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Castle Falls (2021) - Scott Adkins, Dolph Lundgren


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Scott Adkins and Dolph Lundgren are reuniting on this upcoming action film that begins production next month in Alabama with Lundgren at the helm. Andre Relis, Craig Baumgarten, and Lundgren are producing for VMI Worldwide and Wonder Street.

Adkins will play Mike, a struggling fighter forced to take on a foreman job at a local condominium that is set to be demolished. With just eight hours before the building, strapped with dynamite, is destroyed, two vicious local gangs, one led by Lundgren’s character, Shea, break in to retrieve millions of dollars stowed away in one of the apartments. When Mike stumbles across the money, a game of cat and mouse ensues.


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10 minutes ago, AlbertV said:

Scott Adkins and Dolph Lundgren are reuniting on this upcoming action film that begins production next month in Alabama with Lundgren at the helm. Andre Relis, Craig Baumgarten, and Lundgren are producing for VMI Worldwide and Wonder Street.



I first read about this over at CityonFire.Com, nice to see that the productions going ahead. Will this Adkins/Lundgren's fourth movie together?.

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6 hours ago, kami said:

Legendary. The former is great, the latter one a very boring creature flick.


Picked this up after reading @DrNgor review of it, but it's still in my to watch pile.

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1 minute ago, AlbertV said:

Production recently began. Scott Adkins and Dolph Lundgren have been posting updates on their instagrams. 


I appreciate the info and update on this Albert. BTW, Facebook had recently changed some things, and currently Facebook and Instagram embeds are not working right now on the forum as they once did. This will hopefully get fixed soon. I just wanted to let you know. Keep posting brother Albert. :BL-ThumbsUp:

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I love how they used Adkins' look from I'm guessing Expendables 2 but he's kept his rugged near clean cut look on the actual film LOL

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I couldn't help but laugh a few times.  Some of the action looks pretty bad. Special mention to the gun wielding blonde :coveredlaugh

At least Adkins seems to deliver his signature moves. I'll check it out regardless once it hits digital.


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On 10/26/2021 at 2:08 PM, AlbertV said:

Release date: December 3 in select theaters, VOD, and Digital


I wonder how much of this movie was shot, before production ended due to Covid-19?.

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Good review. It's unfortunate that Adkins has to add another stinker to his resume. But given all the facts including the still on going pandemic (when will it ever end) this doesn't come as a total shocker. I'll stand by my opinion that Avengement remains one of his best movies to date. Needless to mention that he'll eternally be remembered as Yuri Boyka for most of us. Who knows maybe we'll see him one last time in this iconic role. 

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I seem to be slightly more forgiving than our fellow member @One Armed Boxer. While I honestly was very hesitant to check this out. Especially as I didn't nearly enjoy Adkins other 2021 effort "One Shot" as much as most did!

All things considered I thought this was pretty good. Nothing great but certainly not a stinker as mentioned above by mysel. I will give it credit to at least attempt to set up a story with some relatable characters. I actually did enjoy Adkins performance for the most part. Lundgren on the other hand just seems old in this movie, no offence! But mabye that's what he was going for.

The movie does take its time to set things up. So it's certainly not for those who are looking for a straight forward actioner. And even those who can be patient enough to wait for the final throwdowns might be left disappointed. Because truth be told the fights are far and few in between.

And when they finally do happen the fights instead of being elevated by the soundtrack are lowered by an unfittig techno beat. Weird choice honestly. But at least Adkins delivers some "best of" his kicks. They're brief but there.

Also the villains for whatever reason seem to be made up entirely of some southern dimwits. With some pretty awful one liners. A lot of the dialogue is pretty cringe worthy at times.

So with all that being said why would I still rate this pretty good? Honestly I don't know maybe and I can't believe I'm saying this it was really the two protagonists and the somewhat believable story. Also part of me couldn't shake off the feeling that underneath all its faults there is a good movie or at least a good idea. Given the problems production went through due to COVID who knows what we could've gotten. For what it is I doubt it will be remembered for anything but being this other movie Adkins make in 2021.

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On 12/3/2021 at 6:55 PM, laagi said:

Also the villains for whatever reason seem to be made up entirely of some southern dimwits.

Well, I do live on the outskirts of Birmingham, Alabama, where this was filmed. So maybe...?:wink

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It's sad that a movie starring Dolph Lundgren and Scott Adkins doesn't get more than such a miniscule budget. The Mechanik seems like a James Cameron movie in comparison. But at least the action scenes are competently staged. I wish I didn't have to wait an hour for them to start.

Edited by kami
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Watched this last night. It was a trip seeing all the different sights of Birmingham, AL (where I live) come across the screen. Can't believe the statue of Vulcan, the largest cast iron statue in the world, wasn't in there somewhere. 

It takes the movie a bit to get going, but when it does the action is well paced. The fights are more like brawls with MA mixed in. The opening fight in an MMA gym is a bit more like the choreography we tend to get from Adkins, but toned down some. And we get a skirmish between Adkins and Lundgren. It's alright but their mix up in the Universal Soldier: Day of Reckoning is better. It's a decent story, and the action is solid and well done. It's just not an MA style film that showcases Adkins' full skill set. It's a good action movie, but nothing that will really excite or astound you.

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It was quite good one. Funny how glasses of Dolph managed to stay unbroken. While not exactly pre martial arts movie Adkins still showed few swift spin kicks.

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I found it average, not the worst from Scott or Dolph, but far from their best.

Edited by CaldoTheKid
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