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Cathay Wu Xia Map


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Of course, MM2 Entertainment most likely has all of their collection, having bought out Cathay Cineplexes, etc. They are supposedly restored to SD for full screen, old fashioned TV's, not widescreen.

HK Film Archive has various titles on VHS and 35 mm.

U of Wisconsin has a several titles that are not on DVD- Smiling Swordsman and the Royal Seal.

Melinda Chen Man Ling and a French Film Archivist have Cold Blade, complete with subs on VHS, I have been told. It is at the HK Film Archive with subs as well, you could watch with Tiger Boy, I suppose!

Hoker Released From The Highway, Mallow Forest, First Sword, A Pearl in Command (probably the best of the collection for excitement) and the very arty Escorts Over Tiger Hill. Toby has subbed all of them.

The Eagle's Claw is on my Youtube site, though the timing is off. I should correct, but then again, no one offered to help with Fabulous Protectress, so, not a priority. Besides, you can pretty much pay attention and not miss a line. Translated by Toby. Quality is nice, not fantastic, but VHS clean.

There are TV recordings, but very poor, to fair- Iron Bones (watchable, goofy subs) Forbidden Killing (fair, and very exciting, goofy subs) Jade Dragon (fair to poor quality, goofy subs) Great Highwaymen (fair to poor) Lotus Camp (fair to good) and Violent Mansion (fair, not real action packed) Smiling Swordsman (fair) and Royal Seal (Incomplete, poor to fair). I made up the subs for laughs for some of them, which has people either laughing or sending me hate mail, and if I could get clean prints I would have them translated somehow, but for now, with the exception of Lotus Camp, which I am starting out fresh with, they will have to do.

I forgot, there are also Black Panther (poor to fair, goofy subs) and the Living Sword (poor) which was translated by Toby and a good flick about Buddhism and revenge.

I honestly don't consider 3rd generation recordings as "recovered" at this point. Fine for a historical record, but not really a "found" print.

So, my friend is getting To Kill A Rover 16 mm restored once University is back in session (some time in September) and this other fellow has Fabulous Protectress. He wants to get his money back, and it costs about $1700 to transfer a film.

Also, I may, just may be able to get a New! TV recording of Her Vengeance, which is supposed to be really good, from a fellow in Hong Kong, I will not know if it is true until it happens. He returns to HK on the 17th of August and will let me know soon after if he can get it.

Probably more than you all wanted to know, but here it is.


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PS, Excited to see my son when returns from HK and Japan. He is bring me a copy of the Cathay story. Does anyone have an stills they can scan and post of the movies above? Someday I plan to go to the HK film archive in the next 12 months, but even then, they won't let you bring a camera in, etc. I may discuss with them a way that we can donate to have them scan to the website, which would be cool for us fans or all these movies, not just Cathay, of course.

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Why is:

Cold Blade,

considered as one of the most wanted classics of all time?

Anyone seen this and can tell me why? 

I am sure it's true but still.

What is Chen Kuan Tai's role in this one.?


Melinda Chen Man-Ling  ♀



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She only had 28 films to her credit.

Image result for Melinda Chen Man-Ling

My guess it was part of that 'GOLDEN ERA' of late 60's Taiwanese kung fu films!







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That was Chen's first gig as choreographer of the fights and Chor Yuens first Wu Xia. I will probably go over and see for myself at the HK film archive. 

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18 hours ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

That was Chen's first gig as choreographer of the fights and Chor Yuens first Wu Xia. I will probably go over and see for myself at the HK film archive. 



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Her Vengeance turned out to be a bust. Cathay never answered my request, so that Avenue is out. What is left is possible screening on TV, however unlikely and a random collector, but both are a long shot. To Kill A Rover will happen, as well as decent subs for Lotus Camp, so there's that. Eventually I will find away to use the timings for my joke subs to be accurate. Still, I think there are about 5 good flicks missing.

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I finally heard back from HK Film Archives that Cathay appreciates that I am a fan, but they can't help with copying Her Vengeance and Cold Blade, due to "Business Concerns". In other words, not worth their time. No real info or way to negotiate, so I will have to hope some appear from good tv recordings. If any show up, please contact me.

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Stupid people !

Money isn't everything and they don't even realize how good it is to still have fans for these old movies !!

And if money is so imprtant to them that copying these movies aren't worth their time in their opinion, they don't realize either that they finally could get more money if they agreed to help you to release their movies and hence get more customers !!

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29 minutes ago, ShawAngela said:

Stupid people !

Money isn't everything and they don't even realize how good it is to still have fans for these old movies !!

And if money is so imprtant to them that copying these movies aren't worth their time in their opinion, they don't realize either that they finally could get more money if they agreed to help you to release their movies and hence get more customers !!

They are in real estate, no connection to film now. The Hoker thing was a flop, so they would probably only make money on a VOD, but that is not their business. Have to find another way to skin this cat.

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Excuse me if this is not relevant to your thread @NoKUNGFUforYU, but I didnt want to start a new one, just for this video link.

Thought this might be of interest to you?, I only flicked threw it quickly, and spotted Taiwanese regular Ma Cheun, and fan favorite Fan-Mei Sheng.



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Toby was kind enough to sub Lotus Camp, which is fantastic. On the flip side, I was re-reading a quick passage on Cathay in Stephen Teo's Chinese Martial Arts films (you can read the passages free on google) and he says the BEST Cathay Wu Xia is the impossible to get COLD BLADE. Anyway here is a little image from it. The sound was bad, some parts could not be subbed, but there is a lot of comedy relief. The evil master insists that people prostate themselves in front of him and wish him a "A long, long life" the hero is perplexed, but the female minion tells him "That's his deal" so he says "I wish you a long, long, long life, Divine One!"


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On 11/28/2018 at 3:18 PM, DragonClaws said:


Excuse me if this is not relevant to your thread @NoKUNGFUforYU, but I didnt want to start a new one, just for this video link.

Thought this might be of interest to you?, I only flicked threw it quickly, and spotted Taiwanese regular Ma Cheun, and fan favorite Fan-Mei Sheng.



I have a Mandarin un-subbed version and an English dubbed version.

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PS, turns out Toby only did two thirds so far, so I was the end and the subs cut out! I have to time the rest. Still, good flick!

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So, a quick update. Toby turned me on to a copy of Royal Seal that is complete. Not a ton of action, more of an intrigue type of movie from what I can tell. I am going to re-encode some of my older flicks like Iron Bones and at some point (he's very busy) the ones with goofy subs will be translated exactly. Still trying to get Fabulous Protectress released. No closer to get Cold Blade, and to be honest, it looks even worse as I have exhausted all my contacts. 

Someone asked about Cold Blade and what's the fuss. Another point is that Professor Stephen Teo who is a highly regard film critic as well has stated that it is probably the best of all the Cathay Wu Xia. That doesn't mean it's One Armed Swordsman, or Duel for Gold, but it's supposed to be pretty good. "But still" Cathay is uncommunicative and I don't have the funds to fly to Singapore and harass/stalk them, LOL!

Most likely going to work on Smiling Swordsman or Royal Seal next, as well as a film that has Ting Chang (star of countless Cathay films) The Bloody Claw, which Toby has expressed interest in subbing some day.


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3 hours ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

So, a quick update. Toby turned me on to a copy of Royal Seal that is complete. Not a ton of action, more of an intrigue type of movie from what I can tell. I am going to re-encode some of my older flicks like Iron Bones and at some point (he's very busy) the ones with goofy subs will be translated exactly. Still trying to get Fabulous Protectress released. No closer to get Cold Blade, and to be honest, it looks even worse as I have exhausted all my contacts. 


Keep up the great work @NoKUNGFUforYU, enjoyed every film I ordered from you recently, of the one's I've viewed so far.

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