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Fearless - Director's Cut (2006)

Guest carl douglas

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Mark Pollard

I've been getting comments on the main site from multiple people that Universal's director cut edition of FEARLESS does not actually contain the director's cut and instead only has the international and theatrical versions. Can anyone else confirm this? I have yet to pick up a copy although I'm going to try and track one down on Friday.


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The Running Man

I wrote about this. You can read the thread I started about it here.

Read my laster posts as well because I include important information for those that have been stuck with this problem and would want to correct it.

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Mark Pollard

Thank you Running Man. I have made in inquiry to Universal as well but I am still waiting for a reply. I'm hoping they will be able to elaborate on the situation and offer something more substantial.

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Morgoth Bauglir

Wow, that is unbelievable that they put "director's cut that has new footage with Michelle Yeoh" on the DVD case, and then they don't put the director's cut on the disc! I'm glad I didn't have enough money to get it on Tuesday.

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WOW UNBELIEVABLE!!!, that they messed up like that. I would be totally pissed off had I bought that now and I was going to pick it up tomorrow. I hope someone else can say it was just a mistake, with a couple of bad batches shipped out.

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Mark Pollard

I can confirm that Universal's FEARLESS Director's Cut release is definitely defective. It shipped with two identical discs, except one of them doesn't even work right. There is no 141 minute version of the movie on this release. I'm in the process of writing up an article for the main site now.

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"It has been confirmed that JET LI’S FEARLESS: DIRECTOR’S CUT....is missing the Director's Cut."


Sorry that people have been screwed by this, but Mark's first sentence in his little article made me laugh really hard. Wow! I hope it's just a packaging error and not Universal claiming these discs are the director's cut.

For some reason I wasn't aware of this release so are there any extras on it? I already own the U.S./International Cut released a few years ago and was wondering if it was worth the money (after this little mess up is fixed). It would be kind of silly to have three different versions of the movie and no significant extras.

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Mark Pollard

It is a packaging error. Universal had intended to release the Director's Cut. The cover is right. They just need to get the contents right too. I don't know about the other retailers but I'm keeping tabs on when HKFlix gets corrected stock in.

Universal does have an exchange program for consumers so no one should be stuck with a defective release. I hope to have more details on Monday when I attempt to contact them again.

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Is there anything special about this release?

The reason i ask is why not buy the excellent HK DVD, found some here...FEARLESS DIRECTORS CUT DVD

You need a multi region player of course because its region 3 but im sure most of you have...:)

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Guest WuxiaFan

Agree with David Rees--I've owned the Edko (HK) version of FEARLESS Director's Cut since Jan 2007. It's an awesome disc with a making of featurette in English, excellent picture quality, etc. Edko is one of the best HK distributors in the world. On a side note, Edko also released the best Director's Cut version of HERO. For Jet Li fans, these two discs are absolutely must haves!

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Never bothered with the directors cut of Hero, what is the difference between them, i know the DC of fearless made a big difference.

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The Running Man
I've owned the Edko (HK) version of FEARLESS Director's Cut since Jan 2007. It's an awesome disc with a making of featurette in English, excellent picture quality,

It's the same making of that's on the US disc.

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Got an email response from Universal today regarding the Fearless packaging screw up:

"Thank you for contacting Universal Studios Home Entertainment. We strive to provide the highest standard in product quality and customer care.

Please let us know your shipping address and daytime telephone number, and we will send you a postage paid envelope in which to return your "Jet Li's Fearless Director's Cut" disc #1 for replacement. In the envelope, please send the original disc #1 only, along with a copy of this correspondence.

Please allow 1 - 4 weeks to receive your replacement.

We appreciate your patronage and hope that you will continue to enjoy this and future Universal releases.


Consumer Relations


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That's good news but did they say they are going to recall all the other one's and put out the right one's?

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The Best Buy by me finally got a shipment of DVDs with the director's cut, so I think they're starting to ship the right ones.

Unfortunately, they never recalled the bad ones (at Best Buy at least) and they couldn't tell which DVDs were from the most recent shipment. So it's still kind of a crap shoot when you're buying them. But they are finally out there now.

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Morgoth Bauglir

I wonder if you can open it and check to see if it has the director's cut in the store with an employee. Otherwise you just have to take your chances because I don't think you can return a DVD once it's been opened. You would have to send it to Universal and wait 1-4 weeks for them to correct their mistake.

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Mark Pollard

That's what I was afraid would happen. I've asked HKFlix to notify me when they receive a shipment of corrected discs. Universal apparently caught the mistake before copies shipped to HKFlix. Their domestic product usually arrives later than larger retailers but in this case it has worked to their advantage. Without a proper recall, average retailers will have no idea what they're selling and defective discs will continue to mingle in circulation with corrected discs until they go out of print. Universal has a recall program as other members have mentioned but this is still a poor way to for the studio to handle the problem.

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Mark Pollard

Morgoth, I doubt it. If Walmart won't even take back open DVDs I doubt Best Buy will let you open it in store.

I have no special love for the monolithic Walmart but since I bought my copy there I gave their manager a courtesy call to let them know their initial stock of FEARLESS might be defective and he reacted like I was from another planet. Not having worked in retail for many years I forgot how brainwashed corporate retail management is. If they don't get official marching orders from higher up, they're lost.

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I wonder if you can open it and check to see if it has the director's cut in the store with an employee.

You wouldnt be able to tell unless you put them in a player. My discs were seperately labeled 1 & 2. But were both disc #2.

I gave their manager a courtesy call to let them know their initial stock of FEARLESS might be defective and he reacted like I was from another planet.

Ha, thats the exact same response I received from a chain store manager when i tried to explain to him that the Shaw DVD's they were selling were bootlegs.

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At Best Buy they let me return the opened DVD twice. The second time they offered to put the DVD on in the store for me to check it out.

I guess that might not apply to all stores, but the Best Buy in my area was really cool about it.

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Well I guess I'll wait a few more weeks to see if they finally got all the Bugs worked out and I really want to get the D.C. version but I don't want to go back and forth with any store Manager about a messed version of the movie that he might think I'm out of my mind about.

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Guest WuxiaFan
Never bothered with the directors cut of Hero, what is the difference between them, i know the DC of fearless made a big difference.

The DC version of HERO adds about 13 mins of additional footage in various scenes throughout the film. In the "red" story, the fight scene between Flying Snow (Cheung) and Moon (Ziyi) was longer than in the theatrical version. It's stunning, as that's one of the most beautiful scenes in the movie. Another cut scene is in the "white" story where Moon wants to take her own life in honor of Broken Sword's plea to Nameless to abandon the mission to assassinate the King, but Nameless (Li) prevents her from killing herself. It's an awesome scene right at one of the most dramatic scenes in the movie for Jet Li. I felt the Director's cut was the version if HERO Yimou originally intended audiences to see.

Compared to the 40 min difference between the dreadful theatrical cut of FEARLESS and the DC of FEARLESS, the DC of HERO is not nearly as different, but definitely worth having. Get the Edko version, NOT the Guang Dong Face versions.

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