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Abduction (Formerly Twilight Zodiac) (2018) Scott Adkins, Andy On. Truong Ngoc-Anh


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55 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

Yikes. This does not look good.

The plot does seem cheesy, and the action appears to be pretty standard fare, but there might be some neat stuff in there somewhere. Hey, it's Adkins. I'll give it a shot.

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Drunken Monk
13 minutes ago, ShaOW!linDude said:

The plot does seem cheesy, and the action appears to be pretty standard fare, but there might be some neat stuff in there somewhere. Hey, it's Adkins. I'll give it a shot.

As will I. I'm just a little worried. But then again, it does star Adkins and Andy On. Both of which I really like. On top of that, Tim Man is on choreography duty. So it has to be at least watchable...right?

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2 hours ago, Drunken Monk said:

On top of that, Tim Man is on choreography duty. So it has to be at least watchable...right?

One would think. Surely it will be more watchable than that dinosaur movie he did with Dolph.

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It starts interesting but gets quite silly in the end. But the action looks quite promising as is expected given the choreographer.

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Roger Corman has produced more movies, than I've had hot dinner's, the guy's been on the scene for a long time too. Longevity is no easy task in the world of movie making. Most of his film's while entertianing, are not high art. His latest production is CobraGator, as far as I know, he's always worked in the exploitation/B-Movie field?. I'm no expert on the guy.


This looks like it could be a lot of fun, and should not be taken too seroisuly. The super natural elements featured in the trailer, were unexpected. Tim Man looks like he's delivered in terms of the action, the guy always does, and this is just small peak of the overall film.


A possessed @Mike Leeder, pushing a borrow full of dead bodies, thats a visual I never expected to see.


Edited by DragonClaws
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On 3/19/2019 at 2:27 PM, ShaOW!linDude said:

One would think. Surely it will be more watchable than that dinosaur movie he did with Dolph.

Looks a lot better than Adkins and On's previous collaboration, Black Mask 2: City of Masks. As @ShaOW!linDude said, it is Adkins, but for me it's also about On so I'll give this a shot. 

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14 minutes ago, AlbertV said:

Looks a lot better than Adkins and On's previous collaboration, Black Mask 2: City of Masks.

Oh, good point. Forgot about that. Yeah, hopefully they'll have a go at each other is this that will make up for the lackluster finale of BM 2.

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Spoiler Alert... It's crap! Oh wait you watched the trailer so you already knew. But wait the producers were so confident there's even a hint for a part two. Now I can't wait :tongueout

All jokes aside it's bad. Save yourself the 90 minutes and if you really (for whatever reason) have to watch it... fastforward to the Andy On Vs Scott Adkins fight. It's the only thing worth watching!

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Otto Bismarck

I *think* that fight was pretty good, but how did no-one on set see the problem with two guys dressed all in black in a very dark room? Really hurts the clarity of the action. 

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Drunken Monk
3 hours ago, Otto Bismarck said:

I *think* that fight was pretty good, but how did no-one on set see the problem with two guys dressed all in black in a very dark room? Really hurts the clarity of the action. 

Agreed. The lighting in that fight scene was dire. I had to turn it off.

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Either way, it is 1000x better than their fight in Black Mask 2. Andy definitely has improved a hell of a lot since 2001 in the action department. He has been training for years with Philip Ng, who is also one of his best friends. Nicholas Tse is also one of Ng's proteges in Wing Chun.


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The poster with shooting Adkins and flying jets must be a joke. I wonder why there are no space rockets, tanks and huge explosions on this poster. Crumbling skyscrapers are also missing


Here's a review of the movie - https://asianfilmstrike.com/2019/05/04/abduction-2019-review/ 

I'd say, it's pretty close to what I thought, maybe a bit too flattering.

The movie is more of an Andy On vehicle, he really gets to shine here and has the best action scenes. The whole sequence of him taking on the Russian mafia is worth the price of admission, it's that great.  It deserves to be in a much better movie.

I was really disappointed in Adkins, playing a mumbling retarded stutterer basically for the whole movie. He should stick with playing psycho bad guys, he was born for those roles.  His fights were OK, not bad at all, but nothing extraordinary.

Overall, not a very bad cheapo ruined by the third act which was pretty dumb and stupid.

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Drunken Monk

I watched this today. I found the film to be just about watchable and only keeps its head above water by delivering pretty decent action sequences.

But there’s a distinct feeling that something went very, VERY wrong with this film. Everything feels “off.” The plot is a nonsense, the CGI is some of the worst you’ll set your eyes on and there were some very odd choices made (Adkins’ ludicrous stutter, for one. Not to mention that jacket). It feels like the director just didn’t know what he was doing. “Messy” is the perfect word for Abduction. Hop on YouTube, watch the fight scenes and then put it out of your mind.

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