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Texas Chainsaw Massacre (2022) - Elsie Fisher, Sarah Yarkin, Jacob Latimore, Olwen Fouere, Mark Burnham


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I saw the film twice already (to see anything I missed). The film is getting mixed reactions from what I saw so far. I for one like the new film. Mark Burnham really impresses as Leatherface. Even his pre-face scenes...we see the look in his eyes (just his eyes not his face) and he has a memorable first kill and the bus massacre scene lives up to the film's title. The only issue I had with this film was that OG final Sally Hardesty wasn't fleshed out enough but give Olwen Fouere credit...she made the most of what she was given. Elsie Fisher and Sarah Yarkin helped elevate the film as sisters Lila and Melody IMO with Fisher's Lila and the arc they gave her. There are a few easter eggs as well. 

However, with a 83-minute running time, no fillers needed. There is an end credit scene that leaves it open for a sequel. 

Edited by AlbertV
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First off, let me say that those that are die hard fans of the original may not like this film. They may hate it, in fact. And I respect that. It is nothing like the original...tonally, thematically etc. Now, with that said, I fucking LOVED this movie. Yes, Leatherface has been transformed into your typical slasher villain but that's exactly what I wanted. He's eerie and imposing as hell. As @AlbertV said above, Mark Burnham plays the part fantastically. 
One thing I loved is that the film makers did not let up when it came to the gore. This film is violent as hell. In a good way. For us gore hounds the bus massacre is a dream come true ad the first kill of the film is truly memorable.

My only gripe is that they try to make Sally Hardesty a little too Laurie Strode-ish. In fact, she's a combo of Laurie Strode and Sarah Connor. Luckily, she's not a massive part of the film so it's easily forgiven.
This is a dark, violent slasher movie and I'll definitely revisit it. Probably often (as I'm wont to do with slasher films). I've read the divisive reviews and I salute all opinions, whether good or bad, but this is EXACTLY what I wanted. Sure, it has its horror cliches but they're all fun and add to the overall feel of the film. Love it.

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20 hours ago, Drunken Monk said:

One thing I loved is that the film makers did not let up when it came to the gore. This film is violent as hell. In a good way. For us gore hounds the bus massacre is a dream come true ad the first kill of the film is truly memorable.

Did you notice this little Easter Egg in the bus massacre scene?


Two comments in the Instagram live feed when Leatherface begins killing are from two familiar faces:

davidbluegarcia: WHO HIRED THIS CLOWN (The director of the film)
badhombre6666: THIS LOOKS SO FAKE (That's Fede Alvarez's production company who helped make the film)


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20 minutes ago, AlbertV said:

Did you notice this little Easter Egg in the bus massacre scene?

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Two comments in the Instagram live feed when Leatherface begins killing are from two familiar faces:

davidbluegarcia: WHO HIRED THIS CLOWN (The director of the film)
badhombre6666: THIS LOOKS SO FAKE (That's Fede Alvarez's production company who helped make the film)


Haha! I didn’t notice that. It’s a nice touch.

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Watched this today. Was better than i expected,very gory. I was wondering if


was the end the girl having a nightmare or was it real?


Edited by saltysam
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3 hours ago, saltysam said:

Watched this today. Was better than i expected,very gory. I was wondering if

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was the end the girl having a nightmare or was it real?



I thought it was real.


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18 hours ago, Drunken Monk said:
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I thought it was real.



It's real....did you see the end credit scene. It shows Leatherface walking back to the old Sawyer home. I have a feeling this could potentially set up a sequel in which Lila plots her revenge for her sister's death. 


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I liked the idea of the only survivor (Sally) from the original 1974 movie making an appearance to face Leatherface again nearly 50 years after, similarly to how Halloween (the 2018 movie) brought back Strode and Myers face-to-face 40 years later. Lots of gruesome deaths here, and Leatherface running after victims (he appeared to be slow in previous movies, if I recall right), which will satisfy any horror movie fan. That said, I have to side with those that thought about the overall movie otherwise... It's bad. Real bad. A group of young people starting anew on an abandoned town,


Sally's confrontation with Leatherface being anti-climatic

, Righter's existence in the story (what was the point?). It took away ALOT and just wasn't fitting for the franchise.

Looks like sequels to horror movie reboots (while continuous attempts of remaking classic horror movies still occurring) is the new thing. It did work a good while but from what we've been getting these days, it's not looking good.

Edited by DiP
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Well this fucking rocked!! I don't know if we got us another requel here, but I loved it beyond all expectations. This is how you reboot a franchise, you go huge and do it with love and respect. And you make it a bloodbath of course. Some of the kills are epic! I didn't wanna spoil this but since it's already mentioned here, the bus massacre is destined to become one of the modern horror cult scenes.

I didn't mind so much Sally being the Laurie Strode of the TCM franchise, she didn't have that much of a screen time and she just served her purpose. The only thing that I really care to complain about is those kids that were creepier than Leatherface himself. For a moment I was thinking I'm gonna enjoy seeing him butchering those weirdos, but in the end I didn't even pick sides, I was just enjoying the movie in awe. Back in the day slashers had babes, there was skin next to them kills, I missed that.

I liked how they laughed at the cancel culture morons and how they got served. I liked the references to The Shining and Friday the 13th or should I say Bay of Blood where the kill scene was lifted from, and how they played with tropes, like...


...how the final girl was one of the first to go.

Here's one more vote to the scene in question being real, I didn't for a minute think of it any other way.

It's still early, but this is for sure one of the best horrors of 2022.

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Ultra violent but ulitmately pretty dumb and forgettable. Follows the recent reboot formula to a T. One movie franchise that immediately springs to mind is Halloween.

You get your new characters to reel in a younger audience. A returning character to please the oldschool fans. And of course your usual stereotypes.

I did enjoy some of the look the movie had to offer. It had this grain which reminded me a lot of 35mm. Story is paper thin as almost expected. Soundtrack suitable as far as these kind of movies go.

The ending I personally thought was dumb af in an already increasing stupidity as the movie progressed. And yeah minor spoiler but


of course Leatherface survives. So lucky us we'll get to see more of him. And can I just get this off my chest... how hard can it be to just kill these guys!? I mean c'mon seriously.

Watch it for the violence if you're into this kind of thing. The rest is barely worth mentioning.

Edited by laagi
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So where the original Texas Chain Saw Massacre was loosely based on Ed Gein, the new one actually seems to be based on a real-life story itself..in this case the town of Harlow itself. It's an actual ghost town that hasn't appeared on a map since the 1980's. 


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I think this film is honestly an insult to the first one. I hated it. The thing about the original is that there's barely any blood in it. It's all atmosphere. This one, I didn't care about any of the characters so he may as well have been chopping up straw dolls. The bus scene was impressive, but again gore without character is just a load of ketchup spraying everywhere.

Sally could have been an interesting character, but they basically Laurie Strode her without any of the complexity. Are we really meant to believe after fifty years, she comes back, has Leatherface at gunpoint then doesn't fire? I hate stuff like that.

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33 minutes ago, SamSeed said:

Sally could have been an interesting character, but they basically Laurie Strode her without any of the complexity. Are we really meant to believe after fifty years, she comes back, has Leatherface at gunpoint then doesn't fire? I hate stuff like that.

My thoughts exactly! But apparently everybody in horror movies has to go full retard in order for them to work.

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It's a shame Netflix don't do Blu Rays because I'd pick this one up in a heartbeat. Then again, I suppose I have infinite access to it as long as I have a Netflix subscription.

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Watched some reviews for this and it got me kind of interested in seeing it. I’ll just be there to watch stupid, annoying people get killed, but sometimes that’s enough. lol

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I'm glad that it's doing well though but I have no interest in seeing this. Hundreds of other gory slasher movies I'd rather watch like the original or Demons 1 and 2. I remember seeing evil dead from the same director with a college crowd awhile back and they ate it up. Is this Netflix only? 

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1 hour ago, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

I'm glad that it's doing well though but I have no interest in seeing this. Hundreds of other gory slasher movies I'd rather watch like the original or Demons 1 and 2. I remember seeing evil dead from the same director with a college crowd awhile back and they ate it up. Is this Netflix only? 

Netflix only for now. I hope it gets a Blu Ray release but it seems that will be unlikely.

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On 2/25/2022 at 2:53 PM, Drunken Monk said:

Netflix only for now. I hope it gets a Blu Ray release but it seems that will be unlikely.

I know. I have the rest of the TC Multiverse as I now call it all on Blu-Ray. They should release the new one on Blu-ray too...wishful thinking

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Oh wow! Bloody Disgusting revealed that at the 10:45 mark of the film, you can see a pre-mask Leatherface, played by Mark Burnham when Jacob Latimore's Dante comes into the house.


And here is a full shot on Mark Burnham on the set without the mask...this is how he looks before donning the mask


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A report came in a few weeks ago. The film was considered a success having been the #2 and #3 streaming title on Netflix within its first two weeks. Netflix is apparently planning two sequels to the new film and even had expressed interest from David Blue Garcia, who helmed the new film and is a Texan himself. It makes sense considering this...


The post-credit scene shows Leatherface returning to the Sawyer home where the nightmare began in 1973. 

However, there is no official word yet from Fede Alvarez or Legendary, who made the film. If they greenlight the sequels, I for one, will root for Mark Burnham to return to the role of Leatherface. 


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I finally watched this tonight. I'm not a huge Leatherface expert: I've seen the original; Texas Chainsaw 3-D; and Leatherface (from 2017). This one was certainly better than those last two, although Leatherface had its charm for delving into other genres. Up until the big kill scene (those who've seen it know what I'm talking about), the film was fairly suspenseful and took its time with each kill. After that, it goes into horror-action mode, which feels a little incongruous with the first half. I did like the set-up, with a bunch of hipsters trying to install themselves in a ghost town to get away from Big City Life. I'm aware of small towns around the Midwest that re-invented themselves as arthouse-boutique-y places after the Recession of '08, so it makes sense to me.

It's funny. The first film had about four dead bodies, which would make it closer to the Texas Chainsaw InconvenienceTexas Chainsaw 3-D had a few more dead bodies, thus making it the Texas Chainsaw Disturbance. But yeah, this film goes into full-on Massacre mode and earns its title handily.

And what's up with filming these things in Bulgaria? The last one was shot there, too.

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On 10/21/2022 at 11:40 PM, DrNgor said:


And what's up with filming these things in Bulgaria? The last one was shot there, too.

I think in today's world it's more expensive to shoot in actual rural Texas but Bulgaria has the Nu Boyana Studios which provides the locations for more modest budgets. Its all about tax incentives. 

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