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The Little Things (2021) - Denzel Washington


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Drunken Monk
11 hours ago, DiP said:

The Bone Collector was 1999.

I love a good serial killer film so I'm looking forward to this one.

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I’ve been waiting for a good serial killer movie foe years (The Snowman disappointed me hugely). This looks fantastic. Nice and dark and with top tier talent. Can’t wait.

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Just finished watching the movie. First things first, it features great cinematography giving it a neo-noir feel. Also a cast of actors giving all their best so the notion of Denzel Washington being the only actor that shines here is out of the question. Malek, Leto, Bauer, Hyatt etc. Pretty much every key character in the movie is given a sharp-edged performance that catches your interrest. The story, while not reaching any new heights, delivers with its' simplicity being enhanced by the mere actors as well as the overall direction. Secondly, the ending... I can't shake off the feeling that Hancock watched Se7en going for the anti-climatic route. That being said, this story setback (IMO) leaves us something good... A loose ending open for interpretation. To sum it up, this is another winner in Denzel's filmography.


Edited by DiP
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I really enjoyed it. I just wish they’d cut out the final scene and left things up to the audience to decide. We didn’t needed to be handed the truth.

Leto really stood out for me. His character was just so chaotic. I felt like it had bits and pieces of Ledger’s Joker.

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Pretty standard run of the mill crime flick. Only lifted above average thanks to the performances of the lead trio. Leto really puts in a fantastic performance and deservers credit for that. As for the other two Denzel is just being Denzel and Rami Malek does best with what little he has. The movie starts out pretty strong with some intriguing story lines the problem is none of it really ends up being worthwhile. Same goes for the characters the whole movie just feels very superficial. Which is a real shame given the talent in front of the camera. Okay for a one time viewing and Leto's performance.

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