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What was the first movie you watched as a kid.....can you remember it?


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Do you remember your first movie when you were child?

I do!

It was 1951 my dad had long since left us. My mom was raising me and my two sisters each a year younger  the other. For some reason mom sent me to one of her relatives for a week. They lived lived on a farm in the plains of western Minnesota. I was 4 years old at the time. I can still recall the haunting sounds of the train whistle in the night as I lay in bed to fall asleep. And can still see the image of my aunt even if she is a wispy thought today.  

They had a TV. Which looked just like this:

Image result for 1950's  tv's


There was only one (1) station. So as to help lull me to sleep as I lay in bed I watched my first movie.

Not only that. The same movie played every night for a week. It was a real tear jerkier for a sensitive child as I apparently was. So every night after dark, this was in the summer, so it would be totally dark after 9:30.

Every night as I watched this and I would cry at the end of the movie, every night, I remember it vividly.

I never new the name of the movie but always recalled who starred in it and why I was in a mush about it.

The movie starred Jimmy Durante and a diminutive squirrel.  

The movie was:

Image result for rupert the movie jimmy durante

Here is the real star of the show.  


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Image result for rupert the movie jimmy durante



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You can see why a kid would fall in luv with this cutie pie!  

They used a stand in, (fake) and then a live squirrel but as a kid you never could tell the difference. 

Rupert's co-star the one and only 'Schnozzola' Jimmy Durante:

Image result for rupert the movie jimmy durante

The plot is simple. Jimmy uses the squirrel as his monkey grinder act to make some $ola. The family in the movie, the father, has a crises. It's xmass time and daddy has no cash for Christmas. He goes upstairs and enters an empty room where he sadly laments his plight as he prays to God. Then he begins weeping. In the meantime Rupert is in the attic eating his stash of peanuts. When he stumbles into a box with lots of $$$$ in it. For some unknown reason, maybe because he is befriended by humans, he takes the cash and begins to drop it through a hole in the ceiling. It begins raining down on our bereaved dad. When the dad becomes aware of this he jumps to the conclusion it was a miracle.

A merry Christmas he then gave to his beloved family.  

Shortly after this, somehow Rupert is killed.

Now, this is when I am shattered to tears, I mean, I really bawled, straight out, every night for a week  when Rupert dies;

My first movie.


P. S. Do you remember yours?








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Very touching story and movie !

I watched so many movies in my life, that I think that I won't be able to know which one was the very first one. We didin't have any TV at home, and I watched TV only when I was on holidays at my grand-father's and grand-mother's home and I saw a lot of series there, such as The prisoner, The fugitive,, Mission impossible, Wild wild west, The Virginian, The Great Valley, The man worth 3 millions dollars (Steve Major's and Lindsay Wagner's series too), Girl from UNCLE, The Champions, Time tunnel, Cosmos 1999, The Avengers, Department S and also French series such as La dame de Montsoreau (from an Alexandre Dumas'book)...hence my love for action movies and girl fighters...

And when I wasn't on holidays, we regularly went to see movies in cinemas in Paris. Among the numerous movies I watched, I remember Gregory Peck's Mac Kenna's gold, a lots of westerns (American and Italian), great classics such as Gone with the wind, East of Eden, West Side Story, some Walt Dinsey's movies and when we found these small cinemas in quarters of the town where there were 2 movies for a very cheap price, that's the moment where I began to watched martial arts movies, because for the same price (and you could stay for the shole afternoon if you wanted without paying again to see the two movies), there was a martial arts movies + a police movie, or a martial arts + a peplum, or a martial arts + a "sword " movie such as The three musketeers and so on...

Hence my love for movies in general...

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The first movie I ever remember seeing was "Death Becomes Her(1992)" back when I was 5-6 years old. My parents had rented it from the local video store. I remember sitting in the floor, turning it on, and absolutely loving every minute of it. Its still one of my favorite movies(I adore Goldie Hawn, which is probably another big part for why I like it so much). I watched it here recently and its still a great movie.  

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First time in a movie theater was 1985, at 6 years old. My neighbor took me, my brother, and her son to see Back to the Future. 

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