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Captain Marvel (2019) - Brie Larson, Jude Law, Samuel L. Jackson


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2 hours ago, Drunken Monk said:

At the end of the day, Hollywood is not implicitly on the side of women.


There not on anyones side, other than their own, they are in the business of making money, and they will do/go where they think the money is. Wether that means putting a woman in the lead, or a man. Hollywood is the sort of place, that would cast anyone in a role, if they thought they would sell tickets. I know a lot of women who love the Marvel films, and don't have a problem with there being more male character's. Just like you find different ratios of men to women in other facets of life. These comics were written in another era, Disney just used the character and added the feminist angle to it.

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Drunken Monk
16 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:


There not on anyones side, other than their own, they are in the business of making money, and they will do/go where they think the money is. Wether that means putting a woman in the lead, or a man. Hollywood is the sort of place, that would cast anyone in a role, if they thought they would sell tickets. I know a lot of women who love the Marvel films, and don't have a problem with there being more male character's. Just like you find different ratios of men to women in other facets of life. These comics were written in another era, Disney just used the character and added the feminist angle to it.

It's a catch 22. Women (lead women) haven't historically sold tickets so Hollywood don't cast female leads and then woman can't sell tickets because they don't get lead roles. If you don't think Hollywood (and by proximity, Marvel) is sexist, you're jaded.

And saying "I know women who don't find the lack of women troubling" is like saying, "I know black people who don't mind their white friends saying the 'N' word." You're looking at a very small group of people.

My point still stands at the end of the day. Captain Marvel is an important film for little girls. That's all I'm trying to say.

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3 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

And saying "I know women who don't find the lack of women troubling" is like saying, "I know black people who don't mind their white friends saying the 'N' word." You're looking at a very small group of people.


My girlfrend has a number of friends who rfer to themselves as feminists, and dont have any issues with the Marvel movies. Then again like Religeon, there so many variation's of feminism, there not all on the same page.



4 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

If you don't think Hollywood (and by proximity, Marvel) is sexist, you're jaded.


Some of the people involved in the Marvel films are women, behind the scenes role's Im talking about. Hollywood is sexist at times, without a doubt, but I stand by what I said, they go where the money is. If its trendy to push feminist films they will, if a new trend comes in, they will jump on that.

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11 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

You're looking at a very small group of people. 


I dont think either of us knows, just how many women have an issue with Marvel, and how many dont. Who are we to answer that question?. The poplations too big, and knowone has carried out an depth surveys on the subject. How can you say its a only a small group who dont have a problem?.

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Drunken Monk

I tend to think movies dictate society rather than society dictating movies. Or at least it has up until recently. The lack of people of colour and the lack of women in lead roles has been palpable. I like to think that's changing. And I also like to think that Captain Marvel is a part of that.

As for your feminist friends, it doesn't matter. They're a small sample of feminists. Many will say there's a long way to go before there is equality in cinema and I would say the same. But we're slowly getting there. 

But being at loggerheads is getting us nowhere. you seem to have a staunch opinion on sexism in Hollywood and so do I. Neither of us is going to sway the other so it's kind of pointless to argue.

Back on track...

I hope they explore Captain Marvel more in Endgame and, contrary to popular belief, I'm not sure she's going to be the sole reason for Thanos' downfall. She seems strong but not THAT strong.

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Captain Marvel won Best Fight (Carol Damvers vs. Minn-Erva) at the MTV Movie & TV Awards and Brie Larson brought up her stuntwomen/trainers Renae Moneymaker and Joanna Bennett on stage to help her accept the award. She has been one of many rallying for the stunt world to get their due at major awards shows, including the Oscars.


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