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Once Upon a Time in Hollywood (2019) Quentin Tarantino's 9th Film


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Why is everybody so butt-hurt about Bruce Lee's portrayal; I don't get it. Another pointless "controversy". I love and respect Bruce but this was spot-on. Lee was very cocky, that's no secret! 

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23 hours ago, laagi said:

Why is everybody so butt-hurt about Bruce Lee's portrayal; I don't get it. Another pointless "controversy". I love and respect Bruce but this was spot-on. Lee was very cocky, that's no secret! 

Though from what I've seen and read Lee was self-assured to the point of being cocky, and spoke about his own skills without false modesty ("If I told you I was good... they would say I'm bragging. But if I say I'm no good... you know I'm lying"- Bruce Lee) I never viewed him as the blowhard in which he is portrayed in the film. Personally, I found the portrayal a bit obnoxious and demeaning to Lee's memory. As I said in my first post, after a few seconds of surprise and some disappointment I shrugged it off as this is a story and that's what the director/writer chose to use this person for and fell right back into the film. But when it was over, my son's friend (25 years old) asked me "Was Bruce Lee really an asshole like that in real life? I always thought he was cool." For me it felt like the same thing that happened after DRAGON: THE BRUCE LEE STORY was released, where I had to properly inform people that took that story as "the truth" because... well, simply because they saw it. I had a guy arguing with me one time that Lee broke his back in a fight. Even when I assured him that was not the case, he said "I saw it in a documentary". I explained where he actually saw that, but he claimed to have "never seen that movie". Sigh. So to answer your question @laagi, lots of fans are bothered by it because it's something that's being absorbed by the general public, especially younger generations, that may be (in fact, will likely be) taken as fact.

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@KUNG FU BOB Thanks for sharing your views on this Bob. I guess we just have different opinions in regards to it. But what is truly troubling, that we (apparently) live in an age where a few minutes of fiction in entertainment will be taken as fact... Now that's something to worry about!


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Finally got to watch this and had an absolute blast. It's better than Hateful Eight, Django and Bastards but not as good as his 90s work or Kill Bill.

Now, as for the Bruce Lee scene.  Certainly it was played for laughs, good laughs too. Bruce was known to be cocksure and confident. Deservedly so, he was Bruce Lee! Also look at Way of the Dragon, Bruce had a great sense of humour about himself. His monologue is actually one of the only bits of 'Tarantino' dialogue that is memorable. Mike Moh delivers a great performance and the fight itself is a nice homage to Jeet Kune Do.

The plot, or lack thereof, I did have issues with, bit the 'Visiting the Ranch' scene was expertly set up to wring maximum suspense, and as for the final twenty minutes.... As members of this forum we may think we're desensitised to screen violence by now, but My God I winced and gasped! See it on the big screen for the proper effect.

Edited by SamSeed
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On 12/4/2017 at 1:38 AM, Phantom Dreamer said:

A letter from Steve McQueen regarding the Manson "family".


I just discover this...Wow, what a document !!

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Loved the film,thought it was up there with his best.As for the Bruce Lee stuff I think it was a great entertaining scene whether it’s a true representation or not for me it was still fun.👍👍👍👍

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On 8/19/2019 at 5:02 PM, laagi said:

@KUNG FU BOB Thanks for sharing your views on this Bob. I guess we just have different opinions in regards to it. But what is truly troubling, that we (apparently) live in an age where a few minutes of fiction in entertainment will be taken as fact... Now that's something to worry about!


Yes we do, but I'm always interested in hearing differing opinions.

That IS troubling. It reminds me- a friend, one of my wife's co-workers, a mature, intelligent person, mentioned some years back that she had seen Bruce Lee in a commercial using nunchaku in a ping pong match and asked me "Is this old footage? I mean, he looks so young." I said "Well, you know he passed away in '73, right? So it wouldn't be new footage" to which she responded "Okay, I thought he was dead. But then I wasn't sure when I saw that commercial." I explained that it was CGI and not real at all and she was very surprised. You know what they say- seeing is believing.


On 8/20/2019 at 4:45 AM, SamSeed said:

'Visiting the Ranch' scene was expertly set up to wring maximum suspense, and as for the final twenty minutes.... As members of this forum we may think we're desensitised to screen violence by now, but My God I winced and gasped! See it on the big screen for the proper effect.

That scene is a nail-biter! And yeah, the end scene elicited both nervous laughs, moans and screams from the audience I saw it with.


On 8/20/2019 at 9:40 AM, ShawAngela said:

I just discover this...Wow, what a document !!

Far out, eh?


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On 8/25/2019 at 1:57 PM, OpiumKungFuCracker said:

Shannon Lee vs QT octagon? I'm down for that


Where's Celebrity Death Match when you need them?.




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I'm a little late to the party... saw this three times last month. Breezy ride through L.A. is best Tarantino since Kill Bill Vol. 2. Lovely period depiction with endlessly re-watchable scenes of Brad and Leo cruising up and down those Hollywood Hills, and I’m still in awe of the ending. Thematically closest to Jackie Brown, though not quite on the same level. Could have done with a bit less of Leo in the film sets; some of that doesn’t hold up on repeat viewings and needed tighter editing.

Also gotta love the Bruce Lee scene. I can understand the fan concerns, and I can't argue the points Bob raised above, but the little anarchist in me cannot help but to be overjoyed that finally there is a movie that doesn’t have its tongue up Lee’s arse but instead dares to poke a bit of fun of him. How unexpected!

And, isn’t Brad much sexier that Leo? No complaints about his topless scene :lol:

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Not sure if it is true or not but.........

There is a report that this movie will not be release in China unless some edits are made.

It had previously gotten the green light & was set to be released next week Friday (Oct 25th).

The article claims that Shannon Lee filed a complain with China's National Film Administration about the negative portrayal of her father. 



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4 hours ago, thekfc said:

Not sure if it is true or not but.........

There is a report that this movie will not be release in China unless some edits are made.



In the new cut, Pitt's character Ciff Booth is issued with a challenge by Bruce Lee. While Rick Dalton(Di Caprio) is making Westerns in Italy. They can then insert the Norris/Lee fight from WOTD, and CGI Pitt's head onto Norris body. Would that version get past the Chinese censor's?.


Edited by DragonClaws
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Whether it is released, not released, unedited or not - the unedited version will still make it way to China via pirating.

So it's not a matter of if people will get to see it, but how much money will it make on the mainland - people will still get to see the unedited version (via pirating or other means).

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Yeah seems like this is Shannon's spiteful way of getting back at Tarrentino and the studio by keeping them from making any money off potential ticket sales of the billions of Chinese. I haven't seen the film but did see the infamous fight scene on YouTube. It did seem to make a mockery of Bruce which bothered me a bit but then like alot of you I realized it's supposed to be a fictional tale and the filmmaker has the right to artistic license. I don't think it will make most people think any less of him, definitely not his fans like me.

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On 6/3/2019 at 2:08 PM, Takuma said:

No worries, SJWs can't tell the difference between China and Korea. As long as it's from the United States of Asia.

Exactly, they seem to forget that Asia is a massive continent with god knows how many countrries and cultures. And every one of us in this server is probably guilty of "cultural appropriation" for watching poorly dubbed Godfrey Ho cut and paste movies with Americans and English people playing ninjas.

Edited by TheKungFuRobber
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I'm pretty comfortable saying this is one of the worst films of 2019. I don't know if I just didn't get it or whether it's just a shitty movie. Right now I can't tell. I found it to be meandering, self-indulgent pap. Basically two and a half hours of Tarantino sucking his own dick.

Even the ending, while fun, couldn't save this. I put it at the bottom when it comes to QT's body of work.

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I don't know why everyone is so upset about the Bruce Lee scene. It was obviously comedic. Just as he shot the shit out of Hitler in Inglorious Bastards, he's playing with history. Taking a character like Bruce and flipping it on its head is smart and fun. I didn't think he was shitting on him in any way, shape or form. It was just a fun little scene. One of the few scenes that actually gave Brad Pitt's character actual character. Because, for the most part, I found him dull and unlikable.

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On 12/16/2019 at 4:16 PM, Drunken Monk said:

I don't know why everyone is so upset about the Bruce Lee scene. It was obviously comedic. Just as he shot the shit out of Hitler in Inglorious Bastards, he's playing with history. Taking a character like Bruce and flipping it on its head is smart and fun. I didn't think he was shitting on him in any way, shape or form. It was just a fun little scene. One of the few scenes that actually gave Brad Pitt's character actual character. Because, for the most part, I found him dull and unlikable.

I agree. I think the danger actually is to turn Bruce into a sort of deity, if nobody is allowed to criticise or otherwise comment on him in anyway other than totally positively. He was only human after all! Besides I could be wrong but isn't the point of the scene that it is Brad Pitt daydreaming or exaggerating what actually happened?

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1 hour ago, SamSeed said:

I agree. I think the danger actually is to turn Bruce into a sort of deity, if nobody is allowed to criticise or otherwise comment on him in anyway other than totally positively. He was only human after all! Besides I could be wrong but isn't the point of the scene that it is Brad Pitt daydreaming or exaggerating what actually happened?

You took the words right out of my mouth. It's like they're treating him like a God.

Honestly though, think of the time when Bruce came into play. Not many people in America took martial arts series. People viewed martial arts as your pizza-party Karate. They did not take it seriously. Besides the original Ohana, you didn't see other people training for real. 

I get disappointed when I see some guys on YouTube, whom I will not mention, discover "RARE footage" of Bruce fighting when it is simply a demo. Please don't say its "FULL CONTACT" when they're wearing gear from head to toe. A demo is not an actual fight. These same people would cry about QT's movie about how "racist" it is.

Idk if that person is on here or if they will see this, but I got into an argument on Instagram with them over this subject. It's just a movie. Let alone, I don't understand how JKD was created to fight racism. If people could do satire on people like Muhammad Ali, Donald Trump, or even Mister Rogers, why can't they do it to Bruce?

I'm probably gonna get heat, but I have to say this too. Shannon sure does a lot for going after people while she pimps out her father's image through different merchandise. It's ridiculous.

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