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Pruning your DVD Collection -When TKD Strikes


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Yesterday I watched my dvd of When Taekwondo Strikes for the last time. Considering the fighting talent on show it's a bore. Angela's great as usual but the rest of the cast..meh

The late Jhoon Rhee may have been a great man/teacher but he couldn't act at all - He has a constipated look on his face throughout. Same goes for Ann Winton, Andre Morgan and Carter Wong. It's essentially a remake of the MUCH better Hapkido. At the end I thought: that's 90 mins of my  life I won't get back! With that in mind I'm gonna select certain titles and see if they have re-watchability. Does anyone alse go through this process?

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I have a real fondness fpr 70's GH Kung Fu movies so though WTS isn't one of the better entries it's a film i would revisit. As an aside, what a tragic end Anne Winton met 😦 I've been going though a spell of watching some pretty ordinary kung fu movies but i still find it hard to part. I;m having less trouble pruning my blu ray collection, down from around a 1000 to 700, and i'm going to try and get it down to 300 or so. I figure at 54 how am i going to revisit these movies often with all the new stuff to view as well?

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On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 8:56 AM, shukocarl said:

Considering the fighting talent on show it's a bore.

Sadly, I have to agree.  I still keep this one in my collection and it has its moments, but it's painfully slow in too many parts.


On ‎7‎/‎18‎/‎2018 at 12:48 PM, saltysam said:

I figure at 54 how am i going to revisit these movies often with all the new stuff to view as well?

You make an interesting point.  I guess it becomes a question of whether you ever intend to watch a title again, or if you just enjoy having it as part of a collection.  I know I own movies that I'll probably never watch again, but still enjoy having them around.  Kind of like a pair of pants that I've outgrown but still keep in the closet, just in case. 😉

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I did this a few years ago when I moved house. It occurred to me that I had no interest in watching certain films again so I began a clear out. I bought many of the HKL titles when they were releasing them monthly and a lot of these i'd not seen before so I was kind of going in blind but as the discs were usually so stacked with extras I figured they were worth it even if the movie wasn't great. Amongst the films I sold were 2000AD, Body Weapon, Crime Story, Heart of the Dragon, Hitman, Magnificent Warriors, Story of Ricky, the Lucky Stars movies & the Bruce Lee movies except for Fist of Fury and even though some of these are pretty good it came down to whether or not i'd watch them again when there are so many other classics available. I did regret selling Armour of God & Eastern Condors as I believed they were due platinum re-releases and I planned to replace them but unfortunately they never happened so for years I was without them until the AOG blu ray from Mediumrare came out. Still waiting for Eastern Condors though.

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It would be very pratical to prune my collection at the moment, it's just finding th time to re-watch it all. Especially with far too much stuff on my un-watched list to tackle. Give a lot of films away to the local Charity shop, some of which include MA films I know I wont watch again. Then again, I'm sure there's plenty of films I have, that I wont have time or the desire to sit through again.

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