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Roscomare House 1968 / 2018


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I run by Bruce Lee's Bel Air house regularly... Just talked my way into that famous backyard recently. Holy ground. X Ozzie



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1 hour ago, Ozzie said:

I run by Bruce Lee's Bel Air house regularly... Just talked my way into that famous backyard recently. Holy ground. X Ozzie


That's a cool that you get to run past one of his old haunts, surprised their isnt anyone sat on the lawn, selling tickets for a guided tour.

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That neighborhood is not the place where folks can be touring it up... I think Bruce bought is for thirty thousand and it's worth around two million these days... 

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8 hours ago, Ozzie said:

That neighborhood is not the place where folks can be touring it up... I think Bruce bought is for thirty thousand and it's worth around two million these days... 


Welcome to the forums too.

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Roscomare House. This large flat backyard is where, McQueen, Garner, Abdul Jabar, Inosanto and long list of others worked out with Bruce from 1968-1970 roughly. Interestingly enough, Bruce also would hang out with the ill-fated Sharon Tate and her husband Roman Polanski who lived a canyon or so to the east... I'm sure that when Manson's family came in and killed people at the Polanski residence, it was a little too close for comfort for Bruce and was very terrible for him. 


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Bel Air / Bruce in driveway with Brandon and Shannon. Take a look at the palm tree in the neighbors yard on the right and then look at the recent photograph. I think Linda Lee once wrote that Bruce would ride bike with Brandon on Roscomare... That would be a dangerous endeavor at this point as traffic is virtually continuous. Then again, that was fifty years ago. 

Screen Shot 2018-06-12 at 7.03.21 PM.png


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20 hours ago, Ozzie said:

Bel Air / Bruce in driveway with Brandon and Shannon. Take a look at the palm tree in the neighbors yard on the right and then look at the recent photograph. I think Linda Lee once wrote that Bruce would ride bike with Brandon on Roscomare... That would be a dangerous endeavor at this point as traffic is virtually continuous. Then again, that was fifty years ago. 


Nice shot @Ozzie, thanks for posting that here, don't the road in that area have sidewalks/pavements?, or do people simply walk on the road?.


Surpirsed that John Little didnt cover more American BL related locations, in his Tracking The Dragon film. So many thing's/places rarely stay the same for long, but that back garden shot you posted, looks no different to when the Little Dragon resisded there.

Wonder if any of these location have been included in Hollywood tour's, for tourist's?.

Is that Tom Bleeker peeping out of one of the wheely bins, in the very first picture you posted of the backyard.

Edited by DragonClaws
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DragonClaws - I have never heard of anyone getting in that yard. I never see the tourist vans driving up there either. I've been running with the spirit of that man on Roscomare for a number of years... I've never seen anyone stopped there. Just me. As far as John Little, the only thing I know of him was when I bought the "Lost" interview on VHS in 95 and the Art of Expressing the Human Body which I think he did... I appreciate Bruce for his influence in my life and others. I would never diefy him. He was human... an extraordinary one, but human none the less. Happy you are enjoying the images. I thought someone out there would. X Ozzie

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PS- no sidewalks on any of those Bel Air roads except a random stretch here or there. Roscomare road twists and turns on itself... Trees and brush grow right to the street in most places. When I ran last Tuesday there, I had to step off the road twice into the vegetation to let trucks pass. 

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16 hours ago, Ozzie said:

As far as John Little, the only thing I know of him was when I bought the "Lost" interview on VHS in 95 and the Art of Expressing the Human Body which I think he did...

Yeah he did a series of books, never knew he was associated with the Canadian interview being released on VHS. I was under the impression, it was never lost, but stored away with all the other episodes of the Pierre Burton show. I guess the term Lost Interview sounds a lot cooler, and might help sell a few more copies. I' also under the impression the interview was available before 95?.

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Master of the 36th Chamber - Originally, I was in college back east and read --either in a martial arts magazine of bodybuilding magazine an advertisement for the 'Lost Interview'. I dutifully sent my $29 or whatever but never received anything. I called John Little and --if I recall correctly-- he immediately fixed the error and made good on the VHS. I received it rather quickly. Oversight, I suppose. I'm fairly certain it was 94 or 95. I remember reading or hearing that it was 'found' in an old metal filing cabinet in a TV station basement... whatever the case may be, I was pretty hyped on the interview. Bruce was a cool mother fucker. Would've loved to train with him. X

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Another Roscomare Road  / Bel Air comparison... 1970 and 2018. I am surprised at the lack of interest in these images... This house is a pretty famous and integral spot in Bruce's life and development. Enjoy- Ozzie



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3 hours ago, Ozzie said:

I am surprised at the lack of interest in these images...


Even if people dont comment, it doesnt mean their not interested in what you post.

That will be the same back yard that they filmed Mqueen and Lee training, right?.


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I wasn't butt hurt or anything... I just assumed people would trip out on it like I did just seeing it after all this time. As far as I'm concerned, it was a spiritual experience. X

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16 hours ago, Ozzie said:

I wasn't butt hurt or anything... I just assumed people would trip out on it like I did just seeing it after all this time. As far as I'm concerned, it was a spiritual experience. X


I am sure it would have been a spiritual experience. But, I just have to feel sorry for the people that live there. I mean, they have these people that they don't know showing up at their house wanting to take pictures and to see the place and all that. It would be a little weird, I would think. But, I wonder if it was known by the current owners that this was once the house that BL lived in? I wonder if they have any kind of relationship with the Lee Estate, just in case Shannon or Linda want to reminisce. Well, it was cool that you were able to visit the location. Yeah, the Tate murder was not that far from Bruce`s place (around 6-1/2 miles). I think that he was questioned by the police at one point regarding the murders as no one knew who was behind it. 

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On 7/14/2018 at 6:51 AM, reason108 said:

I just have to feel sorry for the people that live there. I mean, they have these people that they don't know showing up at their house wanting to take pictures and to see the place and all that. It would be a little weird, I would think.


Must be odd if your house is a semi tourist attraction, with people stopping for photo's and peeping over fences with camera phones etc.



Where these pictures not taken outside Roscomare House?






These shots may have been taken inside?




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8 minutes ago, Ozzie said:

So fucking great! Thanks. X Ozzie


Another shot, taken in the same backyard?.




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7 hours ago, Ozzie said:

Alright. Here you go everyone. This is a quick clip of the entire backyard at Bruce Lee's Bel Air house on Roscomare Road. Enjoy my friends. X Ozzie


Thanks for sharing this here.


Just some of the bacyard footage filmed at Roscomore, with Herb Jackson and Ted Wong.



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