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War is a bit of a Bore

Guest kungfusamurai

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Guest kungfusamurai

I thought I'd check out the new Jet Li flick. Yes, I was suckered in by the glossy trailers. Plus, I saw that Corey Yuen was the fight choreographer, and Statham did a reasonably good job in The Transporter.

Before I talk about the movie, I thought it was interesting to see an elderly lady (she must have been over 70) wheeling herself into the theater on her motorized chair. That was the last person I'd expect to be checking out a martial arts/action movie that is rated 18A.

Now the movie: The movie pretty much was a chore to watch from beginning to end. The story itself was okay, but nothing new or exciting. The fights were few and far between. And when they did happen, it wasn't exciting to watch. I think the fights in Unleashed were a thousand times better. Probably chalk it up to the novice director, I guess. The plot twists were interesting, but not intelligent or mind-blowing when you really stopped and thought about them.


Not sure if there are spoilers, but just in case.

I thought the flashback sequence where Jason Statham is dreaming about visiting the burned out home, after we see him 3 years later in his new job checking out a bunch of dead Yakuzas, was very unnecessary. The transition was that he sees a particular bullet that The Rogue character is supposed to use. Then the director has flashbacks to the death of a friend scene; and even further back to the shootout that we saw at the beginning of the film. It was like the director was treating his audience like a bunch of 4 year olds, not putting together that they were the same bullet. Come on!

Now for the twist (I'm talking about the final twist). It was interesting, but it doesn't hold up when you really think about it. I mean, Statham's friend was an asian, but he didn't have a chinese accent. You're telling me that when he "became" Jet Li, he developed a strong mandarin broken english accent that he couldn't shake? I don't think plastic surgery can do that for you. It would have worked waaaay better if they had the Rogue character have a speech impediment due to the shot to the face, or some kind of nerve damage. That would have worked much better for me.

So, I'd say, don't all rush to the theatre to check out this flick. While there are some entertaining moments (i.e. humorous incidents), it's just such a mess of a movie that you shouldn't spend more than $10 to watch it.


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Guest Daisho2004

OK your the 2nd. one who said this movie at best was OK what a big disappoint, and I was going to see it tomorrow guess I'll wait until I can see it at home.

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This movie was a mess from start to finish. Philip G. Atwell is a horrible director needs to stick with music videos. Corey Yuen was the choreographer I don't know what happened other than there was not one

impressive fight or gun play moment in this movie. It goes without saying the fight between Jet & Jason sucks ass and is over very quick.

This movie doesn't even deserve a rating, it is frustrating to have watch Jet comes so far and then make a huge disaster like this. I hope this is a one time fluke and he doesn't join the other direct to video actors.

One thing is for sure people remember you for the last role you did, it will take a couple of good movies to rid my memory of "WAR"

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Guest kungfusamurai

I think if Jet Li can pull another Unleashed/Danny The Dog out from under his belt (or even another Fearless), he'd be alright.


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Guest JustAFan
This movie was a mess from start to finish. Philip G. Atwell is a horrible director needs to stick with music videos.

He seem'd to be a bad choice for a director from the start.

I got in about an hour ago from this movie, and it wouldn't have been a disappointment had they had some, at the very least, decent action. The story was passable, but I won't be buying or renting this movie when it is on DVD.

I hope this is a one time fluke and he doesn't join the other direct to video actors.

To much pride for him to join the ranks of Seagal and Van Damme, but his whole career has been up and down-- in terms of movie choices.

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Guest wudawg

I saw the last 30 minutes or so of the movie and I must say from what I saw the editing was horrible. You couldn't see what was going on with the fights which usually means they're trying to hide something. I can honestly say that this is the first time I got a headache watching a fight scene. This is one I will also skip buying or renting.

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Guest udar55
I think if Jet Li can pull another Unleashed/Danny The Dog out from under his belt (or even another Fearless), he'd be alright.

It looks like THE WARLORDS should be pretty cool. Period piece but I doubt the fights will be edited to hell.

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Guest stormybman

What's the matter fellas? Can't wait for Jet Li in Snow White? :lol

He's quickly become the Asian equivalent of "sellout". Maybe he can find Gregory Hines' Tap Shoes, and do a Kung Fu musical...

Ooops!! Did that just come out of my keyboard?

Hell, I want all of you guys money back, and I ain't seen the flick!!

:rollin !!!!

"Do we fight alone..? Or all together?!!"

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Guest lacali

I think people are right about this WAR movie. Just watched last night and was disappointed as well. The fights could have been better if they filmed them from a wider angle. Somehow, they shot the fight sequences at very close range that would let viewrs feel like the men aren't real kung fu fighters. Come on, these are Jet Li and Jason Satham.

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Guest The Running Man

Man, no one goes to the "General Forum" here do they?

I started a thread on this there and I see here another one here.

Here's that thread.

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Judging by the comments, I hope this is not as bad as Cradle to the Grave (The worst jet li film I have in my collection).

After seeing the 7 mins trailer with some scenes, I was not particularly impressed with the fights.

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Guest moviegyrl

In addition to the poor direction, editing, fighting, and implausible plot twists, I was disappointed by:

> the overt sexuality in the film -- Okay, it was R-rated. But, the scene in the Yakuza club and the floosy stripping down in front of Jet were just disgusting! Why does Jet continue to do this type of film?! :x

> Jet on a motorcycle -- He looked old.

> Jet's smirky grin -- It was 'tired' and inappropriate, even after the revelation of his true identity.

> the acting -- Statham, like his facial expression, is one-note. And, the extras were (for lack of a more descriptive word) "terrible," especially the guy who played the sharp-shooting cop! :x

> its length -- This movie was about one hour too long!

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Guest kungfusamurai


Yeah, Statham's fellow cops in the movie were cardboard cutouts. Like that black guy who said 'mutha ****a' a couple of times when that guy they were guarding got shot. It seemed out of character, like he started channelling Shaft or something for brief second. And yeah, the sharpshooter guy was a waste of space. What was the point of adding him? To add drama to the finale? LOL. There was never any point when I was afraid he'd go after the wrong guy.

What about the whole accent issue that I mentioned earlier? Doesn't it seem dumb that he would have one? Why did he even bother changing his voice surgically, when he could have just forced a different voice? Heck, he was talking to Statham on the phone using a voice modulator anyway.


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Guest The Running Man
Judging by the comments, I hope this is not as bad as Cradle to the Grave (The worst jet li film I have in my collection).

It is.

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