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Dark Phoenix (2019) - Sophie Turner, James McAvoy, Michael Fassbender, Jessica Chastain


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Despite the trailer saying February 14, the film just got moved back to June 7, 2019. It's the latest of the X-Men reboot series, with Jessica Chastain playing the villain.


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Simon Kinberg has said that even though Fox and Disney has merged, Dark Phoenix is the final installment of this incarnation of the X-Men franchise, which started with First Class.


Will the X-Men eventually join the Marvel Cinematic Universe? That remains to be seen but most likely within the next few years I can guess.

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Ouch! The movie is getting universally bashed by critics and viewers... Honestly anybody still bother to watch this!? Not usually one to care about reviews but this looked bad from the get-go.

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Secret Executioner
21 minutes ago, laagi said:

Ouch! The movie is getting universally bashed by critics and viewers... Honestly anybody still bother to watch this!? Not usually one to care about reviews but this looked bad from the get-go.

When the main promotion is something SJW would have come up with (what comes out of an interview with two of the actresses is that women are important in this film... As edgy and deep as the subtle political overtones in Black Panther and the feminism in Captain Marvel), don't expect a masterpiece... Plus, big saga adaptations have often led to disappointment (Civil War, the death of Superman in Batman v Superman...).

I may still give it a shot, as I've always found the X-Men movies pretty good - yup, that includes The Last Stand that everybody seems to hate.

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Just got home from a free screening :smile Honestly... (Now) I don't get the hate. I haven't been a big follower of the X-Men franchise neither am I too familiar with each and every character.

But this makes for a perfectly fine night at the movies. At the end of the day I was entertained and in my book that's what counts!

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Secret Executioner

Saw it tonight and... Kind of a mixed bag really.

The good:

- the relation between Xavier and Jean Grey is a running theme through the film and I found it interesting. I liked how they tried to mirror what was done in the original with Jean's new power making her get out of Xavier's "control" and the disastrous consequences it leads to.

- the special effects are overall good, I found the scenes involving Quick Silver much improved over Apocalypse where they seemed unfinished. Some very creative and spectacular visuals, but I can't say if they make seeing this in 3D worth the extra bucks (saw it in 2D).


The bad:

- way too much drama, not sure if it's because the movie is set in the 1990s and they wanted to go for the style in a lot of comics of the time, but the characters can't seem to stop arguing (especially getting on Xavier's ass) or having useless lines (Storm questionning Cyclops' telling younger students it wasn't Jean who killed innocents... Thank you Storm, we know he loves Jean and his feelings are blinding him, plus yeah, I can totally see Cyclops - or any other fellow team member - go and tell younger students this woman they look up to is a cold-blooded murderer). Don't you have better things to spend your relatively short running time of 1 hour and 50-ish minutes on ?

- Actually yes. Instead of a billionth conversation about how Xavier's a manipulative prick or how awesome Mystique (I'm sorry, "Raven" - no codenames in this movie for some reason, save for Storm and the psychic woman hanging out with Magneto, and maybe a couple more ?) is, the movie could have given us some more details on the villains. They are a bunch of unnamed body snatching aliens who are after the force that took over Jean Grey, said force destroyed their home world, they want to conquer Earth instead and I think I said more than the movie did. How about using Lilandra and her army (or rather an overthrown Lilandra trying to fight her evil brother as an eventual link between the villains and the X-Men) ? Characters from the original Phoenix saga, and that black guy who seems to be one of the leaders could have been an epic Gladiator. I liked him, he had charisma and seemed like a competent fighter, while the woman they went for felt a bit too one-dimensional, essentially being manipulative and trying to get Jean Grey's power.


The ugly:

- Mystique, you're FLIPPING OBNOXISOUS (sorry for the caps, but that's something that irked me). Seriously, the chick was one of the earliest allies of Xavier in this saga, she made for a charismatic leaer and an inspirational figure for many of the characters... And now she's a SJW whinning they are called the "X-Men" and complaining all the time about something ? Add the brilliant decision of trying to face an overpowered, unstable Jean Grey on her own, and you'll understand her end had the opposite than what it should have had - I think she's about as bad as a some slasher victims, guess there was a point to the movie being set in '92 since 1990s slashers tend to have the most annoying victims, I don't know. Not that she really departs anyway (did I spoil something ? Sorry.), since Beast and Magneto can't stop saying how awesome and wise and brilliant she was, while putting down Xavier's selfishness (how dare he be proud he got people to stop insulting mutants and call them "superheroes" instead) and how bad he was for doing what he did to Jean.


My call: possibly the weakest X-Men films out of the 7 (the original trilogy and the quadrilogy started with First Class, I don't count the Wolverine trilogy and the Deadpool movies here). Worth a watch for curiosity and to see how things work out in the end, but overall a really poor film considering what we've previously had from this franchise.

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Trouble with Jean Grey is while she is great character in comics, her powers telepathy and telekinesism are not so exciting features in motion picture. And telekinesism been used already several times, and why not. Does not requite much funds for f/x to lift objects and blast people through the air...

And Jean is in movie young yet to discover full powers, just one shy phoenix supernova...Attack to train was good action sequence but there was not much else worth mentioning...Been ages since had x-men comic in paw but I thought nighcrawler have to see area where he teleports himself for sake of safety, but did not apply when moved to inside of space shuttle in beginning???

Story was disappointing too.

Easily worst x-men movie...x-men 1st class was brilliant but after his I hope we will never see yet another "junior x-men" flick....


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