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Some interesting Jackie Chan news - Armour of God 3?

Guest killer meteor

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Guest Yi Long

I only liked the first 5-10 minutes of Armour of God, where Jackie has the short hair and has to steal some stuff from some jungle-boys...

The action, editing, humour, etc; it was all GREAT... Jackie never looked cooler as he did with that short hair in those first 5 minutes....

...and than Jackie fell down, broke his head, recovered in a hospital and decided to fire Eric Tsang and do the rest of the movie himself as the director... and from then on it was just mediocre stuff.

I thought that first one was OK (could have been great if Eric Tsang would have remained as the director, and if Jackie had never broken his head...), and I genuinely dislike/hate the 2nd movie: crap story, crap casting and acting, and just crappy action...

I wouldnt call it one of Jackie's worst, as he's made a huge amount of bad movies over the years... but it just isnt good.

I dont care if they make a 3rd part. It's been rumoured for 15 years orso now. Who cares? Jackie's movies arent worth watching anymore. He stopped caring about action. I remember how he used to say he was special cause he was doing real stuff, and not CGI stuff.

'With CGI, everyone can be Superman. But when I do action, it's real, so there's only 1 Jackie Chan!'. He sold out.

...and hopefully Tony Jaa will stay in Thailand for a long time, before selling out his artistic integrity and ambitions.

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Guest jmungus

AoG must be one of the lamest of JC`s flix ever! very very poor movie with only a few nice scenes.

AoG2: Op. Condor does some damage control with a couple of really marvellous fighting/action parts.

AoG3 ??? sounds like twins effect 2/the myth to me.

(false) rumours spread pretty quickly in hk tho & the news that shooting`s scheduled to start april 1st next year adds to the fishy smell.

...and hopefully Tony Jaa will stay in Thailand for a long time, before selling out his artistic integrity and ambitions.

only then his artistic integrity and ambitions would be trapped inside hopelessly low quality movie productions for a long time.

i tend to wannna see him try. matter of fact, all thai talent should maybe jump at a chance workin in hk, usa, korea or europe, get new insights on how they do movies and take their experiences back to thailand. wouldnt hurt.

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Guest theportlykicker
I thought that first one was OK (could have been great if Eric Tsang would have remained as the director, and if Jackie had never broken his head...), and I genuinely dislike/hate the 2nd movie: crap story, crap casting and acting, and just crappy action...

I agree, the first film as a whole wasn't that great, but it had some cracking action. That short monk fight scene is still one of my fav group fights ever!

I completely disagree about AOG2 though. It's one of his most entertaining films if you ask me. What I really don't understand is why you think the action in it is 'crappy'. There's some terrific stuff in it!

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Yeah the original Armour of God had some great action in the beginning and the finale where Jackie fights the monks and the amazon women but the parts in between were rather boring. Part 2 had some great stunts and action, especially the fight in the wind tunnel, but the silly comedy and to many co-stars kinda hurt it. In part 3 you sure can't expect Jackie to do what he did in the first two when he was alot younger, I guess he will probably be doubled heavily and/or have alot of CGI. :\

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Guest Yi Long

I've only seen the dubbed american VHS of Armour of God 2, so maybe the action was cut or something?

The windtunnel fight didnt really interest me (as in, I hardly remember it, but I do remember not caring for it), and I can hardly think of other fightscenes. Just a few very short exchanges, like in the beginning by the car, and a lil fight in the hotel...

Overall, I just felt the movie was horrible. I've given it a few chances, cause I knew other people seemed to like it... but I kept being left unimpressed.

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Guest theportlykicker
I've only seen the dubbed american VHS of Armour of God 2, so maybe the action was cut or something?

Maybe you're right, cause there was a lengthy fight scene before the wind tunnel part which had some some great sequences in it that you'd surely remember.

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Guest Chinatown Kid

Yeah it must have been cut because the fights leading up to the wind tunnel featured awesome action as well.

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Guest D1 Ma

AOG2 is one of my favourite JC's movies and I gotta say, American version of AOG2 is the worst ever treatment of Jackie's work(Who Am I? beind the second).

Not only they cut out some scenes, they changed the plot(!), dialogues and re-scored the whole movie.

As Vincent Lyn mentioned:

"Jackie was actually upset when he saw the American version at the premiere in NYC. He came over to me and said, "What did they do to my movie?" Sixteen minutes was taken out from the original Asian release. "


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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
He stopped caring about action. I remember how he used to say he was special cause he was doing real stuff, and not CGI stuff. 'With CGI, everyone can be Superman. But when I do action, it's real, so there's only 1 Jackie Chan!'. He sold out.

Maybe more to do with being 50 + years old than "selling out". I enjoyed both AOG films and would look forward to a #3. Maybe with JC playing more of a supportive role to a Wu Jing type.

...and hopefully Tony Jaa will stay in Thailand for a long time, before selling out his artistic integrity and ambitions.

If he stays in Thailand he will continue to make terrible films with decent action. Alot of people are already getting tired of the repetative action in his films (only 2 films in!). He needs to take it to the next level and buy a plane ticket to HK.

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Guest Yi Long

Ah... seems like Armour of God 2 was indeed horribly cut. That's both good news and bad news: Bad news cause I was ripped off. good news cause it might actually be a good movie that might be worth giving a 2nd chance.

Thanks for the info, guys.

And if I ever get to the point where life no longer has any meaning to me, and I wanna call it quits... I'm gonna first fly to the USA and take out whoever was responsible for cutting Jackie's movies ... ow... and Harvey, obviously.

Maybe more to do with being 50 + years old than "selling out". I enjoyed both AOG films and would look forward to a #3. Maybe with JC playing more of a supportive role to a Wu Jing type

Well... that's what they've been saying about Jackie for over 10 years now. Whenever he makes a bad movie, people say it's because of his age and he cant do the action anymore. I feel that's bullshit. First of all, he can at least bother to pick movies with a decent script and story.

If he WANTS to do children's movies, he should just come out and say so.

And I dont think age is a reason to be in bad movies. He could still be doing great martial arts movies. I'm not saying he needs to be flipping and bouncing etc... he could just focus on the martial arts where you dont have to do so much physicall stuff, like Tai Chi and Wing Chun etc.

Yuen Biao is just slightly younger, took a bunch of years off when he was in canada, and now is doing tv shows in HK with great choregraphy again. And some of the fights from that which I've seen, were wing-chun exchanges (like the ones in Prodigal Son)


Age is no excuse. When you use it, you should just get out fo the business or no longer pretend you're doing it for the fans, and just admit you just want to take it (too) easy...

If he stays in Thailand he will continue to make terrible films with decent action. Alot of people are already getting tired of the repetative action in his films (only 2 films in!). He needs to take it to the next level and buy a plane ticket to HK.

I dont think so. I mean, some people might moan that TYG was the same as Ong-Bak, actionwise, but I COMPLTELY and STRONGLY DISAGREE.

TYG was WAY better, in terms of action, and what's more, it showed AMBITION and that Tony LISTENED to the criticisms of the action in the first movie.

First of all, all the fights in TYG were pretty diverse. You had a huge Jackie-style gangfight where Tony takes on a huge gang on skates and bikes etc, and uses the environment. It was a very different kind of 'chase' fight as the one in Ong-Bak (which is a classic scene btw). Then you had the long finale where he used all those grabs and locks, which is also pretty new and original in the genre. You had actual 'bosses' which were worth fighting. You had the hugely ambitios staircase (one-shot!) fight, etc.

I mean, Tony Jaa is just on a completely different level, and

IMHO is doing great great action.

Tom Yum Goong was a horrible movie, let there be no misunderstanding about that. And I hear the cut version makes it even worse. But it has lots of action, and the action is just plain awesome. I cant wait to se what he's gonna do next.

And the criticism that all his stuff his the same, I already explained that I dont agree... but compare Tony's first starring movies with Jackie's... or with Jet Li's ... or with pretty much anyone else.

I think some people just wanna moan for the sake of moaning. Affraid that people will suddenly forget about Jackie and Sammo and the whole old generation etc...

I think we can still respect and love the old generation and what it brought us, while now being amazed with Tony and other potential martial arts stars.

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Guest Beat TG

pretty much every choreographer has the tendency to put out similar choreography into their movies and always injects different ideas to play with, more or less. Sammo, Jackie, Woo Ping, Corey, Tony Ching, Lau Kar Leung, Panna Rittikrai... everyone is guilty of this.

I guess the reason why people say Jaa's stuff is the same is because it's so obvious: same elbows, knees, flips, falls etc. the HK people can easily hide this with different camerawork, editing and adding speciality to the choreography (less than more) but it's still the same choreography nonetheless.

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Guest GwaiLoMoFo
And I dont think age is a reason to be in bad movies. He could still be doing great martial arts movies. I'm not saying he needs to be flipping and bouncing etc... he could just focus on the martial arts where you dont have to do so much physicall stuff, like Tai Chi and Wing Chun etc.

You make a good point there, and I agree 100%. But the state of HK action films hasnt been much to write home about the last few years. Fortunatley things are starting to look way up!

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Guest Yi Long
You make a good point there, and I agree 100%. But the state of HK action films hasnt been much to write home about the last few years. Fortunatley things are starting to look way up!

I agree that HK action cinema has been in a serious rut lately, which is even more reason to urge Jackie to stop making in an ass out of himself over in Hollywood with mediocre movies, and get his behind back to Hong Kong and start making a positive REAL difference there. Start a new kung-fu boom. Tony Jaa already gave a bit of a kickstart, showing that we want REAL action instead of wires and CGI. I feel Jackie should just take his responsibilty. He often boasts about being the biggest asian action star and all that, but he should put his money where his mouth is, and go back to making actual good movies. Right now it would be like Michael Jackson STILL claiming to be the king of pop, while constantly bringing out crappy music.

He can be mediocre in Hollywood, doing movies he doesnt even ENJOY making... or he can go back to Hong Kong and make a difference and start being important again.

Cause right now, his projects mean @#%$ to me. And it's been a long while since they did.

If you are so desperate for fame in Hollwyood, just @#%$ Lindsey Lohan or some other useless junkie...

But I thought Jackie found it important to leave a legacy of good movies. That's what he always said before he did Rush Hour. What happened to that philosophy!?

I'm sure people will say I'm without respect, and I am too harsh and all that. I'm not. I respect OLD Jackie, before he sold out. That guy DESERVED respect for his amazing stunts and commitment. This Jackie we have today, seems a whole different Jackie, and I just dont care that much for this Jackie.

He should start being a man. Bang his fist on the table. Demand that Drunken Master 2 gets a worthy release, demand from Hollywood to just give him a pile of money and a year to do his own thing, and he'll deliver the goods! Demand final cut/edit... etc etc. He's letting Hollywood walk over him, and it aint good for him, and it isnt good for us...

It's good for the studios, cause it's actually keeping jackie from getting too much power. This way they can still use him, without letting him be in control.

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Guest Markgway

I thought Armour of God was great entertainment and Operation Condor almost as good. These are examples of the movies that made me a fan. I hold little hope for anything Jackie does now as he hasn't made a really cool film since Who Am I? But I guess if anything can turn it around it would be a third Armour. I wonder what Lola Forner is doing now? :smokin

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Guest Chen Zhen
He should start being a man. Bang his fist on the table. Demand that Drunken Master 2 gets a worthy release, demand from Hollywood to just give him a pile of money and a year to do his own thing, and he'll deliver the goods! Demand final cut/edit... etc etc. He's letting Hollywood walk over him, and it aint good for him, and it isnt good for us...

lol....thats WAY easier sed than done. as we all know, studios are very risk adverse.

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