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I Am Vengeance (2017) Gary Daniels, Anna Shaffer, Stu Bennet, Bryan Larkin


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According to the I Am Vengeance Twitter page, the film gets a U.K release in Spetember, but there's no exact date yet. Hope we get a DVD/Blu-Ray release and it doesnt get chucked straight onto a digital platform.

Looks like there's no physical release in the U.S either?, if this poster's anything to go by.



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26 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:

Looks like there's no physical rlease in the U.S either?, if this poster's anything to go by.

I think it is getting a limited theater release in the US on August 24th as well as iTunes on the same day. 

I remember seeing the ad/poster for it, just don't remember where - hopefully it will be playing at one of my usual spots.

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Drunken Monk

When they say a "US release," are they talking about a very minimal theatrical release or streaming? If it's theatrical, it's playing nowhere near me.

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18 hours ago, Drunken Monk said:

When they say a "US release," are they talking about a very minimal theatrical release or streaming? If it's theatrical, it's playing nowhere near me.

Sometimes when they say US release, there are select theaters across the U.S. but as @slinky#1 pointed out, there are also VOD and Digital HD releases.

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Drunken Monk
1 hour ago, AlbertV said:

Sometimes when they say US release, there are select theaters across the U.S. but as @slinky#1 pointed out, there are also VOD and Digital HD releases.

Sweet. Thanks. Hopefully it'll be available to rent on Prime soon.

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Wow! MA action scene is almost dead and it's getting worse.

 I can't believe that the members of this forum, people that obviously have seen the best MA movies out there, have a special thread for this... um...film, where for almost a year they wait for it's release. Well, I literally don't have enough words to describe this horrible, stinking pile of crap that it's creators had nerve to call "an action film" or even "a MA film". Since when a lousy punches exchange scene makes a movie  "a MA action film"?

From the first opening shot the movie reeks cheapness. Not "low budget", but EXTREMELY  inferior  trash. The camera work, the directing, the horrible "acting"by a bunch of talent-less hacks and the most stinky, horrible excuse for a soundtrack - all that just screams UNPROFESSIONAL!!!

I have no idea why somebody decided that putting a few somewhat musclebound guys together is enough to make a movie?! Who came up with the most ridiculous plot? Who and where found all those "inspiring actors"? What idiot green lit this horrible mess into production and gave money for this?!

For the first fifty minutes the viewer is tortured by a horrible "performance" hardly worthy even of a high school play,  cringingly bad dialogues and the sheer stupidity of the plot. No action whatsoever.  The whole thing looks like a fun project for some fanboys who suddenly got the money to try their hands at making a movie.

After  an hour of this crap, the hacks decided it's time for some ACTION but unfortunately, they forgot to hire a fight and action choreographers, or maybe they just run out of that little money they had, so it looks like they asked a 10 year old cousin of the "director" to come up with something and the poor kid just told them to punch each other two times and that's it.  I haven't seen such crap since.... I dunno, some amateurish youtube home videos by 10 year-olds I watched once?

I'm not gonna go into the whole thing - it just not worth the time.  I just don't understand, what the target audience for this stinking crap the creators had in mind? Some 8 year-olds that never seen an action film before? Any movie at all? Who in their right mind would sit and watch this atrocity other than relatives of the creators? You know, their moms and dads, all proud that their kids finally  made "a real movie" ...

Everybody  involved it creating that horrible mess should be sued for the false advertisement and fraud. They're literally stealing people's money, selling them amateurish load of crap as a movie. As a punishment they should be forced to watch their creation. And none of them should be allowed to be involved in any movie production in the future

I honestly sit through this crap, watching in amazement as that crap of a movie sinks to a new lows by every minute, hoping for a glimpse of something OK-ish, but turned that off 10 min before end. Wow! Just WOW!!! THE WORST CRAP EVER

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It's been dead since the early 80's, every now and then there is a surprise. No way of telling till you actually see the movie. Me personally on this movie was just giving FYI, because i saw it when searching itunes and remembered a few people were waiting for a release. I do like Gary Daniels though from his past movies which would be my only reason to see this.

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9 hours ago, D1 Ma said:

Well, I literally don't have enough words to describe this horrible, stinking pile of crap that it's creators had nerve to call "an action film" or even "a MA film".

After  an hour of this crap..

I haven't seen such crap since.... I dunno, some amateurish youtube home videos by 10 year-olds I watched once?

I just don't understand, what the target audience for this stinking crap the creators had in mind? 

They're literally stealing people's money, selling them amateurish load of crap as a movie. 

I honestly sit through this crap, watching in amazement as that crap of a movie sinks to a new lows by every minute, hoping for a glimpse of something OK-ish, but turned that off 10 min before end. Wow! Just WOW!!! THE WORST CRAP EVER

But tell us what you really thought about the movie, @D1 Ma. I mean...I'm getting this subliminal suggestion from reading your comments that this movie is...um, what's the word...uh, it'll come to me in a moment...oh yeah: crap. :tongueout

In all seriousness, I am sort of interested to check this out (but that doesn't mean I'm eager to buy the dvd). I am a Gary Daniels fan, even when he's playing the villain. I was impressed with Stu's screen fighting when he had not 1 but 2 bodacious bouts with Scott Adkins in Eliminators. So I was really hoping for a nice throwdown between him & Daniels in this. Sounds like that ain't happening.

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Man! I really do live in the past!!!

Swear to God, I was watching that... film and was wondering - wheres Daniels? In all honesty, I thought that he got replaced by some other actor. In my mind Gary Daniels is still that guy I remember from the nineties, from his UK films and City hunter... Your question got me thinking and for the first time I thought that I got to check the imdb.  Man, it was him! That only guy who had a very minor role, but nonetheless had at least some screen presence and tried to act, that old guy was Gary Daniels! I'm speechless. Time has no mercy...

Anyway, back to your question. Gary had a very small role, his acting was weak, but not as bad as some other guys. He has a "fight" at the very end of the movie against the protagonist. It's not really a fight, they just basically exchange a few punches, hook-block, hook -block, very basic, he throughs an occasional kick, but it's very slow and really nothing to write home about. Actually, I stopped watching the movie midway through the fight as I realized that there's less than 10 min left and the chances to see anything worth mentioning are slim at best..

Still can't get over the fact that that old guy was Gary Daniels. I would never recognized him... So sad

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17 hours ago, D1 Ma said:

Wow! MA action scene is almost dead and it's getting worse.


Far from dead, many threads on the forum for new films. Many fan's just want it to be exactly like it was in the 80's or 90's. There's a good arguement to say its getting worse, in terms of quality, but there's always being a larger amount of rubbish, rather than quality films, ever since the genre got started in Hong Kong. Also, there's that old chesnut, most fan don't pay for their entertianment, therefore, less money is being invested in films of all budgets.


17 hours ago, D1 Ma said:

I can't believe that the members of this forum, people that obviously have seen the best MA movies out there, have a special thread for this... um...film, where for almost a year they wait for it's release.


Lacking the ability to see into the future, you can create a thread for a movie, but not know how's it's going to turn out. I'll try and support as many films as I can, especially if they are from the U.K.


4 hours ago, D1 Ma said:

Still can't get over the fact that that old guy was Gary Daniels. I would never recognized him... So sad 


Personally think he looks great for his age, especially when you consider he's not injected botox into his nogging.


I cant pass judegment, as I've yet to see it, but I very much doubt its the worst crap ever, sure it's ten times better than these duds, The Black Ninja, Demon Master, City Dragon.


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I still don't get why this subpar action cheapo (and I mean really, really cheap) was able to generate such impressive but unjustified hype. Don't get your hopes up, while this movie is not as bad as D1 Ma made it sound it still is quite a stinker. I liked mustachio Gary Daniels, though.

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This thread does bring up a solid point. Are we, as martial arts cinema fans, doomed to get excited for terrible movies? I often come on this site and see genuine anticipation for some of the worst looking films I've ever seen. It's weird.
Sure, I'm guilty of it on occasion (with this very film for example) but I can never understand the excitement drummed up for, say, the latest Dolph Lundgren flick. Are we forced to forgive mediocrity because of the genre?

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11 minutes ago, Drunken Monk said:

This thread does bring up a solid point. Are we, as martial arts cinema fans, doomed to get excited for terrible movies? I often come on this site and see genuine anticipation for some of the worst looking films I've ever seen. It's weird.


This is my point of view on things, excuse me if you've heard this all before. Stu Bennet impressed me a lot in Elminator's, so much so, I was keen to see him n his own movie. Shortly after, news of this project broke. To be honest, I don't really see any hype in this thread, I've just tried to support the production. This thread is far from telling fans to go see it etc etc. In the U.S/Asia, new action films appear almost weeky, at least it sometimes seems that way. While here in the tiny island known as the U.K, we dont often see that many home grown productions. Bennets/Scott Adkins Elminators was a WWE/U.S funded movie, despite being filmed in London.

It impressed enough people, to warrant a sequel, so they must have got something right?. Also keep my expectations in check, some fans seem to expect solid gold classics, from small indepndent films, shot within a few weeks on tiny budgets. Whats funny, is the people ofte moaning about how poor the production values are, often rarely pay for a movie anyway. Seeing it illegally or via a screener.

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42 minutes ago, DragonClaws said:


This is my point of view on things, excuse me if you've heard this all before. Stu Bennet impressed me a lot in Elminator's, so much so, I was keen to see him n his own movie. Shortly after, news of this project broke. To be honest, I don't really see any hype in this thread, I've just tried to support the production. This thread is far from telling fans to go see it etc etc. In the U.S/Asia, new action films appear almost weeky, at least it sometimes seems that way. While here in the tiny island known as the U.K, we dont often see that many home grown productions. Bennets/Scott Adkins Elminators was a WWE/U.S funded movie, despite being filmed in London.

It impressed enough people, to warrant a sequel, so they must have got something right?. Also keep my expectations in check, some fans seem to expect solid gold classics, from small indepndent films, shot within a few weeks on tiny budgets. Whats funny, is the people ofte moaning about how poor the production values are, often rarely pay for a movie anyway. Seeing it illegally or via a screener.

Oh I agree with you on this film entirely. I liked Bennett in Eliminators too and so I was pretty hyped for this. I suppose my question is more general. Are we really excited for specific films or are we just excited because they're martial arts films?

There was a thread on here for a British martial arts film a little while ago. It looked like someone made it with a Nokia camera phone from 2006. The acting seemed shitty and it had action to match. Ad yet there were some people that were genuinely excited for the film. Or maybe "excited" is an exaggeration. Let's say intrigued.
And there's a lot of that on these boards. Are we all too forgiving? For example, I just bought Unity of Heroes. It could be shit. But I'm totally hyped for it because I'm a Wong Fei Hung and Vincent Zhao fan. The trailer looked...average? But because it's a modern Wong Fei Hung film, I want it. Are we overly nostalgic for the Van Dammes, Lundgrens, Zhaos and such?

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