props to the sequel trilogy even for giving us new characters despite them perhaps the story playing a bit too much homage to the original trilogy. 

Personally, just my opinion of course, we dont need a devoted Ahsoka, Lando Obi Wan or droid show. Didnt even need Solo or Rogue One, even though those two I found quite enjoyable, unpopular opinion but Solo even moreso. 

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Star Wars Fallen Order- I watched a video on youtube of the cutscenes for this put together and marketed as a ‘movie’ which is a cool concept so I wanted to check it out. Theres also a clone wars ‘movie’ of more essential abridged content I assume, considering checking out instead of finishing the series for the meantime.

The was actually pretty bad in story. Has a strange fantasy element ark in it that isnt star wars-like at all really. A fallen jedi was cool, but underdeveloped as a character or meaningful setup/backstory. With that the one big redeeming quality this star wars story is Cals character ark. Interesting how Cal is a based off a real actor, which is likely to foreshadow his use in future live action shows, so Ive heard rumored.

The cutscenes compilation I watched cut out the saber fights which makes for a less dynamic viewing and more jumping through scenes. But I understand this decision as it would add time and be inconsistent in showing actual video gameplay, actual gameplay walkthrough which you may be better off watching if not playing the game yourself, all depends on the time comparison and how much of it your willing to spend. The scenes unfortunately didnt even make me want to play the game, I was actually quite interested prior to knowing more. 

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Star Wars Holiday Special- Not only did I not think this was bad, I actually thought it was pretty good. Okay maybe enjoyable is a better word. 

Hardly Christmassy and not even winter themed as many star wars productions already are. But I actually really enjoyed watching this if nothing else. I was expecting mostly a short feature of annoying droids such as c3po and other non humanoid robots making beeping sounds all while wearing christmas hats. This couldnt have been further from the truth. The feature actually centers around a wookie family and to my surprise features all of the main cast of actors. Filled with different anecdotes of sequences, musical numbers, a cool animated segment, and plenty of awkwardness. A lot of different things happen for almost nothing to take place overall, this would not be the feature to use as examples of plot and conflict. I found the very frequent switching of events good for my add brain lol. 

The staging and setups, while somewhat elaborate in their own right are just a bit hokier than the ones in the actual trilogy. The awkwardness that takes place 90% of the time within these settings far exceeds any campiness of the backdrops. This strangeness is probably intended to appeal to children mostly. Star Wars appeal to both toddlers all the way up to the most serious sci fi fan adults has always baffled and impressed me. Their ability to make the content work so well for children and heavy sci fi indulgers is outstanding. And unsurprisingly, being a holiday feature I think this film just tends to reach the formerly mentioned audience a bit more, and to that I dont entirely discredit it. Canon or not doesnt really matter as almost nothing happens, but at the same time, serious rebel against troopers and vader incidents are also present, and not to mention the first appearance of Boba Fett. 

I would really like to grab a copy of this on dvd or blu ray now (boot since unreleased). Id be excited to watch this again. (btw I watched this with the original commercial included which is not at all necessary or more of a time waster imo)

Lego Star Wars Holiday Special- This was my first experience with a Lego feature, and after this Im not so sure I can manage another. This was actually worse than I could have ever imagined lol. Read somewhere that it was a sequel to the original holiday special in different ways, which I didnt see any indications of. Really silly/dumb humor. Rey is for some reason alive alongside a young Luke Skywalker and Darth Vader, Kylo makes appearances as well, going to go on a limb there and say this isnt canon... 

Not particularly christmassy or even holiday based save for the last 4 minutes which come out of nowhere. Not a good feature LOL.

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11 hours ago, Koravec said:

Star Wars Holiday Special- Not only did I not think this was bad, I actually thought it was pretty good. Okay maybe enjoyable is a better word. 


At first I thought you were reviewing the 1977 Holiday Special. The one where Boba Fett's character made his debut, in an animated short.

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9 hours ago, DragonClaws said:

At first I thought you were reviewing the 1977 Holiday Special. The one where Boba Fett's character made his debut, in an animated short.

I am, are the two not the same thing? I was thinking the animated short was a part of the bigger production. 

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On 1/1/2021 at 4:44 PM, Koravec said:

Was hoping to summon you to this thread @DarthKato. Was recently talking to a fellow shopper at the dvd store who was only introduced to Donnie Yen through Rogue One. And I would of even considered him a casual martial arts viewer based off his mentions of movies. Must be interesting to be introduced to Donnie Yen through Star Wars. But its also easy to overlook how big of a role he had in that movie, being one of the main characters.

I'm always up for a good conversation about Star Wars. =D Yeah, it was really cool to see Donnie Yen show up in a series as big as Star Wars. That kind of exposure is sure to be really good for his career. 

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20 hours ago, Koravec said:

I am, are the two not the same thing? I was thinking the animated short was a part of the bigger production.


You are right, my Star Wars knowledge is hazy at best these day's. I was a big fan upto my mid-teen's, but havent read up on the subject much since. From my memory of viewing it on YouTube, it was pretty bad. That said it was aimed at a very young audience.


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@DragonClaws Yep youtube. I did just watch it so its fresher in my memory, probably take another viewing at least to digest the weirdness. I just appreciated it for that. Liked how it was segmented with different formats like that animation being spliced in and whatnot. All around a really quite fun endeavor. Makes me think maybe it gets too much flack. Its a ‘Holiday Special’ after all, what could you really expect from that.

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15 hours ago, Koravec said:

@DarthKato I was just quick to assume everyone was already familiar with IP Man

Well, as popular as those films are and how many there has been, I think that is a fair thing to assume. 

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In 1978, a Thai movie magazine had an issue that was equally devoted to Star Wars and Game of Death, Most memorably, the back of the issue contained pre-production art that you wouldn't think would be used for publicity purposes.


1978 tvb.jpg

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Guys, if you are interested I have made a video that a film lover cannot fail to know (many of you already know some information) but I hope you like it anyway. Subscribe if you can thanks, so you don't make me want to make those stupid videos that make so many views just because they don't make you think. thanks for your support and your patience:)

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On 6/11/2021 at 10:59 AM, Cognoscente said:

In 1978, a Thai movie magazine had an issue that was equally devoted to Star Wars and Game of Death, Most memorably, the back of the issue contained pre-production art that you wouldn't think would be used for publicity purposes.


1978 tvb.jpg

Damn, that magazine was like a delicious meal made with all the best foods. lol

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Star Wars has effectively become Star Trek. Meaning Star Trek spanned soo many tv episodes and content, this is what star wars is now. Cant imagine young interested but unfamiliar fans trying to navigate all this content, how many young fans have cared enough to put into the work to familiarize themselves with star trek (far far fewer for content related reasons who knows, maybe).

I want to care, it honestly becomes increasingly harder to if Im being honest. I like star wars a lot, really like it. However I dont seriously Love star wars. It becomes harder to care about these copy and repeat tv shows, even if I thoroughly enjoyed the mandolarian. 

Anyway havent even got around to boba fett, currently in the middle of anor. 

Watched the obi wan show and most of tales of the jedi. Both felt super unnecessary. However I think a huge star wars geek will angrily disagree, thats fine theyre most invested in these stories than I am. Though Im super excited to get into Visions eventually (anime sw epidodes each made by different japanese studios, beautiful idea even if its a following a cheap trend)

Whens the last time we even saw a lightsaber in these shows, not often. 

On the flipside this serialized endless content is kind of like a love letter to a bygone era of serialization. Maybe were going backwards in that regard, diminished focus on films.

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Has any of you Star Wars fans got or have heard of Harmy' Despecialized edition of the original trilogy. A fan made restoration. There's a beautiful video on YT about it and shows the amount of hard work from various sources of video to produce a true 4K original cinematic experience.

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On 11/29/2022 at 7:30 AM, Yggdrasil said:

Has any of you Star Wars fans got or have heard of Harmy' Despecialized edition of the original trilogy. A fan made restoration. There's a beautiful video on YT about it and shows the amount of hard work from various sources of video to produce a true 4K original cinematic experience.

Yes, I'm familiar with Harmy's Despecialized Edition and I have watched the Despecialized Editions of Empire Strikes Back and Return of the Jedi. Harmy has done some amazing work, though personally if we're talking high resolution and cleaned up digitally I prefer the Team Negative 1 (TN1) versions: Projects 4K77,  4K83 and 4K80 (which might still be a work in progress). They also did the older Silver Screen Edition which Harmy got a special thanks on. The main reason for saying I prefer the TN1 versions is because their versions are mostly if not entirely sourced from scans of old prints whereas Harmy's have a lot more processes including even rotoscoping over the official Blu-ray versions.

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I can't remember what version I've got. It has been 3 years or so by now. Technology has got better since then. 

I did get the other version if you wanted it projected onto a white wall, but I deleted it for space, not to mention I didn't have a projector to display it.

I did get L8wrtr fan edit of the prequel trilogy. I definitely liked that. Gets rid of that annoying character Jar Jar Binks.



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Not a big Star Wars buff but I do enjoy it from time to time. Especially the original trilogy. Series wise I've only bothered with The Mandalorian so far. I've only heard the worst as far as the rest on Disney+ goes.

So I was not exactly looking forward to spend another 8+ hours with some new Star Wars content. But I'm glad I finally did!

Andor is probably my favorite thing Star Wars since Rogue One. And that's saying something!

What makes the series so damn good is that it doesn't feel like the next-gen Star Wars we've come accustomed to since The Force Awakens. And don't get me started on the latest installment The Rise of Skywalker :swearing

What makes Andor so damn good is that it feels grounded, human, relatable and just takes its time to actually tell a story. I can see some may be put off by its pacing but I've enjoyed it tremendously. Also it looks so damn good. And no I'm not talking about some half-assed CGI effects. Beautiful landscape shots, great costumes and minimal CGI. Not to mention a story and characters you actually care about.

I sincerely hope we get a second season. Unfortunately it seems to get ignored quite a bit so I implore anyone slightly interested in Star Wars or just a good ScFi series check this out. It deserves your attention!

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