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What would you choose?

Drunken Monk

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Drunken Monk

So here’s a scenario...

One day you’re blessed with good luck. You’re sent, in the mail, the rarest piece of kung fu cinema you can imagine. Maybe it’s a Jackie, Sammo and Yuen Biao team up film that never saw the light of day. Maybe it’s the famous saw in the head footage from The Big Boss. It’s whatever you want it to be.

The rules are thus: you can take this magnificent rarity and watch it. But if you do, you can NEVER show it to ANYONE else. Or you can share it with the kung fu cinema world but you yourself can NEVER watch it.

Which one do you do?

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One Armed Boxer

The latter. There’s plenty of rarities out there, so my hope would be that, while I couldn’t see this particular one, it’d mean we’d see plenty of others that otherwise would never have seen the light of day.

The former isn’t really rhetorical. It’s pretty much the reality today of what many collectors do. The irony being that they like to preface their collector status with some pretentious word like ‘elite’, when really their principles make them just as low budget as guys like Stiller.

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Share it.The latest Bruce Lee documentary Be Water had both the  Bruce Lee estate and Robert Lee involved yet we get nothing new even though they have said they do have unseen stuff,I just think it’s wrong and selfish.And the same goes for the collectors,there are many people on this site who probably know twice as much about Bruce than these collectors yet they don’t get to see this stuff.Like I said selfish.

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I'd def share..."owning" a rare solely for bragging rights is just dick waving IMO.

Edited by nectarsis
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Drunken Monk

Is there documented proof of a certain collector having something SUPER rare and not sharing? I'd be interested to know what's actually out there.

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If it's a rare scene, I'd share it. I'm not sweating not seeing something like that. If it's a rare film, depending on what it might be...I have such few indulgences, so more than likely I'd watch it. And then tell you all about it as I cackle madly. Madly, I tell you!!!

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I would share it with Ya'll. There are a ton of people on here that are probably way bigger fans of Martial Arts movies than me, so I couldn't do something so cruel as to keep it from them. 

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9/10 I'd share. I'm not obsessed with the idea of rares. And I know there's plenty of fans out there who would enjoy them more than me. If it was an unseen version of a Bruce Lee movie (i.e. uncut BIG BOSS) that would test my resolve and I'd probably just shaft the lot of ya! ;)


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