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Ashes Of Time Redux?

Guest GwaiLoMoFo

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo

Wong Kar Wai to "rework" and re-release his new wave arthouse wuxia Ashes Of Time. Sony Pictures Classics has picked up the N. American dist. rights. Maybe we will finally have a quality DVD release if this classic!

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Has anyone seen this Redo?

Ashes of Time Redux: TIFF press conference diaries

<object width="425" height="344"><param name="movie" value="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oos8-vS6Dz4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1"></param><param name="allowFullScreen" value="true"></param><embed src="http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Oos8-vS6Dz4&color1=0xb1b1b1&color2=0xcfcfcf&hl=en&fs=1" type="application/x-shockwave-flash" allowfullscreen="true" width="425" height="344"></embed></object>

After introducing renowned Hong Kong director Wong Kar Wai to a small group of journalists, most of whom chose to ask their questions in English and then in Cantonese, moderator Henri Béhar went on to observe that Ashes of Time Redux is only the second time in film history the term "redux" has been used in a title (with Francis Ford Coppola's Apocalypse Now Redux being the first).

While this isn't exactly true, the title did make it necessary to clarify what exactly a redux is.

It is not, for example, a reduction or redaction. Instead, it refers to a film that's been "reinterpreted, reconceived, redeveloped, redirected" and so on.

In this case, it was the director's only martial arts film, shot in the Gobi desert some 15 years ago. Through a series of economic and political events, the film never really made it to the big screen and much of the footage got lost or destroyed. Eventually, after releasing hits like In the Mood for Love and 2046, he decided to return to Ashes of Time, piece together all that was left, restructure the narrative into four seasons and replace the soundtrack with one by Yo-Yo Ma. Featuring a cast of actors who are famous now but, at the time, were just getting started, the film provides a fascinating glimpse into their on-screen past.

"The film was in very bad condition," said Wong, who was dressed in a suit jacket, jeans and designer sunglasses, "and I knew that if I didn't do something soon, it would only be seen on DVD or tape. I wanted to make sure I restored it for the big screen. It took five years to do it altogether but I'm very happy with the result."

Releasing a new version of an old film is an interesting move on behalf of the filmmaker, especially considering his recent box-office flop, My Blueberry Nights, which was critically panned. On the one hand, it's safe — Ashes of Time not only has the safety of being deemed a classic but has received solid praise since then — however, it may also be viewed as a sign that the director is running low on original material.

"It was actually hard for me not to make it into a new film," he said, perhaps alluding to this. "I had to restrain myself and not let my newfound knowledge or experience change the film ... the only different aspects are the opening, which includes a completely digital eclipse, and the music.

"When I first met with Yo-Yo," he added, "I explained that I couldn't think of the story in musical terms, only visual. So I described how the character would feel pain at a certain point and despair at another, and he said to me, 'You are a very dark person,' and I said, 'Yeah'."

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Guest Yi-Long

I love Ashes of Time. Not really interested in the 'Redux' version. Ashes of Time was perfect just the way it was. Such a shame they couldnt just fix the videoquality and release it properly.

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Finally watched the import Blu-Ray of this one with my brother last night and I'm still trying to digest it. I'm a fan of all the Wong Kar-Wai films I've seen thus far (haven't seen his newer stuff) and I liked AOT too but I think it's my least favorite of his movies. I thought the cinematography, editing, and soundtrack were all really cool and atmospheric. Very dreamlike presentation that was definitely unique to the genre but I didn't really like the characters or the story that much,

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