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Monster Hunter: Milla Jovovich, T.I Harris, Ron Perlman, Tony Jaa


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According to M.A.A.C Action, Thai sensation, Tony Jaa, has joined the cast of Paul W.Anserson directed Monster Hunter. Based on the Capom game of the same name. I know nothing about the game, but I'm guessing there wont be too much in the way of Martial Arts from Jaa?. Though I cant see them at least busting out a few moves, like Iko Uwais in Skyline 2. Perlman has already worked with Jaa once, on the Dolph Lundgren actioner Skin Trade(2014).

More on this story here, Link- http://www.maactioncinema.com/archives/9816




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Milla Jovovich in a movie based on a video game? No way this is going to turn out bad. CoughResidentEvilCought lol :bs_um:

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Diego Boneta plays a character named Sergeant Marshall in Monster Hunter.  Constantin Films, which produced the six Resident Evil movies, plans to release Monster Hunter as the first in a franchise series.  Constantin will release the movie in German-speaking countries, Tencent Pictures in China, Toho in Japan, Sony's Screen Gems in the U.S., and Sony Pictures Releasing International in the rest of the world.  Info from https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-10-25/actor-diego-boneta-pictured-in-costume-for-hollywood-live-action-monster-hunter-film/.138604

There are lots of pictures from the set, along with other publicity shots and concept art on https://www.instagram.com/explore/tags/monsterhuntermovie/

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Japanese actress Hirona Yamazaki (As the Gods Will) has been added to the cast of the live action Monster Hunter movie.  She "will play the Handler, a character who supports the efforts of Artemis and the Hunter".  She is responsible for their paperwork and missions.  News from https://www.animenewsnetwork.com/news/2018-12-13/live-action-monster-hunter-film-casts-hirona-yamazaki/.140729   

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I take it they are basing it off of the latest game Monster Hunter World  based on the characters Hunter and Handler. As someone who plays this game, I can say...

  • Naming the dude Hunter (the person you play as) is real generic because you choose the name. The Handler is a different story since Capcom never gave her a name for some unknown reason.
  • The Bone Blade (great sword), Hunter's Bow and leather armor Tony has are some of the first gear you get in the game. I wish they gave him a gunlance , switch axe or an insect glaive because those are way cooler. 
  • Traveling from one dimension to another is not something that happens regularly in the series. In World, it only occurs in a Final Fantasy collaboration event where a Moogle and a Behemoth open a wormhole into the Monster Hunter universe and the upcoming collaboration with The Witcher.
  • Felynes are an anthropomorthic cat race belonging to a group of races called the Lynians that have been in the series since day one. The ones that help out with hunting are called Palicoes and each hunter has one. In World, you come across another Lynian race called the Grimalkyne that help you out. Past Monster Hunter games also had the Melynx and Shakalaka. Basically the movie must have cats.


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According to the latest IMDB update, the theatrical opening date for Monster Hunter will be September 4, 2020. 

Edited by whitesnake
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The newest trailer shown at the 2019 Shanghai Film Festival.

The monsters look like they were ripped right off of the PS4. I'm not sure why that dude unleashes a huge sea of fire though.

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Secret Executioner

So... That's pretty much a Paul W. Anderson movie based on a video game series and starring Milla Jovovich ? What could possibly go wrong with that ?  

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Secret Executioner

I like the visuals and the looks of the characters (makes me interested in that film), but is it me or is the top of these posters posters very empty ? You get only the actor's names and the rest seems crammed towards the bottom.


And Tony Jaa getting his own poster is neat IMO. :monk_coolagent:

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I gave this a watch yesterday.

Sorry folks but......:monk_smh:

An army crew goes missing in the desert, Milla (Captain Artemis) and her crew are sent to investigate. A violent electrical sand storm comes and they are transported via a portal to an alternate world/universe/whatever.

Soon as they got to the alternate Earth/world they found the vehicles & remains of the missing crew & are then they are attacked by monsters (they look more like some kind of dinosaurs). Then in comes Tony to warn them but they ended up shooting at him instead. Tony & Milla ends up teaming together against the creatures. 

They are about different kinds of creature including one which looks like a dragon which follows Milla back to her Earth.

The only hand-to-hand combat is between Milla & Tony when they first comes face-to-face, (you can tell that Tony is holding back) & even at times Milla get the better of him (of course the director have to make his wife look good). 

Tony plays the Hunter as in the movie title but this is basically a Milla movie as she get the bulk of the action & screen time. This was like her in Resident Evil but instead of zombies you have monsters.

Everyone else is wasted, Ron Perlman (who looks like a grown up "Feral Kid" from Mad Max 2) only appears and the beginning and end of the movie. 

This is basically for Milla Jovovich fans or for the Tony Jaa completist (so they can say they have seen all his movies). I am one of the few who did enjoy the Resident Evil movies but this I didn't, if it pops up on Netflix, Amazon Prime or one these movie channels then you can (try to) give it a watch.



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