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Fatal Contact (aka Underground Fist) (2006)

Guest Elhcay

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If I'm not mistaken that's Wu Jing in it.

I thought people waiting for his new movies to come out

especially after SPL.(Only two replies)

Btw I agree it looks good

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Guest The Running Man

Just saw this last night and wanted to share my thoughts. For anyone who doesn't know, this is the new HK action/drama with Jackie Wu Jing (dude from SPL and Tai Chi Boxer).

As a film, I thought it sucked pretty bad. Just an awful film actually with any incredibly cliche script, one note characters, crap storytelling, and bad acting from Wu Jing and the lead girl. Funny how the movie thinks it has balls with the ending yet drags it even more with just bad scenes and ends bizarrely on one that is just laughable. As if the director thought this was a subtle scene of genuine happiness between the characters (spoiler: They talk about shoes and he points out that the Italian ones she mentioned sound great. Roll end credits spoiler).

The best parts of it were the fights which I actually thought were quite good. Fans of the old school will find much to like about in them. One grim though is that there is some wire-work in the film, and while all did not bother me, some of the wire-work was totally unnecessary I felt.

Really nice crisp choreography with nice old school-style lensing. Again, some of the wire-work was totally out of place with a great example being the last move Wu Jing does in his first fight. I suppose the action director and choreography of the movie is a new guy cause the name "Li Chung-Chi" doesn't ring a bell. But, I did like what I saw and would like to see more of it since Wu Jing is a dude that can handle his own action. Too bad Wu Jing doesn't have any real screen presence.

Let me also point out that supposedly there was an extra fight scene that's in the Mainland print that is not in the HK print and that's a mantis-style fight. The Mainland print is supposedly very different from the HK print, which I think mostly leans on their censorship laws, but the fact there is an additional fight in that print is interesting. Don't know if the perhaps that extra fight is on the special HK DVD edition of the film as an extra though.

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Guest Beat TG

The action choreography, while being well executed, has almost no variation making it look the same and a bit boring. This is just based on the action, so I'll get back to share a final opinion as soon as I've watched the whole movie.

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Guest theportlykicker
I suppose the action director and choreography of the movie is a new guy cause the name "Li Chung-Chi" doesn't ring a bell.

Li Chung-Chi is actually Nicky Li, the head of Jackie's stunt team. He's worked with Jackie for years now, so he's quite the opposite of a new guy, and he's usually credited as a main choreographer, along with Jackie, on Jackie's more recent films.

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Guest dyenboy

i have to agree with the running man..i got lost during the movie..dun know wa really happened to the girl..y she did wa she did..

the only good about the movie is the action..and there were quite a few tho...

i got it for 12 bucks..so i'm not complaining

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Guest jmungus
As a film, I thought it sucked pretty bad. Just an awful film actually with any incredibly cliche script, one note characters, crap storytelling, and bad acting from Wu Jing and the lead girl. Funny how the movie thinks it has balls with the ending yet drags it even more with just bad scenes and ends bizarrely on one that is just laughable. As if the director thought this was a subtle scene of genuine happiness between the characters (spoiler: They talk about shoes and he points out that the Italian ones she mentioned sound great. Roll end credits spoiler).

The best parts of it were the fights which I actually thought were quite good. Fans of the old school will find much to like about in them.

thats the truth and nothing but the truth!!!

utter, incompetent trash with very good, old-schoolish fights (not so much the choreo but the way it was staged and shot).

although i do wonder if that had been the original concept, or if its predominantly to do with the incompetence of the director to edit action sequences 'properly'.

some variation regarding cam angles and post-production editing would have been appreciated.

like beat tg says, theres moments of 'boredom' (not exactly literally, but in a way- imo) and while i (as any other old school fan) welcome long, unobscured shots of the action, "fatal contact" easily dismisses/ignores 80% of cam-techniques as known to the world to "tell the story of a fight".

im really a big fan of wu jing since day 1. i am fully aware hes a bad actor and has little screen charisma.

yet it really did hurt seeing him in FC (when he wasnt fighting).

ronald cheng`s character 'captain' was about the only likable thing aside from the fights.


PS: i have the hk version and the ending is plain ridiculous and frankly, pretty insulting (especially how its approached and executed dramatically).

watching it i cant help thinking the script writer must be a total retard and everyone involved in the process must have been one too (or how else would u explain nobody seemed to be having any objections ?!? :x )

maybe the mainlanders are better off missing the real ending (besides, they do get one additional fight which is more than just compensation lol).

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I agree with what is said about this film but bear in mind that Wu Jing is a mandarin speaker and the simplistic cantonese script was probably written with this in mind.

Ronald Cheng is good and I especially like the sparring sessions with Wu Jing.

What specifically are the differences between the Mainland and HK version apart from the additional fight scene?

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Guest Riceboy2000

The story wasn't terribly terribly bad to me, it was alright, but the ending didn't connect for me (HK version). I thought he would heal his leg and there would be one last fight for some reason.

For the action, it was very refreshing for me, lots of new moves I haven't seen before. Something like watching Ong bak the first time.

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Guest Takano2002

(spoiler: They talk about shoes and he points out that the Italian ones she mentioned sound great. Roll end credits spoiler). Well...the main difference is that in the HK version they're dead in that scene and in the mainland version they're alive.

In the HKC someone burns the Ferragamo shoes so they can be with them in celestial heaven.

As in the mainland cut she's not been a whore neither a traitor there's no reason for a sad ending (including violent deaths and suicides) as in the HKC.

Be in mind this is a mainland production in coproduction with HK companies, as most HK movies are nowadays, so the Chinese cut is as valid as the HK one.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Got the chance to watch this one last last nite. As a film, this one is very poorly made. I dont think I enjoyed many moments of this film that didnt involve the action (so I wont talk about the story). The lead female character was terribly annoying. She couldnt act her way outta a paper sack. Wu Jing and Ronald Cheng make this movie watchable. Cheng's character is pretty entertaining to watch. And also chips in well in a few action scenes. The fights were pretty well done, and Wu jing shines as usual. Wu Jings acting was sufficient, but he hasnt shown he has what it takes to become a true lead. He has a line in the film "I want to be the next Jet Li", Im afraid this film doesnt help accomplish that. But as i said, he does shine during the action. And the ending is a deffinite downer, way OTT imo. Overall a 4/5 action and 2/5 story.

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Guest Beat TG

I give it a 3/5 overall. Story wasn't effective yeah but so wasn't the fights. It was way too repeatative to me.

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Guest jmungus

i give the fighting parts of FC 7/10

i give the drama parts of FC 1.8/10

i give extra credit to ronald cheng.

i give up on wu jing ever developing some actual acting skills or proper screen presence.

1 point for wu jing cuz i luv him

2 points for some decent gung

1 point for a quality sidekick portrayal by cheng

that makes FS into a 4/10-movie only recommended to die hard fans.

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Guest DragonMa55

I watched this last night and thought the fights were terrific, as a film though, it was painfully boring, I forwarded through most of the drama, I came to hate Miki Yeung's character towards the end.

Ken Lo was an absolute pimp in this film, I mean, seriously, I wouldn't have been at all surprised if the first words out of his mouth were 'Where my money, BITCH' he looked crazy in that hat and jacket combo.

The fights were excellent though, that guy using the nails looked absolutely brutal and Wu Jing against the K-1 fighter was great, just crashing into the furniture, even Ronald Cheng manages to look pretty good in the fight scenes.

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Guest Beat TG

Can't say it excellent from an action point of view (uninspired choreo) but it's quite good for what it provides: HK fights in quantity. as a movie, I agree it's quite hard to sit through.

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I agree with DragonMa in terms of the Miki Yeung character. I couldn't stand her.

As for the fights, easily some of Nicky Li Chung-Chi's best choreography, especially when Wu Jing hits Kenji Tanigaki and at the same time Andy On flips and hits Wu Jing.

As for the movie as a whole, I like the whole "rise and fall" of a fighter theme, but at times, it did slow down.

And Ken Lo, I agree with DM again...I was expecting him to grab a girl and slap her with some baby powder haha

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Guest Iron Monkey

I wont 'ruin' it for any of you who havent seen it - but am i only the guy who thought the ending was totally bonkers? I think something was lost in translation for me...Fight scenes were good though! Its rare that wirework is used in such a toned down way that enhances fight scenes, instead of going too OTT (the SPL finishing move anyone?)

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