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US FEARLESS has more changes than original thought

Guest udar55

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Guest The Running Man

First of all, the person who started that thread in the forum you posted (tom2681) is totally off mark with his comments as he words it so that he makes it seem that the international version of the film is inferior to the Asian version. An unbiased look will reveal the international version is an improvement over the Asian cut.

If you actually read it without his heavy fanboy bias, you'll realize that there are actually no scenes cut. All the Asian cut has over the international version are quick shots of his grandmother and daughter during his near death experience, a close up of the girl playing her flute, and 4-5 extra shots during the end of Jet practicing. THAT'S IT.

Compare that to the US/UK version which includes TWO FULL ADDITIONAL scenes where Yuan Jia is scolded by his father for fighting (which explains why he is doing the calligraphy in the next scene) and him meeting his friends when he comes back from his departure (which better emphasizes his return and what he has missed while gone).

And the placement of Jet practicing is put in a far better place in the international version in the middle of the movie (which would make sense in context) and replace that with images of what is being described that is going on at that period at the start of the film versus having the film start with Jet practice while showing text that has nothing to do with what he is doing as it is on the Asian cut.

It's very likely that the US/UK version was Ronny Yu's final cut of the shorter version of the film and that the Asian cuts were rushed. If you notice what that all the Asian cut has are things like an extra shot here and there or an alternate angle of something then that leads one to believe that it was the director who went back to re-edit to become satisfied with that version.

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Guest gfanikf
An unbiased look will reveal the international version is an improvement over the Asian cut.

Like The Protector :)

Seriously though I agree with your reaoning in regards to this. I liked it more when I finally saw the US Version.

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Guest Markgway
It's very likely that the US/UK version was Ronny Yu's final cut of the shorter version of the film and that the Asian cuts were rushed.

That's pretty much what I felt and said so in my original Bullets post. I think Tom is just being a little bit Fr... er, pretentious. ;)

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Guest limubai2000

Coz there are no other kung fu fans on Guam so I'm socially inhibited? :P

(I had a more witty comeback but I don't want to risk a flame war Mark :\ )

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