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Hall of the Unknown - The Game Of Death Appreciation Thread


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Promotional still?, scene from the 72 Golden Harvest promo film?. or missing sequence from the existing Pogoda footage?.




I'm guessing that this is the original image, before it was revered/flipped.

The colours match other GOD image's from the 70's, when the film/images had a richer looking colour.



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Some say Lee never filmed footage for the sixth floor of the pogoda, this picture proves that Golden Harvest crew member Ricky Chik, was the real final opponent.

Joking aside, crew members set up one of the eary Kareem Abdul Jabbar shot's, with Chik standing in for the tall guy.


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James Tien and Bruce Lee, go through the motions, for the original Golden Harvest GOD pormotional film?.





The barefoot kid.


Edited by DragonClaws
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I remember seeing this promotional film on YouTube,not the black and white one with the subtitles but the colour one before it got taken off,wish I’d have downloaded it at the time because it was very good quality.

Edited by sym8
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Lee goes wild, in a still from the Inosanto fight, flailing nunchaku, just cropped off the left hand side, of the image.



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In a recent video interview with World of Martial Arts T.V, Mattew Polly said that Raymond Chow, revealed something new in regards to BL death. At the 58-sec mark on the below video, which I've also posted elsewhere in the forum. Polly states that Chow said BL fell sick while filming action scenes for Game of Death. We all know Chow has lied in the past about things, so how true can this new tid-bit be?. If it is true, it means Lee most likely did film a lot more than fans have got to see to date?. Ok, so most fans probably guessed or knew this, but its the first time I've heard anyone confirm, he was filming stuff for the movie right up until the day he died. Yet only left behind a few hours worth of pogoda levels and outtakes?.


What are your thoughts?.



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I wouldnt be surprised, if BL, had a lot ideas for his screen fight with Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, year's before he made Game of Death. Sure he was thinking of using Kareem in a movie, long before he even made GOD.


Image taken outside Roscomare House, Carlifornia.



A few years later in Hong Kong.


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