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Guest carlosbur

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Guest carlosbur

Drinking warm sake seems the required modus operandi for any samurai worth his salt.

Just wondered if anyone on these boards has ever tried it? and what it tastes like?

been having a look round for a bottle just out of curiosity and found this site, but seems a bit pricey www.sakeshop.co.uk/junmaigingo.html

I tried my local Tesco but none there

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Guest sakura2004

I haven't tried those sake, but they are both of a grade that is normally drinken cool or chilled. Warming them up is no problem though. Its an acquired taste, and the higher grades (Junmai) will not neccesarily best everyone's favorite. Junmai refers to the absense of additive ingregients, and ginjo/daiginjo refers to the level of rice grain refinement. One of my favorites these days is Ama Noto, which is Tokubetsu (special) Ginjo if I'm not mistaken. It is not Junmai. If you like grape wine, you may like sake as well. A plain Ginjo is a good place to start.

About that dealer: They have that Junmai Ginjo Malt, with added alcohol. As I mentioned, Junmai is a grade that by definition has no additives, so this raises questions in my mind about their marketing. If you take a Junmai Ginjo and add alcohol, it is no longer Junmai. Now the adding of alcohol is not *always* a bad thing as there are some great traditional sake that are not Junmai. I would suggest that you search for a few more sources.

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Guest ToothbrushFu

I know next to nothing about sake, but I got introduced to it by someone who seemed to know their stuff, and the sake they gave me was pretty nice. If you haven't tried it before it will probably have a strange/unique taste that you may not be totally enthralled with at first but if you keep on drinking it it'll grow on you (I also didn't like beer or whisky the first time I tried them but I've managed to overcome that character flaw :b ). My local Chinese supermarket has a fair selection of sakes, none of them great but all drinkable, so if you have a place like that near you it might be a better bet than Tescos.

BTW will anyone send ninjas after me if they find out that I sometimes warm up my sake in the microwave? :\

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Guest mpm74

I know nothing about the drink itself, but I do know it's damn good and is one of by favorite alco drinks.

The acquired taste is not different than any other liquor out there. I've gotten buzzed and f'd up on sake... and I never seem to get a hang over. :D

Try it.

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