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Movie with best sword fighting scenes


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Let me add about the previous link about the Yagyu film that besides Konoe Jushiro, it also included actor Shinagawa Ryuji.  Ryuji is noteworthy because later, both Jushiro and Ryuji teamed up in the TV series, Tsukikage Hyogo, and another TV series, Hanayama Daikichi.  What's odd is that in BOTH series, those two actors acted as the same kind of characters--that is, Jushiro as a Ronin, and Ryuji as a Yakuza.  The characters they played had different names from each series but the kind of characters were exactly the same.  That leads to many fans speculating that the characters from Both series were actually the same.  In fact, in the 2nd series, the Yakuza man recognizes the Ronin as someone he knew from before, yet he calls him by a different name.  So you get the impression that maybe the Ronin was masquerading as someone else, even though his Yakuza friend recognized him.

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Since I mentioned the series Hanayama Daikichi starring Konoe Jushiro as Daikichi, and Ryuji as a Yakuza, here is a brief excerpt, only a few seconds. Jushiro is the Main swordsman and Ryuji is the comical yakuza>>


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In discussing Swordfighting, the question is sometimes raised as to why the Japanese Samurai never used shields.  I think it's because if you look at the battlefield fighting, the Samurai on horseback used bow and arrow.  Obviously, they needed both hands to use archery.  And if they were foot soldiers on the ground, then they used Spears, again needing both hands to use the spear, so shields would be out of the question. 

And speaking of Spears, the most formidable spear-fighter was Takada Matabei who even had a duel with the famous Miyamoto Musashi.   It's interesting that when Swordfighting became the Sport of Kendo, the strict rules were not established yet, so the length of the weapon was not yet standardized.  So even though the Shinai-weapon used in Kendo is supposed to represent a Sword, Takada held his Shinai in an Unusual way.  That is, he held his Shinai the same way he did when using an actual spear.  

That's why historians conjecture that the protective-gloves worn in the Kendo sport came from not the Sword but instead the Spear, because in spearfighting, the hands would be more vulnerable as compared with Swordfighting. 




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Now that the 2021 Olympics is on, I should mention it because the Olympics includes Sword-fencing. 
There is a rule with that Sports-fencing that does Not make sense to me at all.  It has to do with the Foil, which is only one of the Three different Swords used in the sport.  The 3 are the Foil, the Epee, and Saber--each Sword having different rules. For just the Foil that I discuss here, the target-area is confined to your opponent's torso area.
Here's the Foil rule that does Not sense to me at all.  It has to do with touches to the valid and invalid areas of the body.  Obviously, if your sword touches your opponent in his torso area, then you score a valid point.  And if your blade touches, say, his leg, then it's obviously Unvalid.
Now here comes the rule that does Not make sense.  Suppose your blade contacts your opponent's torso for a valid BUT at the same time, your opponent's blade contacts your leg for an UNvalid, then the rule states that your opponent's UNvalid also cancels out the Valid point that you made.  Since you made a Valid, should not that alone give you the win?  It does Not make sense to me, because why should your opponent's Unvalid cancel out your valid? 


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