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Do you know what movie is this?


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How do you do, fellow kids?

I'm an old man trying to find out if I really watched this movie I'm going to tell you or if my mind completely made it up.

Please keep in mind these are 30-35 years old memories, they might be vague or just completely wrong.

'70s movie, so dumb it hurts, two brothers (or maybe only fellow students) are trying to achieve the ultimate form, the monkey style (which will ultimately involve drinking lots of alcohol). The main gimmick of this movie's fights is how every fighter would shout and announce the tecnique he is going to use, akin to how anime robots call their weapons right before using them. I only remember one of the last fights against an old master using the spider style, "the spider spins its web!" and starts acting like he's slowly producing it from his mouth, one of the main characters approaches him, puzzled, to try to understand what the hell was going on, gets closer and closer until they're almost cheek to cheek, and gets punched in the face.

No, it's not "World of the drunken master" despite some similarities.

Mandatory montage of weird training methods, like "the monkey picks up apples!" with the guy proceeding to squat goofily trying to reach stuff put high up, which will turn in a real combat situation into a series of high punches. The movie *might* have included also a fight against a mantis style user. No supernatural elements that I recall of.

I want to find out if it's as stupid as it seems or it's some kind of lost comedy gem.

I browsed (briefly but not too much) on Wikipedia both lists of kung fu movies and comedies but I couldn't find it. Mostly sure it's not something by or with Jackie Chan, it must have been something so forgotten and obscure only a local tv channel could dare to air.

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7 minutes ago, Hellfire said:

Thank you guys but no, it definitely isn't "Drunken Monkey" and they both lack the "announcing tecniques" part.

Are you sure? Watched the clip and the heroes announce ther "Dragon fist" or "Snake Fist" several times, and they old bloke specifically says "Spider fist" near the end. There can't be that many films with a "Spider fist", lol.

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1 minute ago, Dredderick_Tatum said:

Are you sure? Watched the clip and the heroes announce ther "Dragon fist" or "Snake Fist" several times, and they old bloke specifically says "Spider fist" near the end. There can't be that many films with a "Spider fist", lol.

Because as I described it was something much more involving, as in "the spider spins its web". "World of the Drunken Master" does something similar, about 1 hour and 10 minutes in.

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I know how it is. I once sat through a really bad Kung Fu movie in Chinatown where a guy meets Jesus, or at least a preacher who looks like Jesus, in the middle of a chase after a guy he wanted to get revenge on. He has a religious experience on the spot!! Anyway, it isn't the Chang Yi movie Fury in Storm. This was some cheap Taiwanese movie I imagine Shaw Brothers bought to fill in a double bill on a slow week or when someone missed their shooting schedule. I wouldn't watch the whole thing again, but this, and a movie where guys fight on stilts near a river has always bugged me that I could not remember. There were others, like one where Metal from Pink Floyd plays and this gal kicks this guy in the head over and over with crescent, spin crescent, crescent ala Angela Mao (but not Angela Mao) sort of stuck out. The independents can kind of blur from back in 1974-75 when I went there, while Shaw Brothers would play again and again and are all well preserved.


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14 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

preacher who looks like Jesus,

15 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

guys fight on stilts

Those descriptions remind me of Snake in the Eagle's Shadow and Ninja in the Dragon's Den but I must be wrong as those two movies are far to well known.

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There is a spider style scene shortly before the final fight in the 1979 Monkey Kung Fu. This one stars Ching Siu Tung and is not the Lau Kar Leung film Mad Monkey Kung Fu although both are Shaw films. It also goes by Stroke of Death.


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It doesn't look like it. It shares some similarities (hell, after a while many seems exactly the same) but it doesn't seem silly enough, also lacks the tecnique announcing feature.

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1 hour ago, Omni Dragon said:

Those descriptions remind me of Snake in the Eagle's Shadow and Ninja in the Dragon's Den but I must be wrong as those two movies are far to well known.

Yes, I can get why you would think that, but no, this seemed like a Chinese Christian film at its core. Pretty sure the hero did not kill the main villain at the end (but he did beat his ass) for killing his family. Very sloppy fights, etc. One was in the mud or something. I doubt this made it to video.

Edited by NoKUNGFUforYU
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I have not seen Monkey Kung Fu in a while but I am pretty sure that is your movie. The line about the web strand coming from the mouth sounds too close to the spider style scene I referred to. The trailer does not show much of the movie and there are not many clips online. Calling out moves is very common and in Monkey Kung Fu as well.

Edited by odioustrident
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I just watched the spider style scene from Monkey Kung Fu on Amazon streaming. The exact thing you described (with the imaginary web strand being pulled from the mouth) happens in that scene. It is possible that another film has this idea but it is extremely unlikely. You may also be combining multiple films as we all do from time to time.

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5 minutes ago, odioustrident said:

You may also be combining multiple films as we all do from time to time.

In all my time on this forum, with these kinds of questions, that very thing has happened A LOT. And it has happned to me as well.

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Of course it wasn't, the uploaded movie is the wrong one =_= I'll investigate further.

By the way, many many of these movies are extremely similar, just think of all those "I'm a kid who can't fight, meet the drunken master, become martial arts god" stories. I wouldn't be surprised I watched the knockoff of the knockoff of some other movie. Also, those years italian dubbing was a lawless land, sometimes often changing the mood, often entirely adding lines for whatever made up reason.

And let's not forget: 35 years old memories, I'm sorry in advance ^^'

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