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does anyone know any of these movies


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Most of the films on the list submitted by Globe were released in most parts of Africa with different titles. Some of them had universal titles which have been identified by members and known by Globe himself. Africa and the Caribbean really embraced these films in their heydays and yes Big Boss 2 was no big deal at all. It wasn't even given that much publicity upon release as there was much better stuff coming out at the same time. Honestly in my neck of the woods it just came and went; hardly made any impact.

Quickly browsing through those titles that I noticed, some identified, some not identified that shared the same or had similar titles in W/Africa are:

Dressed to Fight (average film)

Heroine (Polly Shang Kuan - not bad)

12 Superfighters could be 12 Baldheaded beauties (average)

Gordon Liu's Shaolin Drunken Monk was released as Drunken Monk

Bruce and the Gold Dragons could be Bruce and the Shaolin Bronzemen (average)

Furious to Furious could be Ferocious to Ferocious (many of the audience referred to this film as Furious to Furious) There was also another movie called Furious Dragon.

Iron Panther should be the Li Yi Min film ( missed this one at the theatre/pulled before I could see it but there was positive feedback)

White Killer possibly Killer Wears White

Deadly Iron Chain could be Iron Chain Fighter aka Convict Killer

Lady Kung Fu Strikes Again possibly Lady Whirlwind

Daredevils of Kung Fu most likely The Daredevils

Killer with Golden Spear and Kid with Fast Fists may have something to do with Wang Yu



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no shaw movies on the list .those are all independant movies .the guy told me shaw bros only had few movies released in their country by warner bros.

duel of fists

blood brothers

14 amazons

mighty peking man

young people

shaolin martial arts

dragon swamp

those are the only ones released in that country in east africa


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1 hour ago, globe said:


no shaw movies on the list .those are all independant movies .the guy told me shaw bros only had few movies released in their country by warner bros.

duel of fists

blood brothers

14 amazons

mighty peking man

young people

shaolin martial arts

dragon swamp

those are the only ones released in that country in east africa


Thank you too for posting these titles and refreshing our memories and yes what used to happen was that Shaws insisted on selling by bulk or by lot (my boss was told he cannot purchase less than 50 titles chosen by Shaws themselves from all genres) so the distributors and exhibitors in the West African region made a deal to contribute, buy, share, swap the films and change titles in the territory. I am noticing a pattern in release of those unidentified films on your list and the period their aliases were released in my neck of the woods. 

Again these Shaw films quoted in your last post given by your contact in East Africa definitely could have slipped in via Warner Brothers. In fact King Boxer - known to us only as Invincible Boxer at the time - was released only with the Warner Brothers US poster artwork ditto The 14 Amazons and Shaolin Martial Arts.

Towards the mid to late 70s white haired villain and the lackey revenge kung fu comedy themed movies from independent studios mainly from Taiwan began to dominate the scene (and they were cheap with good action to boot) so the market became over flooded pushing Shaw movies aside due to better value at the box office. However it is the majority of these indy Taiwanese films that have become forgotten in W/Africa due to the rapid turnout or turnover never to be seen again after a very limited run. Most of these prints could be in reasonable condition if unearthed properly stored and preserved (without discolouration) albeit with the odd varying emulsion scratches, bad tape splices and noticeable poorly marked end of reel changeover cues.

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I was born in England but my father relocated in 1969 to Sierra Leone my country of origin in West Africa. I then spent the rest of my youth and a significant amount of my adulthood in that environment before returning to the UK 27 years later due to the outbreak of a brutal civil war.

Sierra Leone is Anglophone and part of the Commonwealth so the other countries that merged and bought Kung Fu movies in that region were The Gambia, Liberia, Ghana and Nigeria. Francophone countries like neighbouring Guinea used to piggyback on us due to the fact that even though their official language was French there was a common lingua franca similar to English which made the audience in those countries accept the dubbed films.

In fact the majority of the films were dumped in Francophone Africa after their initial run in the English territories never to return so yes those prints are still shown in cinemas today.

Lebanon in the Middle East is also a treasure trove for almost anything relating to Kung Fu movies and they spread out in many parts of Africa. 99% of theatres in West Africa between 1950 - 1990 were owned by the Lebanese.

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yes correct.i sold my big boss 2 print to a guy in ghana years ago sfter we transferred it to disc

people in our neighbouring countries still watch allot of kung fu ,but they pirate them now .

few countries left in africa with movie houses nowadays.




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Very interesting conversation. Reminds me that there are really no Chinese theaters in the USA anymore. Why? Video tapes, then LD's, then VCD's then DVD's. Also, you can get your kung fu fix watching soap operas.

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13 hours ago, Kwok Choi said:

Lebanon in the Middle East is also a treasure trove for almost anything relating to Kung Fu movies and they spread out in many parts of Africa. 99% of theatres in West Africa between 1950 - 1990 were owned by the Lebanese.

That explains all of the kung fu posters on Ebay.



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we used same posters in south africa.south africa imported multiple prints of each and every kung fu movies.back in the days ,we had over 300 movie houses screening kung fu movies.my small town had 6 of them.

duel of fists was popular.the company had over 15 prints same goes for one armed boxer,brave and evil.basically wang yu and bruce li movies were big.bruce lee off course was the biggest,but we only got to screen his  movies after his death as they were for "whites only".

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9 hours ago, globe said:

duel of fists was popular.the company had over 15 prints same goes for one armed boxer,brave and evil.basically wang yu and bruce li movies were big.bruce lee off course was the biggest,but we only got to screen his  movies after his death as they were for "whites only".

White's only for the BL movies, what a disgrace, but it doesnt surprise me at all, considering where this took place and how it was in the 70's. I'm sure had BL lived, he would have had something to say about this. Kung Fu movies, as someone else once put it, are movies for the repressed, or have been in a lot of ways. Maybe not so much now?.

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Mainland China is very interested in historical revisionism. Less and less films about people suffering under aristocrats, more and more about how glorious these aristocrats supposedly were. All the government is interested in is promoting a small elite, with a centralized state. Also, very few film acknowledge their defeats, etc. They are deluding themselves. Look at the rise of well paid Chi masters, etc. Sad, but it's going to be shampoo, rinse, repeat someday.

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21 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

Mainland China is very interested in historical revisionism. Less and less films about people suffering under aristocrats, more and more about how glorious these aristocrats supposedly were.

Good post @NoKUNGFUforYU

Less movies about hardship, heroic deeds and philosphy, with newer films more concerned about materialism and flag waving. There's a lot of countrys done their fair share of history revisionism over the years. Hell, it's still going on now in the West, with how things get reported/not reported in the mass media. Of course, the Chinese are perhaps being less stealthy about it at the moment.

I think the story of a working class hero fighting his rich corrupt oppressors/employees in The Big Boss, is perhaps more revelvant in China now, than ever?. Or at least some countrys in Asia, where big foriegn companys pay local people, next to nothing, so they can maximise their profits. When selling the stuff back to Western customers, who can afford more than the people making the stuff. Sorry if I'm going off topic here.

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Now the good guys would be indigenous, the bad guys Chinese, Japanese or Korean. Sad, but the reality is many countries that have been abused simply turn around and abuse other countries as soon as they get power. The Irish and Italians in the USA were oppressed and became some of the most racist people you can ever deal with in the northern USA.

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7 minutes ago, NoKUNGFUforYU said:

Now the good guys would be indigenous, the bad guys Chinese, Japanese or Korean. Sad, but the reality is many countries that have been abused simply turn around and abuse other countries as soon as they get power. The Irish and Italians in the USA were oppressed and became some of the most racist people you can ever deal with in the northern USA.

Sadly its a trait human beings seem to have, no matter where they come from.


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many of the non whites were deprived of certain movies during the apartheid era in south africa.the worst part being that the whites never watched kung fu movies.they hated them but yet some of them were only meant for the eyes of white folk.

bruce lee only became popular to the non white folk after 1975 as all his movies were for "whites only" before that.big boss was banned outright till 1976.

 i stubbled across a nice batch of kung fu prints the other day. will post them here soon once i have checked them.

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Has this movie been released anywhere with eng dubbed track?

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does any have info of the early 70's kung fu movie.i cant seem to find any info on this movie.


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Not really, I have a bootleg of that movie. Wu Tang Collection even has it on YouTube.


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