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The Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung vs Master with Cracked Fingers (aka Snake Fist Fighter)


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3 hours ago, tantao3-son of tantao2 said:

where does this info come from? do you have a primary source?

It’s stated in lots of places on the web that it was filmed in 1971 and released in 1973, including Wikipedia (which I grant isn’t infallible). Do you have a reliable primary source which states it was filmed in 1973?

Edited by WaverBoy
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tantao3-son of tantao2
14 hours ago, WaverBoy said:

It’s stated in lots of places on the web that it was filmed in 1971 and released in 1973, including Wikipedia (which I grant isn’t infallible). Do you have a reliable primary source which states it was filmed in 1973?

Go here:


Newspaper article: August 14, 1973 "Industry and Commerce Daily" = this is a primary source...



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4 hours ago, tantao3-son of tantao2 said:

Go here:


Newspaper article: August 14, 1973 "Industry and Commerce Daily" = this is a primary source...



This is the relevant bit I found there, translated via Apple. I’m guessing "Canton Xiaoro Hu" mentioned in the old article quoted at the bottom is our film? So, does the conventional wisdom have it wrong, then? CTFKT was actually both shot and released in 1973? Thoughts?


Tiger Project / Koro Tora Hiroto

Well, it's finally Jackie Chan's memorable first starring work, but it's the most mysterious work in me.

I tried to bullet points what I know now.

*There is nothing influential in public information. Not open to the public in Hong Kong, released in Taiwan (1984?) It's possible that he's doing it.

*It is unclear who the company called Soon Lee Film, a production company, is also affiliated. I couldn't find any other works. ( There is also a notation of Space Organization Co., Ltd. as an exhibition company in Taiwan's database, but the details are also unknown.)

*In his autobiography such as 'I love you, it's produced by Kanrei Corporation along with "Chiroto Daiketsuto", but it's unclear what this company is. However, there is a high possibility that the relationship between these two works is deep. <br />A similar name exists called 'Weirei Corporation', and it's probably related to Riku Zhenggyo in a Taiwanese company.

*As for the appearance, the director Wei Haifeng has been involved several times in the past and is influential. It seems that Wei Haifeng was still active in the group of Lu Zhengxing, so this work may also be of the Lu Zhengxing (Kaiha Group).

*I looked up newspapers from around June 1973 to around August, which is said to be the production time, but I couldn't find any articles related to this.

*Jo Pei, who plays Jackie's older sister, has been active as an actress of Shaw Brothers for a long time, but when the contract expires by the end of May 1973, it was published in a newspaper article in March. In fact, Jo Pei retired from acting this year, and this is the only one who appeared in works other than Shaw Brothers. For this reason, it is estimated that the production time will be after June.

*In addition, there is an article that Jo Pei went to Japan in September as of the end of August and worked behind the scenes when he came back. ( Estimated from June to August together with the above)

*The villain Chen Hong-yeol shot his first film "Oki Tenppo" from May to July. It's not impossible, but it doesn't seem to have a long time with the first director's work.

*Another title is Jackie's work as the title of the classic mystery work "Hong Kong Passover". ( I'll go through this case this time.)

There is nothing decisive, but from the line of Jopeipei and Chen Hong-yeol, it was estimated that the production date was around August 1973.

So far, I'm thinking that "Cerrade Fighting" is from May to June, "Over Customers" is in July, and August.

Also, I'm not sure if the autobiography "befor the director and producer disappeared secretly" is Wei Haifeng, Li Rogan or Liang Chun-gi, but it seems that the work with them has not taken this opportunity since then. Also, it seems that the contact point with Riku Masayuki is also interrupted here.

And around this time, Bruce Lee passed away, and Isao's movie went down.

[Postscript - 2011/01/27]

The other day, I received information in the following article from Mr. Seiryu, who runs the electric freaks. ( Thank you!!)

“Newspaper article: August 14, 1973: "Kosho Nippo" (Kosho Nippo) Jo Pei finished shooting "Canton Xiaoro Hu" and took a new film.“



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tantao3-son of tantao2
2 hours ago, WaverBoy said:

This is the relevant bit I found there, translated via Apple. I’m guessing "Canton Xiaoro Hu" mentioned in the old article quoted at the bottom is our film? So, does the conventional wisdom have it wrong, then? CTFKT was actually both shot and released in 1973? Thoughts?


Tiger Project / Koro Tora Hiroto

Well, it's finally Jackie Chan's memorable first starring work, but it's the most mysterious work in me.

I tried to bullet points what I know now.

*There is nothing influential in public information. Not open to the public in Hong Kong, released in Taiwan (1984?) It's possible that he's doing it.

*It is unclear who the company called Soon Lee Film, a production company, is also affiliated. I couldn't find any other works. ( There is also a notation of Space Organization Co., Ltd. as an exhibition company in Taiwan's database, but the details are also unknown.)

*In his autobiography such as 'I love you, it's produced by Kanrei Corporation along with "Chiroto Daiketsuto", but it's unclear what this company is. However, there is a high possibility that the relationship between these two works is deep. <br />A similar name exists called 'Weirei Corporation', and it's probably related to Riku Zhenggyo in a Taiwanese company.

*As for the appearance, the director Wei Haifeng has been involved several times in the past and is influential. It seems that Wei Haifeng was still active in the group of Lu Zhengxing, so this work may also be of the Lu Zhengxing (Kaiha Group).

*I looked up newspapers from around June 1973 to around August, which is said to be the production time, but I couldn't find any articles related to this.

*Jo Pei, who plays Jackie's older sister, has been active as an actress of Shaw Brothers for a long time, but when the contract expires by the end of May 1973, it was published in a newspaper article in March. In fact, Jo Pei retired from acting this year, and this is the only one who appeared in works other than Shaw Brothers. For this reason, it is estimated that the production time will be after June.

*In addition, there is an article that Jo Pei went to Japan in September as of the end of August and worked behind the scenes when he came back. ( Estimated from June to August together with the above)

*The villain Chen Hong-yeol shot his first film "Oki Tenppo" from May to July. It's not impossible, but it doesn't seem to have a long time with the first director's work.

*Another title is Jackie's work as the title of the classic mystery work "Hong Kong Passover". ( I'll go through this case this time.)

There is nothing decisive, but from the line of Jopeipei and Chen Hong-yeol, it was estimated that the production date was around August 1973.

So far, I'm thinking that "Cerrade Fighting" is from May to June, "Over Customers" is in July, and August.

Also, I'm not sure if the autobiography "befor the director and producer disappeared secretly" is Wei Haifeng, Li Rogan or Liang Chun-gi, but it seems that the work with them has not taken this opportunity since then. Also, it seems that the contact point with Riku Masayuki is also interrupted here.

And around this time, Bruce Lee passed away, and Isao's movie went down.

[Postscript - 2011/01/27]

The other day, I received information in the following article from Mr. Seiryu, who runs the electric freaks. ( Thank you!!)

“Newspaper article: August 14, 1973: "Kosho Nippo" (Kosho Nippo) Jo Pei finished shooting "Canton Xiaoro Hu" and took a new film.“



it was shot in 1973...actually shooting was finished August 14, 1973...

it was not released in Hong Kong or Taiwan.



Edited by tantao3-son of tantao2
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Literally every other source I’ve found on the web says it was shot in 1971, shelved for two years, and then finally had a brief release in Hong King in 1973, then it disappeared again until it was re-edited into Master With Cracked Fingers and released under that title in 1979, so yeah, this is new information for most of us, despite it apparently coming to light back in 2011 when this was posted. I wonder where the 1971 production year claim originally came from? I’d love to know more about the history and timeline of this film and the sources of info regarding such. C’mon, all ye Jackie Chan experts — where are ye?

Edited by WaverBoy
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Well, Jackie's first autobiography mentions 1971. So that's where that year could come from. Although we know that book is not accurate about some other stuff.


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Killer Meteor

I think 1973 makes sense. It feels very post Big Boss.

Even if it didn't play HK, it probably got released somewhere as the current transfers are from a theatrical print.

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I just got the Rarescope/BCI DVD of this, and…well, it’s SLIGHTLY less rotten than watching it on YouTube, due to less compression. BUT, on top of the fact that this apparently sole surviving print (NOOOOOOOOO!) is nearly completely drained of color and in absolutely horrendous condition from the start, there’s been zero attempt to spruce it up at all, it’s non-anamorphic (in 2007, a non-anamorphic DVD, gee thanks BCI), and the added digital subs (during the many bits where the burned-in subs are cut off on the bottom due to the absolute worst burned-in subtitle job I’ve ever witnessed on a film print, and that’s saying a lot, trust me) are placed significantly below the bottom of the 2.35:1 frame so if I zoom in they’re cut off. (At least the YouTube version zooms in appropriately and repositions the added digital subs.) Also, why the hell didn’t they just resubtitle the ENTIRE FILM? I mean, it’s not like the “visible” white burned-in subs are that much more legible on this poor pitiable insanely faded print than the ones that are cut off! To add insult to injury, this “transfer” looks like an NTSC conversion of a PAL conversion of an ancient non-anamorphic NTSC master, judging from the herky-jerky motion artifacting on display. Simply put, one of the worst DVD releases I’ve ever seen, and yet, since it’s BARELY watchable, I’d still recommend it to hardcore Jackie fans because number one, it’s unfortunately the only release of the uncut original version of his very first starring film, and number two, it’s quite well done for a scrappy kung fu low budgeter, with generally good fight choreography overall for the period IMO (really good in spots), and Jackie and Jo Pei have excellent chemistry together. It’s a much better intro to Jackie’s considerable talents than NEW FIST OF FURY, which gives him precious little screen time by comparison. Here, you can tell he’s destined for stardom, right from the start; his unique seriocomic screen personality is already very much evident.

I really like this film, from what I can tell from this extremely sub-par viewing experience, and it’s now number one on my most wanted HK film rescue and restoration for Blu-ray list. There has GOT to be a better element out there, but even if there isn’t, if the print that was used for the master that eventually resulted in BCI’s unfortunate DVD a few standards conversions later still exists, I would think it could still be salvaged into a much better viewing experience. Surely with the digital tools we have now some amount of color (ANY amount of color!) could be restored, the entire film could be properly subtitled, it could be stabilized, and, get this, it could be anamorphic even. And, ideally, there could be an option to watch a reconstructed version with the common parts from MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS inserted from the best available 35mm elements of that. (Yes, I’d be just fine with the jarring quality jumps, as beggars can’t be choosers.) And, a spiffed up version of that later re-edit would be a nice extra as well.

Is there any hope? Jackie’s rather assured and extremely enjoyable starring debut deserves far better than to only exist in lousy DVD form and lousy recut reissued form. I mean, not only is it an entertaining film, I’d say it’s pretty historically important, wouldn’t you? If a Blu-ray of this ever comes about, it would be fantastic if someone like Frank Djeng or Brandon Bentley could do a deep dive commentary and shed some light on the history of the production, its release (or non-release?), and subsequent re-edits/rereleases under the MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS and SNAKE FIST FIGHTERS titles. If they can find any info on it, that is. This appears to be a mysterious little film.


Edited by WaverBoy
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Killer Meteor

I believe Rarescope UK did a PAL conversion of the NTSC master used for the Japanese DVD...then Rarescope US did an NTSC conversion of that PAL conversion!

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1 minute ago, Killer Meteor said:

I believe Rarescope UK did a PAL conversion of the NTSC master used for the Japanese DVD...then Rarescope US did an NTSC conversion of that PAL conversion!

A-ha, as I suspected. Those bastards.

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54 minutes ago, WaverBoy said:

I just got the Rarescope/BCI DVD of this, and…well, it’s SLIGHTLY less rotten than watching it on YouTube, due to less compression. BUT, on top of the fact that this apparently sole surviving print (NOOOOOOOOO!) is nearly completely drained of color and in absolutely horrendous condition from the start, there’s been zero attempt to spruce it up at all, it’s non-anamorphic (in 2007, a non-anamorphic DVD, gee thanks BCI), and the added digital subs (during the many bits where the burned-in subs are cut off on the bottom due to the absolute worst burned-in subtitle job I’ve ever witnessed on a film print, and that’s saying a lot, trust me) are placed significantly below the bottom of the 2.35:1 frame so if I zoom in they’re cut off. (At least the YouTube version zooms in appropriately and repositions the added digital subs.) Also, why the hell didn’t they just resubtitle the ENTIRE FILM? I mean, it’s not like the “visible” white burned-in subs are that much more legible on this poor pitiable insanely faded print than the ones that are cut off! To add insult to injury, this “transfer” looks like an NTSC conversion of a PAL conversion of an ancient non-anamorphic NTSC master, judging from the herky-jerky motion artifacting on display. Simply put, one of the worst DVD releases I’ve ever seen, and yet, since it’s BARELY watchable, I’d still recommend it to hardcore Jackie fans because number one, it’s unfortunately the only release of the uncut original version of his very first starring film, and number two, it’s quite well done for a scrappy kung fu low budgeter, with generally good fight choreography overall for the period IMO (really good in spots), and Jackie and Jo Pei have excellent chemistry together. It’s a much better intro to Jackie’s considerable talents than NEW FIST OF FURY, which gives him precious little screen time by comparison. Here, you can tell he’s destined for stardom, right from the start; his unique seriocomic screen personality is already very much evident.

I really like this film, from what I can tell from this extremely sub-par viewing experience, and it’s now number one on my most wanted HK film rescue and restoration for Blu-ray list. There has GOT to be a better element out there, but even if there isn’t, if the print that was used for the master that eventually resulted in BCI’s unfortunate DVD a few standards conversions later still exists, I would think it could still be salvaged into a much better viewing experience. Surely with the digital tools we have now some amount of color (ANY amount of color!) could be restored, the entire film could be properly subtitled, it could be stabilized, and, get this, it could be anamorphic even. And, ideally, there could be an option to watch a reconstructed version with the common parts from MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS inserted from the best available 35mm elements of that. (Yes, I’d be just fine with the jarring quality jumps, as beggars can’t be choosers.) And, a spiffed up version of that later re-edit would be a nice extra as well.

Is there any hope? Jackie’s rather assured and extremely enjoyable starring debut deserves far better than to only exist in lousy DVD form and lousy recut reissued form. If a Blu-ray of this ever comes about, it would be fantastic if someone like Frank Djeng or Brandon Bentley could do a deep dive commentary and shed some light on the history of the production, its release (or non-release?), and subsequent re-edit/rerelease under the MASTER WITH CRACKED FINGERS title. If they can find any info on it, that is. This appears to be a mysterious little film.


I have this, but I confess that I haven't watched it as yet.

However, as I said in a comment earlier in this thread, I got the Golden Dragon release with 6 or more movies on a blu ray released by Justin Decloux and I watched the two versions of this movie. The original version of the movie was watchable for me and the subtitles was easier from what you saw, I think. Of course, it wasn't a perfect version, but it looked correct for me (watched on a blu-ray portable player with a screen).

You should try Golden Dragon store and see if it's still available, or contact Justin Decloux and ask him about the quality print of his release.

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8 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

I have this, but I confess that I haven't watched it as yet.

However, as I said in a comment earlier in this thread, I got the Golden Dragon release with 6 or more movies on a blu ray released by Justin Decloux and I watched the two versions of this movie. The original version of the movie was watchable for me and the subtitles was easier from what you saw, I think. Of course, it wasn't a perfect version, but it looked correct for me (watched on a blu-ray portable player with a screen).

You should try Golden Dragon store and see if it's still available, or contact Justin Decloux and ask him about the quality print of his release.

Alas, the Gold Ninja Blu of this is listed on their website as being out of stock. Does it actually contain the original uncut version of the film, with no reshot scenes involving Dean Shek and a Jackie Chan imposter?

Edited by WaverBoy
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35 minutes ago, WaverBoy said:

Alas, the Gold Ninja Blu of this is listed on their website as being out of stock. Does it actually contain the original uncut version of the film, with no reshot scenes involving Dean Shek and a Jackie Chan imposter?

It has both Cub tiger from Canton and Master with cracked fingers. I preferred by far the original version, because there are some holes in the plot in the new version while adding scenes from the original...

I'm ashamed to confess that I didn't realize that it wasn't Jackie in Master with cracked fingers.

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38 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

It has both Cub tiger from Canton and Master with cracked fingers. I preferred by far the original version, because there are some holes in the plot in the new version while adding scenes from the original...

I'm ashamed to confess that I didn't realize that it wasn't Jackie in Master with cracked fingers.

Does this contain redone electronic subtitles for the entire film, or just the parts where the burned-in subs get cut off at the bottom?

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3 hours ago, WaverBoy said:

Does this contain redone electronic subtitles for the entire film, or just the parts where the burned-in subs get cut off at the bottom?

I don't remember, sorry. How do the electronic subtitles look like ? I'm not very well versed on the technical specifities on the releases, sorry if my question seems a little bit stupid.

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On 3/12/2022 at 10:17 AM, WaverBoy said:

Alas, the Gold Ninja Blu of this is listed on their website as being out of stock. Does it actually contain the original uncut version of the film, with no reshot scenes involving Dean Shek and a Jackie Chan imposter?


23 hours ago, WaverBoy said:

Does this contain redone electronic subtitles for the entire film, or just the parts where the burned-in subs get cut off at the bottom?

Are you talking about the Jackiesploitation Blu-ray, because it shows as in-stock right now.

It does NOT have the extra subtitles that the rarescope dvd had. However, the only time the burnt-in subs are completely cut off is at the beginning of the film, so it isn’t that bad. Though the burnt-in subs can still be very hard to read at times.  White costumes were such a smart choice. Anyways, at least it’s anamorphic…

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5 hours ago, massa_yoda said:


Are you talking about the Jackiesploitation Blu-ray, because it shows as in-stock right now.

It does NOT have the extra subtitles that the rarescope dvd had. However, the only time the burnt-in subs are completely cut off is at the beginning of the film, so it isn’t that bad. Though the burnt-in subs can still be very hard to read at times.  White costumes were such a smart choice. Anyways, at least it’s anamorphic…

I coulda sworn it was out of stock! I must have been thinking of another one of their releases in my head that I had previously looked at. 😳 Thanks for setting me straight, I’ll be picking that up, hopefully they took the transfer from the old Japanese DVD so we don’t have any additional artifacts from those bloody multiple standards conversions. If they used the Rarescope US DVD, it won’t be any better than me zooming in on the Rarescope. It’s a pity they didn’t at least include the helpful extra subtitles (repositioned of course). Maybe Justin can get hold of that print sometime and scan it in HD and subtitle the entire film properly. I’d be up for such a Kickstarter!

Edited by WaverBoy
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The Rarescope UK disc was a port over from the Japanese DVD, improperly converted to NTSC. To give people who haven't seen the original cut of the film what is missing, here's a short clip from the original cut showing how side characters are better developed.

Also if Justin was able to get a hold of the original print, which was in the hands of Kurata Promotion Ltd when it came out on DVD and VHS in Japan, there wouldn't be any need to subtitle it at all because it is a hard subbed cinema print. And that's assuming that print even exists anymore.

On 3/13/2022 at 11:32 PM, WaverBoy said:

I coulda sworn it was out of stock! I must have been thinking of another one of their releases in my head that I had previously looked at. 😳 Thanks for setting me straight, I’ll be picking that up, hopefully they took the transfer from the old Japanese DVD so we don’t have any additional artifacts from those bloody multiple standards conversions. If they used the Rarescope US DVD, it won’t be any better than me zooming in on the Rarescope. It’s a pity they didn’t at least include the helpful extra subtitles (repositioned of course). Maybe Justin can get hold of that print sometime and scan it in HD and subtitle the entire film properly. I’d be up for such a Kickstarter!


Edited by TheKungFuRobber
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2 hours ago, TheKungFuRobber said:

The Rarescope UK disc was a port over from the Japanese DVD, improperly converted to NTSC. To give people who haven't seen the original cut of the film what is missing, here's a short clip from the original cut showing how side characters are better developed.

Also if Justin was able to get a hold of the original print, which was in the hands of Kurata Promotion Ltd when it came out on DVD and VHS in Japan, there wouldn't be any need to subtitle it at all because it is a hard subbed cinema print. And that's assuming that print even exists anymore.


Beautiful quality print !

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1 hour ago, ShawAngela said:

Beautiful quality print !

It's just a reconstruction done using both the Japanese DVD of the same one existing print of Cub Tiger from Kwangtung without the feild blending as seen on the Rarescope ports, which I upscaled, did an automated dry clean on to reduce some of the dust and scratches and colour corrected intercut with colour matched HD footage from the German blu ray of Master with Cracked Fingers. I prefer the washed out colours of the Cub Tiger print to be honest, it gives the film a gritty and serious feel. I'm really not a huge fan of the HD transfer of Master with Cracked Fingers for many reasons.

Master with Cracked Fingers (German BD)


Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung (Japanese DVD, upscaled, colour corrected and cleaned)


My project


The hardest part of the project is getting the opening scene to look good. It was made to look dark, as it was meant to be set at night, and there is hardly any black detail to work with and the image is just so faded...

If I do actually commit to this custom, chances are that I will probably include two versions on a BD... one being the reconstruction when and if I finish it, and another being just the entire Japanese print with the hardsubs. I prefer the Japanese DVD print overall over all the versions out and it's a nice bonus too.

I might do a side custom of Master with Cracked Fingers if I do one for Cub Tiger, which I consider to be a seperate film altogether from Cub Tiger. It will probably be the exact same as the German DVD, but will have the English version with both the HK English dub and the Dick Randall English dub, and the Chinese version as it is but with English subtitles ported over from my custom DVD I did back in 2015.

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4 hours ago, TheKungFuRobber said:

The Rarescope UK disc was a port over from the Japanese DVD, improperly converted to NTSC. To give people who haven't seen the original cut of the film what is missing, here's a short clip from the original cut showing how side characters are better developed.

Also if Justin was able to get a hold of the original print, which was in the hands of Kurata Promotion Ltd when it came out on DVD and VHS in Japan, there wouldn't be any need to subtitle it at all because it is a hard subbed cinema print. And that's assuming that print even exists anymore.


The problem is that the subtitles are often completely cut off the bottom of the print and are impossible to read when that happens, unless the Japanese DVD was zoomboxed and the print itself is ok if shown in the correct AR.

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1 hour ago, TheKungFuRobber said:

It's just a reconstruction done using both the Japanese DVD of the same one existing print of Cub Tiger from Kwangtung without the feild blending as seen on the Rarescope ports, which I upscaled, did an automated dry clean on to reduce some of the dust and scratches and colour corrected intercut with colour matched HD footage from the German blu ray of Master with Cracked Fingers. I prefer the washed out colours of the Cub Tiger print to be honest, it gives the film a gritty and serious feel. I'm really not a huge fan of the HD transfer of Master with Cracked Fingers for many reasons.

Master with Cracked Fingers (German BD)


Cub Tiger from Kwang Tung (Japanese DVD, upscaled, colour corrected and cleaned)


My project


The hardest part of the project is getting the opening scene to look good. It was made to look dark, as it was meant to be set at night, and there is hardly any black detail to work with and the image is just so faded...

If I do actually commit to this custom, chances are that I will probably include two versions on a BD... one being the reconstruction when and if I finish it, and another being just the entire Japanese print with the hardsubs. I prefer the Japanese DVD print overall over all the versions out and it's a nice bonus too.

I might do a side custom of Master with Cracked Fingers if I do one for Cub Tiger, which I consider to be a seperate film altogether from Cub Tiger. It will probably be the exact same as the German DVD, but will have the English version with both the HK English dub and the Dick Randall English dub, and the Chinese version as it is but with English subtitles ported over from my custom DVD I did back in 2015.

I’d love to see a custom of Cub Tiger! Thank you for even considering it! Although, I can’t say I agree the washed out colors look better than the correct colors — I would think it would be much better if the colors were as close as possible to the proper colors in all of the footage, however close that is. Your first screengrab above looks way better than the second. Just a thought.


I really do feel this is a seriously underrated and underknown film, and needs to be celebrated as the worthy starring debut for Jackie that it is. I hope it gets its day in the sun at some point.

Edited by WaverBoy
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