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The New Mutants (2020) - Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams, Charlie Heaton


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Based on Chris Claremont's X-Men series, Josh Boone is going with a full horror film like venture for The New Mutants

Anya Taylor-Joy, Maisie Williams, Charlie Heaton, Blu Hunt, Henry Zaga, and Alice Braga star in the film, set for release on April 13, 2018.


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The film's release date has been pushed back to February 22, 2019 and director Josh Boone plans to make it the hardest PG-13 rated movie, according to Empire:

“This movie is probably the hardest PG-13 ever made. I mean, we’ve pushed it. The horror is pretty dark, but there’s also an emotional core, too. If I can scare you and make you cry: that’s the goal.”

And as for these mutants sporting the X-Men colors...don't bet on it:

“There are no costumes. That alone makes it different. They can’t be with the other kids at the X-Mansion. They’re too f—ed up. They’ve all killed people, whether intentionally or unintentionally.”

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Here's the new trailer for the official final film of the pre-Marvel/Fox X-Men film. Interesting use of Pink Floyd's Another Brick in the Wall. The film is coming out April 3.


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Disney has officially announced that the film, along with Mulan and Antlers have been officially delayed until a TBD date due to the coronavirus pandemic.

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Pretty subpar. Those slenderman were actually pretty unnerving, even in pretty recognizable cgi. Hallway scene plays out like deleted scenes from stranger things, which is one of the more enthralling parts of the flick. I was just glad to have gone back in a big theater again. Similar to Tenet, the movie is sort of exactly as you would expect it to be given the knowledge that this one takes place solely in a hospital with less than ten characters or so the entire duration.

The horror, haunted house/hospital theme seems strange and plays just as oddly for an xmen ‘mutants’ related flick. The ending of team fighting a giant bear with a sword in a cathedral style building sounds entertaining but is challenging to actually find entertaining when you watch it. That climax scene is reminiscent of many other movies, suicide squad against the egyptian demon thing or the recent spiderman 2 against the giant lava monster, but with even less charisma somehow. The movie feels very YA, and a slap in the face to reminding us how bland and uninspired YA fiction is. Cant really say I enjoyed any of the actors performances. Anya Joy seems somewhat promising as an actress, maybe apt to pull off a decent harley quinn even. Charie Heaton, helped convinced me to kill some time for this flick, since I was interested in seeing him again after his role stranger things, puts on a horrible twangy accent that would have went over better if he didnt attempt. 

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I've really enjoyed this movie! Took me by surprise as I didn't expect much. It has a nice build up. Not like your average superhero movie which bombards you with nonstop action. Good story and what I also want to point out good cast of young actors. They all did a good job! Each character gets a bit of background story so you get some connection and they are all very likeable. Not to mention 90 minutes are basically carried by 6 actors, so kudos to them! Also the movie ends with a great finale. Time and money well spent :smile

Sadly we'll probably never see any continuation of the story. Just looking at the non-existent advertising for this movie it's pretty clear Disney doesn't give a crap. It's confusing to understand their release strategy at the moment to say the least. Mulan on Disney+, New Mutants in cinemas... Curious how this will all work out for them.

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Secret Executioner

Saw it a few days back and... It starts off intriguing, giving you some expectations (the woman in charge keeps mentionning a "superior", the place looks fairly similar to Xavier's school...) but also with a lot of annoyance from some characters. Thankfully, the movie builds up the characters so you ultimately get over it and understand them (even though the blonde chick - who IIRC is actually Colossus' younger sister based on her name - still comes across as annoying and stupid, especially when she keeps trying to trigger the unknown power of a mutant having survived a storm, not thinking MAYBE she could have actually caused this huge ass storm and thus has a much higher bodycount than her - an interesting aspect is that she has the purple little dragon which I thought was more of Shadowcat's companion, but since Shadowcat would go on to become Colossus' girlfriend... Maybe the dragon got along better with her ?), which makes you root for them.

The aforementionned expectations are also quite interesting as they never name Xavier as such and barely allude to the X-Men. The reveal on who's behind this takes you by surprise and unlike @laagi, I feel the movie remains open for a continuation - the mutants go out to explore the world, and considering we saw Colossus in Deadpool (a terrible use of a great character IMO) and that Deadpool first appeared in the New Mutants comics shortly before the series got revamped as X-Force... I could see them eventually gather up to form X-Force in a future film (which I think I heard was discussed as a possibility), especially when key members of this team like its leader Cable and Domino have been featured in Deadpool 2

When I first saw the trailer, it came across as an X-Men/horror hybrid and seeing young people with superpowers fighting a supernatural entity... Yeah, reminded me of A Nightmare on Elm Street 3: Dream Warriors. But the way the movie pulls this off feels more like A Nightmare on Elm Street 2; Freddy's Revenge (where Freddy tries to use a kid from the real world) but ultimately gets very close (as the entity they are fighting turns their biggest fears against them) to the recent - and very solid - It movies. The horror additions naturally make for some rather dark and spooky scenes, not to mention the fact their powers are unstable and can kick in unexpectedly with spectacular and not too cute visuals - the Brazilian guy has a fairly eerie appearance when his powers are active (great build up to this character BTW - from a jackass we go to someone sympathetic and ultimately he becomes mysterious as he never wants to address his power and his backstory until late in the film), Colossus' sister (I'm dubbing her that because I fail to remember her name) seems to have reality altering powers in some capacities, there's a speedster (who's possibly one of the nicest guys in this group - with a pun made on his condition, I assume he is Cannonball) and a rather shy girl has animal abilities and can turn into a wolf (if she's supposed to be Feral, it's rather odd as I recall Feral as a rather agressive person to the point Cable had to stop her from killing people, though in the movie she eventually attacks and draws blood when one of her allies is in danger). The lead character is rather likeable, though her powers are quite bizarre.

The other main character is a doctor supervising them (hence the Dream Warriors comparison). She often alludes to "superior" and "another place" but if you expect Xavier and his school, you'll be led on a wild goose chase. She comes across as authoritarian, often punishing the kids and locking the school (her power is to set shields... Fitting), as well as manipulating the kids and using her position for nefarious purposes (spoiler: she is the villain).

Edited by Secret Executioner
I hadn't finished my message !!!
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