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Bruce Lee: A Life by Matthew Polly

Mike Leeder

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13 hours ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

Also, no mention of Skipper Mullins chasing Bruce Lee around at a tournament with his kicks, though Norris and others mentioned it. He did spar a few guys, but the implication I got was Lee couldn't get near him. Mullins was a great kicker, but only 5'7". Lee was not that interested in fighting full contact, or he would have done so. He had limitations- scoliosis for one. As another biographer mentioned he was an incredibly fit frail guy. I could post an article where his strength and fitness was not at the level of amateur kickboxers of the last decade.


Did Polly mention Vic Moore and the speed test with BL?.


13 hours ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

There are weird parts of the book, such as the claim HK actresses would not play prostitutes, LOL!


Robert Clouse said the same thing, in the Making of ETD book he wrote, maybe that started this rumour?.

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Apologies if this has been posted here already, Mr Polly has being doing a lot of pulbicity/interview for his book, in the last few month.

Like to ask him his opinions on Death By Misadventure, by Geroge Tan.




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Phantom Dreamer
On 9/20/2018 at 10:14 AM, DragonClaws said:


In a recent video interview with World of Martial Arts T.V, Mattew Polly said that Raymond Chow, revealed something new in regards to BL death. At the 58-sec mark on the below video, which I've also posted elsewhere in the forum. Polly states that Chow said BL fell sick while filming action scenes for Game of Death. We all know Chow has lied in the past bout things, so how true can this new tid-bit be?. If it is true, it means Lee most likely did film a lot more than fans have got to see to date?. Ok, so most fans porbably guessed or knew this, but its the first time I've heard anyone confirm, he was filming stuff for the movie right upuntil the day he died. Yet only left behind a few hours worth of pogoda levels and outtakes?.


What are your thoughts?.



He means he felt sick while acting out scenes in Betty Ting Pei's apartment. 

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13 minutes ago, Phantom Dreamer said:

He means he felt sick while acting out scenes in Betty Ting Pei's apartment. 


She most likely saw the G.O.D footage he filmed or some of it, wonder if he was demonstrating new ideas for the choreogrpahy?.

Polly doesnt say wether he was at Bettys demonstrating scenes, or flt ill at Golden Harvest while fimng/rehearsing their?. Do you own the actual book @Phantom Dreamer?

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Phantom Dreamer
1 hour ago, DragonClaws said:


She most likely saw the G.O.D footage he filmed or some of it, wonder if he was demonstrating new ideas for the choreogrpahy?.

Polly doesnt say wether he was at Bettys demonstrating scenes, or flt ill at Golden Harvest while fimng/rehearsing their?. Do you own the actual book @Phantom Dreamer?

I've read that section, Polly describes Lee acting out scenes from Game of Death in Betty's place, and feeling ill. It's where Polly comes up with the heat stroke theory. To paraphrase, Lee died doing what he loved, performing in front of an adoring audience. 


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Yes just to clarify, i've read the book and Polly says that Bruce was acting out the fight choreography at Betty's when he became unwell and went to lie down, he wasn't actually filming.

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Phantom Dreamer

Matthew Polly will be in Bruce Lee's old hometown of Seattle, WA on Friday, October 12 for a book signing, panel discussion, and special screening of Bruce Lee's 'The Orphan' (1960).


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2 hours ago, Phantom Dreamer said:


There's aready a link to this on the previous page of this thread.



35 minutes ago, AlbertV said:

We just got this at my job (I do work in a library) and I checked it out so I can read it myself first :)


What if a angry mob of local BL fans, come in wanting to loan the book, only to discover you've nabbed it first?.



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1 minute ago, DragonClaws said:

What if a angry mob of local BL fans, come in wanting to loan the book, only to discover you'venabbed it first?.

I'll give them the "Fist of Fury" then LOL

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Phantom Dreamer
6 hours ago, DragonClaws said:


There's aready a link to this on the previous page of this thread.


Different conversation.

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Phantom Dreamer

 Matthew Polly's corrections to Bruce Lee: A Life

"Okay, here is the document I intend to submit to my publisher. If anyone has any other corrections or any objections to the corrections listed below, this is your last chance :)

1.     Photo insert, page 13, bottom image: This is the first big one I keep getting hit over and over again on social media. The caption reads: “With Bob Wall in Fist of Fury, 1972.” I got the actor’s name incorrect. The caption should read: “With Robert Baker in Fist of Fury, 1972.”
2.     In the front matter of the book with ISBN, copyright info, etc. at the very bottom it reads: “Back Endpaper: Bruce Lee fights Bob Wall in a scene…” This photo is controversial. Many experts believe that is Bruce Lee’s stunt double, Yuen Wah, doing the backflip in that photo with Bob Wall. Bruce had a bad back and couldn’t do flips. So let’s change the caption to: “Back Endpaper: Bruce Lee (or possibly his stunt double, Yuen Wah) fights Bob Wall in a scene…”
3.     On pg. 3 in the second paragraph, the name of the movie is wrong. It reads: “Linda had dressed her husband in the blue Chinese outfit he had worn in Enter the Dragon and liked to wear around the house…” The blue outfit was worn in Fist of Fury, so the line should read: “Linda had dressed her husband in the blue Chinese outfit he had worn in Fist of Fury and liked to wear around the house…”
4.     On pg. 17 after the break on the second line: “the country’s name Jong Guo…” has a misspelling. It should read: “the country’s name Zhong Guo….” I was using a non-standard romanization system for Chinese in this case.
5.     On pg. 33, the last sentence of the third paragraph reads: “The movie predates the Cultural Revolution by twenty-five years, where teachers…” The movie in question was filmed in 1950. The Cultural Revolution ran from 1966-1975. I was subtracting from the end of the CR not the beginning of it, so the line should read: “The movie predates the Cultural Revolution by sixteen years, where teachers…”
6.     On pg. 98 in the second paragraph after the break has a misspelling: “He worked though his homesickness by describing the sights…” It should be “through” not “though,” so the line should read: “He worked through his homesickness by describing the sights…”
7.     On pg. 129 in the last sentence of the first paragraph after the break, there is a word missing. It reads: “His first work was Modern Kung Fu Karate: Iron, Poison Hand Training, which Bruce…” The title of the book should include “Iron Palm,” so the line should read: “His first work was Modern Kung Fu Karate: Iron Palm, Poison Hand Training, which Bruce…”
8.     On pg. 251 in the second paragraph has a misspelling: “The force of Winslow’s attack carries him over the side of the building and down to this death.” It should be “his” not “this,” so the line should read: “The force of Winslow’s attack carries him over the side of the building and down to his death.”
9.     On pg. 399 in the second sentence of the second paragraph after the break, there is an incorrect date. It reads: “On December 2, 1972, Ip Man died,…” It is generally agreed that he died on December 1, 1972, so the line should read: “On December 1, 1972, Ip Man died,…”
10.  On pg. 430 in the second paragraph has an incorrect marker of time. It reads: “And a month prior to his collapse, Bruce underwent surgery to have the sweat glands…” The operation took place in November 1972. He first collapsed in May 1973, so let’s change the line to: “And several months prior to his collapse, Bruce underwent surgery to have the sweat glands…”
11.  On pg. 506 on the fifth endnote down: “Rebu Hui: Rebu Hui was Japanese-American and married to…” I got her ethnicity incorrect. Rebu was “Filipino-American” not “Japanese-American,” so the line should read: “Rebu Hui: Rebu Hui was Filipino-American and married to…”
12.  This is the second big one. On pg. 504 on the second page of “Bruce Lee’s Filmography,” I left off the 4 episodes of Longstreet that he appeared in from the list of TV shows. The TV shows ends with Here Come the Brides.” After this it should include the 4 Longstreet episodes:"

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3 hours ago, Phantom Dreamer said:

 Matthew Polly's corrections to Bruce Lee: A Life


The fans over at the BL Lives forum, helped Mattew Polly out with the corrections right?.

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Phantom Dreamer
8 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:


The fans over at the BL Lives forum, helped Mattew Polly out with the corrections right?.

Yes, do you post there too?

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1 minute ago, Phantom Dreamer said:

Yes, do you post there too?


No, but I read some of the posts there, when I've got the time.

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Phantom Dreamer

At this point, we're still trying to find out what's available, the demands of the publisher, and so on and so forth. It takes a toll.

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Phantom Dreamer

The audio book is something that person who lost their eyesight in the tragic accident involving kereosene can look forward to. A stocking stuffer from a place with deep meaning.

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Phantom Dreamer

Lalo Dagach podcast. Dagach made several errors during his conversation with Polly, he apparently doesn't know the timeline of World War 2 and stated Bruce Lee died at 33, otherwise a decent listen.


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Phantom Dreamer

Lalo Dagach podcast. Dagach made several errors during his conversation with Polly, he apparently doesn't know the timeline of World War 2 and stated Bruce Lee died at 33, otherwise a decent listen.


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Phantom Dreamer

Lalo Dagach podcast. Dagach made several errors during his conversation with Polly, he apparently doesn't know the timeline of World War 2 and stated Bruce Lee died at 33, otherwise a decent listen.


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