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Trailer for BANGKOK ADRENALINE - new Thai co-production

Guest udar55

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BA was released here in NZ a couple months ago, i thought it was quite good for what i was (a show reel for their talents cos finding it hard to get work there) and definately appreciated the movie more after i read the guy's blog ( who got the writing credit for the movie's role, i cant rememebr his name right now, conan something), but yeah definately worth watching for the action sequences (dan was awesome and the other lead as well deserves a big mention) though the story was quite cliche and i wasnt entirely happy with the ending its still quite enjoyable and looking forward to what they come out with next.

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If this is being released in the US October 12th, my birthday is the 13th. Guess what I'm getting!

Happy birthday to me, uh huh! Happy birthday to me, uh huh!

Happy belated Bithday brother.

I saw this a month or two ago.

On the one hand, I thought that there were some bits of worthless nonsense in there, and that at times the script was really bad. Predictable, poorly conceived, stale- the film's flow ocassionally going stagnant. And that didn't surprise me, as I've seen these flaw in plenty of Thai action films. TOM YUM GOONG? Great, truly stupendous action. But story-wise, a terrible mess. I knew going in that this movie was mainly a "check-out-our-moves" project, so I went in expecting that, which helps. What surprised me, was that the film also had moments of true creativity and humor. Not all the humor worked for me. Some of the gags and characters (I won't mention any names here...) were grating and shockingly unfunny. So the film really was extremely uneven in tone, writing, style, and plot. But the good news is that there's plenty of great action, and to me (and a lot of you reading this) that's the most important element anyway. There's a nice mix of martial arts fighting styles, chase scenes, a bit of weapons work, stunts, and some free-running/parkour (sp?) stuff too. So you've been warned. It's not Shakespeare. A few good humored friends and some beer on a Saturday is the way to go. Very entertaining. I will pick up the region 1 DVD as the action stuff is definitely worth revisiting. 7 out of 10*

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Thanks for the heads up, Kung Fu Bob. (KFB ---- you could start a franchise.) Your sentiments match watch I've read here as well as other places. But believe me, the vote of confidence for the action content goes along way with me. Hey, it's a martial arts movie. As long as the action and choreography is great, then anything else is a bonus.

Thanks for the belated b'day wish, too.

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What a mess. I'm surprised so many people actually managed to sit through the entire film as it's a prime example of a group of people saying, "Hey, we can do what Tony Jaa does" without having any film knowledge or acting ability.

I actually turned it off about an hour in. I have seen porn films with more creditable acting talent, the comedy is awful and the characters genuinely annoyed me.

The fight?

Look, I'm all for talented martial artists breaking out into film, as long as there is choreography to match their talents.

The fights in "Bangkok Adrenaline" look more like dance choreography. Too much, "The bad guy waits here while I somersault over him." Way too much posturing and stuff we've seen done better a hundred times before.

To think this film has had more recognition than, say, "Contour" is ridiculous. The whole film is slapped together and makes a pretty dismal watch.

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What a mess. I'm surprised so many people actually managed to sit through the entire film as it's a prime example of a group of people saying, "Hey, we can do what Tony Jaa does" without having any film knowledge or acting ability.

I actually turned it off about an hour in. I have seen porn films with more creditable acting talent, the comedy is awful and the characters genuinely annoyed me.

The fight?

Look, I'm all for talented martial artists breaking out into film, as long as there is choreography to match their talents.

The fights in "Bangkok Adrenaline" look more like dance choreography. Too much, "The bad guy waits here while I somersault over him." Way too much posturing and stuff we've seen done better a hundred times before.

To think this film has had more recognition than, say, "Contour" is ridiculous. The whole film is slapped together and makes a pretty dismal watch.

So you didn't like it DM?:tongue::wink:

seriously though I really enjoyed it and can't see why any hardcore MA action fan wouldn't? I got past the acting because as shaowlindude says...

Hey, it's a martial arts movie. As long as the action and choreography is great, then anything else is a bonus.

btw has this got more recognition than Contour?

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My problem is that the action and the choreography aren't great. They're just as good as watching the thousands of "tricks and flips" videos there are on You Tube. Bar Daniel O'Neill, who had some genuinely encouraging moments, the film's fights are just multiple tricks wedged together to make an incoherent fight.

If you're going to use acrobatics, at least include some heavy fight and footwork and actually string them together in some kind of fluid choreography. Don't just have the fight as...

Pose...pose...pause...crazy back-flip kick...pose, with the enemy just standing there.

I'll watch the other fights I missed on You Tube and maybe I'll be somewhat impressed but, from what I saw, I just couldn't like this film as a martial arts fan, let alone a movie lover.

I think it's had more recognition than "Contour," yes. "Bangkok Adrenaline" has some kind of a release, whereas "Contour," as far as I know, has never been available in shops.

While "Contour" has some god awful acting and piss poor comedy, it's a Lau Kar Leung masterpiece compared to "Bangkok Adrenaline."

Ironically, I'd rather bang my cock than watch this again.

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One Armed Boxer
I knew going in that this movie was mainly a "check-out-our-moves" project, so I went in expecting that, which helps.

I also want to check out this movie...however if it is basically a showreel for what the performers can do, it's a little worrying that none of them have actually done anything noteworthy since it was made. If the movie was designed to get them noticed, it doesn't seem to be doing a very good job.

What I'd really like to see from the clips I've seen is to get these guys together with Dan Chupong & Jeeja Yanin (let's face it....forget about Jaa), now that could make a killer movie.

I'd rather bang my cock than watch this again.

I'm not sure exactly what banging your cock entails, but don't do it man, it's not worth it!

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I watched it and I'm going to rewatch it specifically for the action scenes. There's no doubt that the plot and acting are lame and the film serves solely as a vehicle for them to showcase their skills (but that same argument applies to any MA movie from Bruce Lee to Tony Jaa).

Is it up to par as far as what I hoped for and expected (IMO)? Hmmmmmm.........no.

Is it better than most of the tripe that passes for a MA movie (IMO)? Hmmmmmmm...........yeah.

Like I said, I'll rewatch it (in the next few days) specifically for the action scenes. Then I'll probably review it and post it in my thread in the Reviews section.

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My problem is that the action and the choreography aren't great. They're just as good as watching the thousands of "tricks and flips" videos there are on You Tube. Bar Daniel O'Neill, who had some genuinely encouraging moments, the film's fights are just multiple tricks wedged together to make an incoherent fight.

If you're going to use acrobatics, at least include some heavy fight and footwork and actually string them together in some kind of fluid choreography. Don't just have the fight as...

Pose...pose...pause...crazy back-flip kick...pose, with the enemy just standing there.

I'll watch the other fights I missed on You Tube and maybe I'll be somewhat impressed but, from what I saw, I just couldn't like this film as a martial arts fan, let alone a movie lover.

I think it's had more recognition than "Contour," yes. "Bangkok Adrenaline" has some kind of a release, whereas "Contour," as far as I know, has never been available in shops.

While "Contour" has some god awful acting and piss poor comedy, it's a Lau Kar Leung masterpiece compared to "Bangkok Adrenaline."

Ironically, I'd rather bang my cock than watch this again.

I must admit I find it ironic you feeling that way about the flip & tricks not having similar gripes against Raging Phoenix. Personally I at least found the action exciting in Bangkok adrenaline which I couldn't say for raging Phoenix.

Horses for courses.:bigsmile:

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I just got through reviewing this in the Reviews section in 'My Many MiniReviews'.

I've watched it twice and spent the 2nd viewing solely on the action scenes. In a nutshell, I think the arguments of disappointment have merit. By the same token, it shows a lot of promise and I think we'll see better from these guys in the future. Hopefully we will, anyway.

Drunken Monk, don't bang your.....you know. Have a cocktail instead.

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