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How do you decide what movie to watch?


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I’m sure I’m not the only one who is completely overwhelmed by choice when I sit down to watch a kung fu movie, or any movie. Between movies I’ve seen before, movies new to me, different eras, sub genres, actors, it can get messy. Many times I’ll intend to watch one, and this reason causes me not to.


Usually what I watch will be somewhat inspired by recent talks on the forum, or from friends. Other times, I’ll simply let my wife pick a movie. Having a “theme” or certain director/actor helps some times too. (Such as my recent monkey Kung fu deep dive.)


How do you all pick a Fu movie to watch? Do you ever get so overwhelmed by the choice, you just don’t watch any?

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2 minutes ago, paimeifist said:

Do you ever get so overwhelmed by the choice, you just don’t watch any?

Often.... I have DVDs in the multiple thousands.... plenty I haven't seen yet. Got some stuff on DVD-r, a bit on LD, VHS, Blu...... and now there's streaming too. I frequently just stand there looking at the shelves for like 15 minutes or more before I just sit down again and do something else. Though I usually go by mood. I never force a watch. Sometimes I bail if it didn't hit the spot, though for the most part I stick with it.

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Drunken Monk

I have played it safe for twenty years: all those trusty classics from the likes of Jackie, Sammo, Li Yi Min, Lau Kar Leung etc. Only since COVID hit have I really decided to sit down and venture outside my comfort zone.
I knew I wanted to try Bruceploitation and so when I discovered that I loved Bruce Li I went onto Bruce Le and Dragon Lee. No order. Just what I thought might be good.

Since then, I've just picked a random actor and tried to watch some of their stuff I haven't seen before. Mostly via Prime Video. I've seen plenty of duds but diving deeper into the filmographies of Casanova Wong, Angela Mao, Chan Sing etc. has definitely given me some true gems.

Long story short, I watch at random these days.

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I normally think of an actor/actress then decide what to watch.im more into social media nowadays so if some one posts a good clip or something I haven’t seen before that looks great I will see if I have it or hunt it down.There are so many ways to watch things we are kinda spoiled.

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When I bought my computer in 2010 and began to seriously collect Shaws' movies, I watched them as soon as I received them, with no choice of the director or the actor. I also collected some Cantonese movies and these ones, I watched them by actor/actresses : Fung Bo Bo ; Yu So Chau ; Siao Fong Fong ; Wu Fung and so on.

Later, I built some filmographies of my favorite actors using hkmdb, hongkongcinemagic, sometimes imdb and wikipedia and I began to collect and watch their movies.series one by one : Adam Cheng,Tien Yeh, David Chiang, and so on...Same with the studios/companies.

And now, I choose my movies:series at random...

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I generally try to put the ones that I've watched behind the ones I haven't on the shelf. Then I pick from the "not watched" at random most of the time. When I buy a Mill Creek set or something similar though, I'll go through the entire set before watching anything else.  The problem with this is that the "not watched" section keeps growing so occasionally I'll pull out something from the "watched" section that sounds good right then.

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Chu Liu Hsiang

When I started watching/ collecting I just put the latest prey in the player, with a rewatch here and there. Then I started pursuing certain subgenres, and actors. Meanwhile, I watched some favorites really often while I have to take dust off a still unwatched heap from time to time. The unwatched heap consists mainly of "modern" MA movies.

Sometimes I just know I want to watch this or that movie in the evening without knowing what put the idea in my head, sometimes I get inspired by discussions here. 

Some weeks ago I started rewatching Shaw movies, starting with the 60s and enjoy it immensely. The Shaws are stored more or less chronologically, so I just grab one. Should I fancy watching something else, I would do it because life is too short to watch something that does not fit in the mood. 

Nevertheless, my aim is to watch all of the unwatched heap before I buy another movie. Wish me luck with that :wink:

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Lately I just tend to watch the stuff I buy but occasionally i'll have a bit of a theme so for example last month I wanted a bit of ninja action so I watched Ninja 3, Pray for Death & Ninja Shadow of a Tear but i'm done with that for now. My next buy will probably be Fearless Hyena next month so I might put on a few other early JC movies to get me ready for that. One thing I have noticed is that as i've watched more titles recently on blu ray i'm less likely to put on a dvd, whereas a couple of years ago I didn't care what format a film was on.

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I like to lay my dvd selections out on the floor. Then I take a throwing star (shuriken) and toss it up in the air.

Then whichever one it sticks in...well, I don't watch that one 'cause that disc is history.

I think I need a new method.

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I go by Director these days. It's easier that way for me. 

Just pick a Director and go in chronological order. I think after 3 films you can tell if you like him or not. If you dont then you can stop and pick someone else.

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On 7/15/2020 at 11:48 AM, andy338 said:

 One thing I have noticed is that as i've watched more titles recently on blu ray i'm less likely to put on a dvd, whereas a couple of years ago I didn't care what format a film was on.

I'm like that now, Being spoilt over the last few years with the quality of Blu-Ray, I tend to avoid the VHS Ripped DVD's in my collection.


On 7/14/2020 at 6:27 PM, paimeifist said:

How do you all pick a Fu movie to watch? Do you ever get so overwhelmed by the choice, you just don’t watch any?

I'm always overwhelmed!   I open up my Plex server with about 500 titles and start scrolling across the covers, previewing some as I go along, then giving up and watching Family Guy till I fall off to sleep!!!


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One Armed Boxer
On 7/15/2020 at 3:35 AM, TibetanWhiteCrane said:

I frequently just stand there looking at the shelves for like 15 minutes or more before I just sit down again and do something else. Though I usually go by mood. I never force a watch.

That pretty much sums up my usual approach as well, although having been working from home for 4 months now, I’ve begun to show a little more bravado in taking titles off the shelf.

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When it comes to movies I haven't seen before, my desire to watch something usually starts with looking for promising titles. Then I look at their ratings, watching trailers, and going through reviews before deciding to proceed. When it comes to movies I've seen before, I take 5 min before thinking thoroughly if it's worth it before making a decision.

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I have this bad habit of buying lots of movies and just never watching them for various reasons. So whenever I get in the mood to watch one, I just grab one from the pile of "Too Watch" movies that I keep beside my TV. lol If there isn't anything in that pile that I'm interested in at the moment or its empty, I will pick a movie from my collection that looks interesting, that I haven't seen in a while. 

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I used to buy movies based on the choreographer but now I only buy movies that haven't been uploaded on YouTube.

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On 7/14/2020 at 5:40 PM, ShawAngela said:

When I bought my computer in 2010 and began to seriously collect Shaws' movies, I watched them as soon as I received them, with no choice of the director or the actor. I also collected some Cantonese movies and these ones, I watched them by actor/actresses : Fung Bo Bo ; Yu So Chau ; Siao Fong Fong ; Wu Fung and so on.

Later, I built some filmographies of my favorite actors using hkmdb, hongkongcinemagic, sometimes imdb and wikipedia and I began to collect and watch their movies.series one by one : Adam Cheng,Tien Yeh, David Chiang, and so on...Same with the studios/companies.

And now, I choose my movies:series at random...

Hi, Angela.  :cool


Have you been able to access Hong Kong Cinemagic?


I loved that place, I hope it isn't gone for good.

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5 hours ago, AlexanderFu said:

Hi, Angela.  :cool


Have you been able to access Hong Kong Cinemagic?


I loved that place, I hope it isn't gone for good.

Sadly, not. I tried several times this last days without success. First, it said "unavailable site", and yesterday, it said "on maintenance". Like you, I hope that it's not gone forever because it was a very helpful site nicely complementing hkmdb.

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For simple searches on a site is down like hkcinemagic, I've been able to use the Internet Wayback Machine.

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Chu Liu Hsiang

The facebook site is still online and has a post on July 25 saying their computer crashed. Also they seem to be on a movie festival these days. So hopefully the site will be restored sooner or later.

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